Pizza Science¶
M. Fawcett - 05/06/2021
I like a good data wrangling challenge almost as much as I like pizza! Let's see if I can combine these two delights into one big mashup of fun. In other words, Let's try to find the best pizza in Delaware (also home of our 46th President!) using data science.
### Load Libraries
import pandas as pd # For dataframes, etc.
from IPython.display import Markdown # To allow inline expressions in markdown
from IPython.display import Image # To allow display of images in Notebook
# import googlemaps as gm # To retrieve reviews and other information from Google places
import json # for working with json data
import requests # to make http requests for data using Google Places API
# import urllib.parse # to encode url strings (converts spaces to '+' etc)
from haversine import haversine, Unit # to calculate distances between points on the Earth
### Some settings to optimize data displays.
pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 200) # Avoid truncation of long string values when displayed.
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
Here's the plan...¶
I'll start by getting a list of all the licensed businesses in Delaware. Then I'll select the ones that mention pizza in their name.
The business license list was obtained as a CSV file from here:
I'll use the names and addresses of the pizza locations to get recent ratings and reviews from Google.
Then I'll rank pizza places based on their reviews and their distance to my house.
Here is a screenshot of where I got the complete list of businesses.
### Read the CSV file and look at a few entries.
allbiz_df = pd.read_csv("Delaware_Business_Licenses.csv")
Business name | Trade name | Business Activity | Current license valid from | Current license valid to | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | Zip | Country | License number | Geocoded Location | |
0 | TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY | TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY #1745 | MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER | 01/01/2019 | 12/31/2021 | 609B N DUPONT BLVD | NaN | MILFORD | DE | 199631099 | UNITED STATES | 2013606236 | MILFORD, DE 199631099\n(38.921542, -75.405287) |
1 | TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY | TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY #1174 | MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER | 01/01/2019 | 12/31/2021 | 20952 SUSSEX HWY | NaN | SEAFORD | DE | 199735687 | UNITED STATES | 2009103187 | SEAFORD, DE 199735687\n(38.642283, -75.610117) |
2 | J KENNETH MOORE & SON INC | J KENNETH MOORE & SON INC | RESIDENT CONTRACTOR | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2023 | 1876 E DENNEYS RD | NaN | DOVER | DE | 199012755 | UNITED STATES | 1996100491 | DOVER, DE 199012755\n(39.237024, -75.540592) |
3 | FERM DEVELOPMENT LLC | FERM DEVELOPMENT LLC | RESIDENT CONTRACTOR | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2021 | 501 SILVERSIDE RD OFC | NaN | WILMINGTON | DE | 198091396 | UNITED STATES | 1990079299 | WILMINGTON, DE 198091396\n(39.788086, -75.487055) |
4 | D & W MASON CONTRACTORS INC | D & W MASON CONTRACTORS INC | RESIDENT CONTRACTOR | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2021 | 4 BRIARCREEK CT | NaN | NEWARK | DE | 197111504 | UNITED STATES | 1989010979 | NEWARK, DE 197111504\n(39.708658, -75.737018) |
# Count & display number of rows in the list of businesses
numbiz = f'{len(allbiz_df):,}'
# ( shows how to embed inline expressions in markdown
# see posting April 26, 2017 by gnestor. It's not as elegant as R markdown way, but it works.)
There are a total of {numbiz}
""".format(numbiz = numbiz)) + "business entities in the file.")
There are a total of 70,387 business entities in the file.
Create a list of pizza places in Delaware¶
Next I'll look for any Business Name or Trade Name containing the string "pizza" or "pizzeria" in the list of all licensed business.
This method is definitely going to leave out a lot of places that sell pizza, and maybe even really good pizza. But I need to start somewhere, so here I go...
# This method of searching is fairly simple. Using a Regular Expression might give better results.
# I intentionally require a space before pizza, but not necessarily after.
licensedpizza_df = allbiz_df[(allbiz_df['Business name'].str.contains(' PIZZA', na=False, case = False)) | \
(allbiz_df['Trade name'].str.contains(' PIZZA', na=False, case = False)) | \
(allbiz_df['Business name'].str.contains(' PIZZERIA', na=False, case = False)) | \
(allbiz_df['Trade name'].str.contains(' PIZZERIA', na=False, case = False)) ]
# Replace spaces in column names with underscores
licensedpizza_df.columns = licensedpizza_df.columns.str.replace(' ','_')
# Only include the columns I'll be using.
licensedpizza_df = licensedpizza_df[["Business_name", "Trade_name", "Address_1", "City", "State", "Zip"]]
# Give the index a name = "index"
# Examine results
Business_name | Trade_name | Address_1 | City | State | Zip | |
index | ||||||
296 | D & D PROVISION LLC | TROY PIZZA | 2618 CAPITOL TRL | NEWARK | DE | 197117252 |
1067 | PORTO PIZZA LLC | PORTO PIZZA & GRILL | 33168 MAIN ST | DAGSBORO | DE | 199393808 |
# Count & display number of rows in the pizza matches.
numpizza = f'{len(licensedpizza_df):,}'
# ( shows how to embed inline expressions in markdown
# see posting April 26, 2017 by gnestor. It's not as elegant as R markdown way, but it works.)
There are a total of {numpizza}
""".format(numpizza = numpizza)) + "licensed pizza businesses in Delaware.")
There are a total of 190 licensed pizza businesses in Delaware.
Google Cloud Platform¶
My source of reviews and ratings will be Google Reviews. To download reviews from Google I first needed to get a Google API key. I won't cover all the steps for doing that, but - high level - it involves logging in to the Google Cloud Platform with a Google user account (I just used the one I already had for gmail) and then creating a project. There is no charge for this. I created a project called Delaware Pizza, navigated to +Create Credentials and choose API key.
The screen shots below shows me about to request an API key for my Delaware Pizza project.
There are a lot of buttons, bells and whistles on the Google Cloud site, so it can seem a bit of a rabbit hole. The complexity is because Google allows developers to create and deploy commercial apps using the platform. Much of what you'll see is related to maintaining security and billing for the cloud service. For this play project, which I'll keep to myself and will be deleted when I am done, I won't worry about those settings.
Using the Google API is free - up to a point, after which there can be charges. I checked and found that the number of lookups I'll be doing won't come anywhere close to my monthly limit.
There are over a dozen Google API services available. The two I'll be using are "Places" and "Geocoding".
Any API keys you create should be kept secret. If someone else gets hold of it and uses it, it could result in you being charged. I'll store mine in a separate file and refer to it in my code using a variable.
# Load API key from its private location
import config
MYSECRETKEY = config.gplace_api_key
The Google Places API documentation describes the kinds of data available and technical information needed for structuring requests.
The two functions of Google Places I'll be using are Place Search and Place Details. Place Search is used first. It uses the name and address of a place to return a Place ID. Place Details is then queried to get the reviews and ratings based on the Place ID.
What are "Place ID"s?¶
A Place ID is Google's unique identifer for places in Google Maps. They are long strings of characters and numbers like "ChIJiQAOUe2px4kRwqX8V312ryA".
Place IDs are available for most locations, including businesses, landmarks, parks, and intersections. It is possible for the same place or location to have multiple different place IDs. Place IDs may change over time.
The API lets you find a Place ID by searching for a name, address or telephone number. The search string doesn't have to be exact, Google will find the nearest match and return the Place ID for it.
I used a combination of the name and the address of pizza places to do my searches.
A search function to get Google place_id¶
This will be the function that gets called for every pizza place in my list. It will return a block of data that contains the Place ID and the longitude and latitude for the business.
# Define the function that searches Google place_id for given business name and address.
# Base url for finding Google Places using text strings to search by.
base_url = ""
def get_place_ids(index, searchstring):
# Arguments:
# index: row number from list of businesses
# searchstring: string to search
# There are three required parameters for this kind of request, the search string, type of search
# and my user key.
parameters = {}
parameters['input'] = searchstring # Required parameter
parameters['key'] = MYSECRETKEY # required parameter
parameters['inputtype'] = 'textquery' # required parameter
parameters['fields'] = 'place_id,geometry' # The data I want to retrieve
# Make the request
google_reponse = requests.get(base_url, params = parameters)
# Convert the response string to a json structure so it can be parsed more easily.
# search_result will be the block of data that contains the place_id and location coordinates.
search_result = json.loads(google_reponse.content)
# Return the search result
# I let the code that calls this search function do the unpacking of the place_id and coordinates
# from the "search_result"
return index, search_result
return index, 'No place_id found'
Retrieve the Place ID and coordinates for each pizza place¶
Now I execute a loop through all pizza places and build a dataframe of Place IDs. This took a couple minutes.
# Create the structure that will hold these results
pizza_place_id_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['index', 'place_id', 'latitude', 'longitude'])
# Do the loop
for index, row in licensedpizza_df.iterrows():
search_string = row['Trade_name'] + ' ' + row['Address_1'] + ' ' + row['City'] + ' ' + row['State']
# Submit the search and get the results.
index, search_result = get_place_ids(index, search_string)
# As the results come back, add the place_id to a dataframe.
place_id = search_result.get('candidates')[0].get('place_id')
latitude = search_result.get('candidates')[0].get('geometry').get('location').get('lat')
longitude = search_result.get('candidates')[0].get('geometry').get('location').get('lng')
# Add a row to the results
pizza_place_id_df = pizza_place_id_df.append({'index' : index, 'place_id' : place_id, \
'latitude' : latitude, 'longitude' : longitude}, ignore_index = True)
pizza_place_id_df = pizza_place_id_df.append({'index' : index, 'place_id' : 'No result' \
}, ignore_index = True)
# Convert the dataframe "index" column into an actual index
pizza_place_id_df.set_index('index', inplace = True)
# Save the dataframe to a file. This isn't totally necessary. I used it mainly for debugging.
# Examine the results of the place_id search
place_id | latitude | longitude | |
index | |||
8 | ChIJdT1qxgPYuIkRh4l_TO64n4M | 38.376111 | -75.159167 |
296 | ChIJ55QYEV8Ax4kRzs3UjjCAqsw | 39.705988 | -75.684769 |
805 | ChIJ1Vk7yfKpx4kR4cRfAFw6mnI | 39.658805 | -75.736662 |
874 | ChIJ_dbHQw3GuIkRZ3BUyFIl8ZA | 38.630419 | -75.176507 |
1067 | ChIJYTmFUKrEuIkRSEUY3D5DUxA | 38.549783 | -75.245632 |
# Find the places where "no results" were found.
tmp_df = pizza_place_id_df[pizza_place_id_df['place_id'] == 'No result']
licensedpizza_df.merge(tmp_df, how = 'inner', on = 'index')
Business_name | Trade_name | Address_1 | City | State | Zip | place_id | latitude | longitude | |
index | |||||||||
2232 | DELIZIA'S PIZZA | DELIZIA'S PIZZA | 98 RUDDER RD UNIT 3 | MILLSBORO | DE | 199666665 | No result | NaN | NaN |
23535 | DP INC | DOMINO'S PIZZA 4445 | 1000 MIDWAY SHOPPING CENTER | HARRINGTON | DE | 19952 | No result | NaN | NaN |
27213 | DP INC | DOMINO'S PIZZA #4424 | 3 BACK BAY PARK CENTER STE F | MILLSBORO | DE | 199668789 | No result | NaN | NaN |
68250 | LSM ENTERPRISES LLC | BARCELONA PIZZA | 4706 LIMESTONE RD | WILMINGTON | DE | 198081928 | No result | NaN | NaN |
69433 | ROCKY PIZZA / TAQUERIA LLC | ROCKY PIZZA / TAQUERIA LLC | 212 CLAYTON AVE | FRANKFORD | DE | 199452007 | No result | NaN | NaN |
Not bad! Only 9 searches did not result in a Place ID being found. That is actually better than I expected.
If I have time later I'll come back and see if I can adjust the query strings to get a result for these. But for now I'm going to skip these and just use the ones where I was able to get a Place ID right off the bat.
A function to download Google reviews¶
There needs to be a separate http request needed for each place; there is no batching method. To make a request I need to supply the Place ID, my API key and the list of data fields I want, which I was able to figure out from their documentation.
This function will return a block of data for each Place ID.
# Create a function that gets Google reviews for a given place_id
# Base url for detailed Google Places http requests.
base_url = ""
def get_place_reviews(index, placeid):
# There are two required parameters for this kind of request, the place ID and my user key.
parameters = {}
parameters['place_id'] = placeid # Required parameter
parameters['key'] = MYSECRETKEY # required parameter
# The data fields I want to retrieve
parameters['fields'] = 'name,formatted_address,user_ratings_total,rating,review'
# Make the request
google_reponse = requests.get(base_url, params = parameters)
# Convert the response string to a structure that can be parsed more easily.
pizza_details = json.loads(google_reponse.content)
pizza_details = "No reviews for this place_id"
return index, pizza_details
Retrieve the reviews and ratings for each Place ID¶
Next is where I loop through the list of pizza place IDs and get their reviews.
# Recreate the dataframe "index" column.
# pizza_place_id_df.set_index('index', inplace = True)
# Initalize a dataframe with the column names I'll be using.
pizza_place_reviews_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['index', 'place_id', 'name', 'address', \
'overall_rating', 'number_of_ratings', \
'rating_1', 'when_1', 'review_1', \
'rating_2', 'when_2', 'review_2', \
'rating_3', 'when_3', 'review_3', \
'rating_4', 'when_4', 'review_4', \
'rating_5', 'when_5', 'review_5',])
# Loop through the place_ids and get the review & rating details for each place.
for index, row in pizza_place_id_df.iterrows():
search_string = row['place_id']
# index = row['index']
# Do the search to get detailed place data that includes reviews and ratings.
index, pizza_details = get_place_reviews(index, search_string)
# As the results come back, add the selected information to the dataframe.
# The pizza_details are a nested set of dictionary values.
# Pull out some basic info about each place.
# Multi-level ".get" is one way to extract values from nested dictionaries.
place_id = search_string
name = pizza_details.get('result').get('name')
overall_rating = pizza_details.get('result').get('rating')
number_of_ratings = pizza_details.get('result').get('user_ratings_total')
formatted_address = pizza_details.get('result').get('formatted_address')
print("INDEX", index)
print("PLACE_ID:", search_string)
print("NAME:", name)
print("ADDRESS:", formatted_address)
print("OVERALL RATING:", overall_rating)
print("NUMBER OF RATINGS:", number_of_ratings)
# Add the above fields to dataframe
pizza_place_reviews_df = pizza_place_reviews_df.append({'index' : index, 'place_id' : place_id, \
'name' : name, 'address' : formatted_address, 'overall_rating' : overall_rating, \
'number_of_ratings' : number_of_ratings}, ignore_index = True)
i = 1 # counter for forming numbered column names when saving reviews
# There can be up to 5 reviews in the 'reviews' section of the results
all_reviews = pizza_details.get('result').get('reviews')
# Loop through the reviews
for review in all_reviews:
rating = review.get('rating')
text = review.get('text')
time = review.get('relative_time_description')
print("RATING:", rating)
print("WHEN:", time)
print("REVIEW:", text)
# Update the review columns
pizza_place_reviews_df.loc[pizza_place_reviews_df['index'] == index, 'rating_' + str(i)] = rating
pizza_place_reviews_df.loc[pizza_place_reviews_df['index'] == index, 'when_' + str(i)] = time
pizza_place_reviews_df.loc[pizza_place_reviews_df['index'] == index, 'review_' + str(i)] = text
i += 1
print(index, 'No result')
# Convert the dataframe "index" column into an actual index names 'index'
pizza_place_reviews_df.set_index('index', inplace = True) = 'index'
# Save the dataframe to a file. This step is not really needed. It is mainly for debugging purposes.
INDEX 8 PLACE_ID: ChIJdT1qxgPYuIkRh4l_TO64n4M NAME: DeNovo's Trattoria ADDRESS: 11310 Manklin Creek Rd, Ocean Pines, MD 21811, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 410 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great food and large servings. Wonderful atmosphere. Great service. This place INCLUDES soup or salad with the main course. Prices on many items under $20..Their pizzas are incredible. For a great dinner and an enjoyable evening, this place is a must,! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Hands down the best pizza we’ve had in 20 years!! Also, we are on vacation here and we learned they don’t normally deliver pizza to where we were staying. We weren’t aware of that, but they still delivered. So glad they did. If you’re in the area, you’ve got to get their pizza. Delicious!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: I had their vegetarian po boy special and it was FANTASTIC! I’ve been eating at Denovos for years! The food has always been great!!As a vegetarian, I do appreciate them for having more than one option, it really means a lot! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Great place to eat. Been here many times and always receive hot delicious food. Staff is very friendly and I always feel welcomed. We will definitely be back! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I moved here from the DC area into a Seafood area. Didn't think i'd find a good Veggie Pizza restaurant. I can't believe just how amazing DeNovos Veggie Pizza have Broccoli. Artickoke, onion, etc If kids don't eat their veggies parents please try this pizza and meat lovers that want a healthier optiln try DeNkvos Veggie pizza. GOOD job DeNovos INDEX 296 PLACE_ID: ChIJ55QYEV8Ax4kRzs3UjjCAqsw NAME: Troy Pizza & Family Restaurant ADDRESS: 2618 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 103 RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: It’s an absolute shame because they make good food, but not one of their employees was wearing a mask when I walked in. Not in the kitchen, nor at the register. The girl at the front desk gave me a TON of attitude acting like I was in wrong when I asked for a refund. If they aren’t following health guidelines on that, what else do they let go? Went from ordering every other week, to never again. Not sorry about it. Reporting them as well. Edit: to the owner saying “customer service is #1.” I can tell you that is factually untrue. Neither customer service, nor the health of your customers are priorities to you. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: My order was wrong! The girl Briana claims she’s the manager when she’s not. I can’t even get the kids meal which is the same price as the chicken fingers. I wanted chicken fingers and fries no fries. Too much money. I was also told to never come back. Wow!!!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Wow , I’ll ditch pats , seasons , dominos any day for this ! Best pizza I had in a while ! (Veggie lovers wont be disappointed) RATING: 4 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Has a variety of good choices, a little something for everyone. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: First time here, ordered mushroom cheese steak. Was ready in less then 10min. Price was fair cheese steak was solid Ill be back. INDEX 805 PLACE_ID: ChIJ1Vk7yfKpx4kR4cRfAFw6mnI NAME: Nick & Joe's Pizza ADDRESS: 150 Pencader Plaza, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 132 RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Never eaten there but have heard great things about their food. Called to place an order...a woman answered saying "please hold" and immediately put me on hold without waiting for a response. Ok, I guess they're busy. When she picked back up after about a minute, I asked if they delivered. I was wanting to know if they actually do their own deliveries rather than using a third party service. But before I could finish, the woman (clearly annoyed) responded "Depends on where you live?" with the most annoyed tone in her voice. I thanked her and got off the phone quick. If you act this way before you even get my money, I don't want to see what happens after. Oh well... RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love their Pizza it's so good especially my favorite pizza the veggie pizza spinach and ricotta cheese with mozzarella cheese topping it's so delicious I recommend this place for everyone everything freshly made in front of your face. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Rude counter staff. They do not follow the mask mandate. They need to be shut down until they can follow the rules and be courteous to their paying customers. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I love nick and Joe's I've bin eating here since 1997 at the earliest. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I always ordered chicken cheesesteaks from here because the dont use chunk chicken. I hate chunk chicken. Guess they changed cuz when i got home with my order it was chunk chicken. I also ordered 2 large regular cheese steaks that had so much gristle on them and no cheese. WONT BE ORDERING FROM HERE AGAIN INDEX 874 PLACE_ID: ChIJ_dbHQw3GuIkRZ3BUyFIl8ZA NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 26090 Shoppes at Long Neck Blvd #9061, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 564 RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: The food is always consistent and tasty. But unless you are there in person, any requests are pretty much ignored. We order the same thing almost every week and this location never puts anchovies on anything and forget about getting a pizza double cut. Consistently. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Server was exceptional! Wings were fantastic. Pizza was good (but not GREAT). We will definitely return next time we are in the area. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Grottos is my favorite pizza. They are expensive, and sometimes get details wrong on an order over the phone, so be very clear with them. Polite and friendly staff. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Very good service. Friendly employees. Food was very good. This was the grandson enjoying his hot dog. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Hostess and server were extremely rude and they keep changing menu and have no healthy options. Used to have vegetables to have instead of chips or fries and within 24hrs changed it. No more vegetables and was nasty about telling customers INDEX 1067 PLACE_ID: ChIJYTmFUKrEuIkRSEUY3D5DUxA NAME: Porto Pizza & Grill Restaurant ADDRESS: 33168 Main St, Dagsboro, DE 19939, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 677 RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Had the meatlovers pizza with ricotta cheese added. It was delicious and the thin crust was perfect. Will definitely stop by again. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I frequent this superb place once a month since I like the ambiance that is unique to this restaurant. The staff is awfuly loving and experienced. The service is extraordinarily efficient. Not to mention, the food you get is magnificent. I have been there often and I was never disappointed. The payment is modest. I highly suggest this place to to all. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: This place provides great service and yummy food. The best restaurant ever. The drinks and food arrived quickly and the prices are inexpensive. Highly recommended. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Fantastic as usual! Staff is great. Food is spectacular! We had lasagna and cheese ravioli. Soup and salad included and really good too. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The carryout we received was great! So was the SERVICE! Usually busy during dinning hours so you may want to go earlier or later. We do. INDEX 1183 PLACE_ID: ChIJrbQAF3i3uIkR-liowrsPWcE NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 17467 Shady Rd, Lewes, DE 19958, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 1166 RATING: 3 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Good place RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Disappointed!! If you're getting a house salad to go make sure you ask for croutons on the side or you won't get them (they might get soggy per the manager)!! And you literally only get 1 black olive. And double check to make sure they put the right salad dressing in. Chris, the manager at five points took the salad off my bill, though. RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Was good RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The wings were great. But the bag the two box's of wings were in leaked all over my car seat. The box's were placed in the bag on there side. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Service is always great! Personally not a fan of Grottos pizza but everything else is amazing and bar service is top notch! 2232 No result INDEX 2375 PLACE_ID: ChIJs7AwhwUDx4kR-Pg87XoSZJ8 NAME: 3 D's Pizza ADDRESS: 448 Moores Ln, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 2375 No result INDEX 3024 PLACE_ID: ChIJyQEuZiICx4kRoeE_Y79cDF0 NAME: Dom's NY Style Pizzeria ADDRESS: 218 W Market St, Wilmington, DE 19804, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 477 RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Had a take out pizza and was pretty good. Seemed to be a little under done. Next time I'll order well done. Overall flavor of cheese and sauce was good and crust was good. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza is good. Placed an order for pick up. Was given a 30 minute wait time. When I got there 40 minutes later they didn’t even have the pizza in the oven. Also placed an order online it took 2 hours to get to my house and arrived a 9 pm. Place isn’t worth it. go to Galleria down the street. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I used to love this place and beg the rest of my family to get this place. Tonight I placed an order I was told it would be about an hour, totally fine in my book because I loved Doms. The food was here on time but my 2 Chicken Cesar salads were two garden salads barely sprinkled with chicken. They barely cut the lettuce because it was still in balls. It came with tomatoes and olives which a Cesar salad doesn't. It was also all iceberg lettuce not the correct kind for what I ordered. My loaded fries were cold and soggy. I will not be returning after this. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza is definitely a New York style. Bottom line the pizza is the taste I'm looking for. Also the other special pizzas are awesome! RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Food is great!! INDEX 4351 PLACE_ID: ChIJT-cOa0G2uIkRjEGVaWSQcOM NAME: Nic-O-Boli Pizza On the Avenue ADDRESS: 71 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 401 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Pizza is amazing RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I've been going to Nicola's for years! My father grew up going to Nicola's as well. This family-owned restaurant is truly a Delaware icon. If you haven't had the opportunity to stop by for a meal, it is worth making a special trip. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: My family and friends went there this evening to the rehoboth Avenue restaurant. My friend got her dinner with hair in it. The drinks were horrible. They spoke to the condescending manager about it and she said they were Short of help and did they all want a job? That takes arrogance to say that to paying customers. Whoever she was needs to lose that job or if she is the owner they need to go into another trade because the old Nicola's was not like that. They better get a new staff before the hard months of summer hit. We will never be back. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I love the late night walk up window where you can get a slice after bar hopping before you you back to your hotel for a good night sleep. Delicious pizza that always satiates the craving. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Really good Italian and great pizza in a relaxed setting. Great for families. The bar has beer, wine and really well done cocktails. INDEX 4421 PLACE_ID: ChIJWStMT_GZuIkRuRXJFmFIFms NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 102 Silicato Pkwy, Milford, DE 19963, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 1047 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Usually my favorite pizza place. Soup was ice cold- pizza definitely could of been hotter. Had to wait to flag the server down to get any service. Rehoboth beach was much better. Friendly service and better food. RATING: 2 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: First off, let me say that I am a huge fan of Grotto Pizza. That being said I am extremely disappointed in the staff at the Milford location. Allow me to explain. During the pandemic I have taken full advantage of Delivery apps like Grubhub, so, imagine my excitement when I realized that Grottos was available on the app. The reason being is because I live outside of their normal delivery area. Unfortunately when I tried to order my pizza, I noticed a glitch in the app whereby it would only allow you to choose the size of your pie but not choose any toppings. I still wanted my pizza, so, I came up with a plan. I would call the store after I placed my order and ask them to add pepperoni. I placed my order, and called the store. After being put on hold 3 times the rudest most arrogant and unhelpful man answers the phone and proceeded to tell me that they couldn't do anything about it. I then tried to explain to him about the glitch on the app to which his reply was he doesn't care and they have no control over Grubhub. Becoming frustrated, I asked him to cancel my order to which he replied, there is nothing he can do and if I am unsatisfied I should not order food anymore. First of all, couldn't you at least try to be polite to a customer that has a problem. Secondly I know for a fact that the restaurant can cancel an order. If you are going to allow your business to be represented on an app, you should at least try to make sure it is correct. Those delivery apps are what kept you afloat when no one was allowed to dine in your store or even leave the house. I will be going to the Lewes location from now on. Come on Grottos, you are a local institution. At least try to do better! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: A must stop every time we pass through. Love the pizza and everything else is great if you have the time to stop and eat. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I was excited to finally go there because so many people seem to love this pizza. It wasn’t my cup o’ tea. I guess it’s according to what you’re used to; it just isn’t my taste. I ordered take out and the service was excellent. I was met with a friendly cashier and the place is beautiful inside. Price was ok. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love going here during happy hour to catch up with my girls on gossip lol INDEX 4711 PLACE_ID: ChIJZcCdsP4Bx4kRFQn6U5PdFTU NAME: Barcelona Pizza ADDRESS: 3322 Old Capitol Trail, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 180 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Amazing! Never heard of this place but just needed something quick delivered to my office for lunch. I got the white pizza and added some veggies, probably the best white pizza I’ve had! Delivery was SO quick, came 30 minutes sooner than it was estimating. Plus the delivery guy was pretty adorable and sweet. Definitely earned my business for the future. Highly recommend!! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Best local pizza shop! Used to drive 20 minutes just for their pizza (so happy I moved closer and they can deliver to me now). Strombolis are huge too! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Fries are that perfect crispy kind, my chicken caeser wrap was great! Their breaded wings are absolutely delicious. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: The cheeseburger and mozzarella stick are my favorite combo. I totally recommended! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: My girlfriend and I recently heard about this place from our neighborhood Facebook page. Since hearing about them we have ordered probably 4 or 5 times within the last month and have excellent service every time. I mentioned them to my family and they love it too. I highly recommend! INDEX 5479 PLACE_ID: ChIJqxca4ebixokRIC_VPx537R4 NAME: Bella Italy Pizzeria ADDRESS: 4817 Governor Printz Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 102 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: First time ordering from here & it wasn't bad. The pizza was hot & fresh & one of the best tasting pizzas I've had in a while. The fries were crispy and I didn't have to request it. No Complaints RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Under new management!!! Great food, affordable prices and very clean. My family and I will continue to order from this place. We loved it ☺️ RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: under new management and i'm very satisfied with everything that i ordered so far, wings strombolis even the cheese steak. Delicious RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: 5 start, clean restaurant super good food under this a new management, good job and good luck guys RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Food was good, I'd say a little above average when it comes to pizza shops, the lady cashier at the front was funny and kept me entertained while I was waiting for my food INDEX 6480 PLACE_ID: ChIJVQTP14L_xokRFrdmiq1bQC4 NAME: Prospero’s pizza ADDRESS: 801 Churchmans Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 48 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Prospero's has turned into a favorite! Everything I've eaten there has been fresh, tasty, and delivery is on point! Truly enjoy the food, wide selection and quality! RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great food just go get it urself delivery is about an hour and some change RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: There pizza is great and service as well. Mondays and Tuesdays you get a large pizza just for $9. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: First time order from here and the food was excellent best pizza in town RATING: 1 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Good food... Bad customer service. They messed up my order and I called to have it fixed. First she had attitude and said well can't you just take the wrong toppings off? She hung up on me after telling me that she would send another pizza while I was in the middle of asking a question. She gave no instructions to send messed up pizza back. When the corrected pizza came, the driver said he needed the old pizza to give me the new pizza. I called back to ask what to do because we did not have the messed up pizza anymore. She began arguing with me on the phone and said that I should have known they would want the pizza back. Most places will not ask for the messed up food to be returned. The driver got frustrated and handed me the pizza and said he did not care. She continued to be very rude on the phone until she hung up on me mid conversation. We will absolutely not be ordering from them again. Good food is not worth being treated horribly by staff INDEX 6535 PLACE_ID: ChIJKf6ddLS3uIkRwxa3M1V0a1g NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 17 Surf Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 440 RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I've been a J1 here in 2019 and it was great. Hard work and discipline, but also a lot of fun and good friends. The food was and it also is prepared and served good conditions. If you have a chance to get a job here or even work for the summer, give it a try RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Has a family entrance and an adult night life entrance from the board walk RATING: 2 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The service sucked when my daughter received her beverage there was something floating in the drink the waiter did not offer my family a high chair which is important for me due to my three year old cannot reach the table so I have to go ask another waiter for one RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Love their pizza! Very nice staff. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Ate here for the first time in 24 years! Good pizza, fries and burgers! 6693 No result INDEX 6836 PLACE_ID: ChIJNWIFa2B6x4kR9AzWXob__7M NAME: Poliseno's Pizzeria ADDRESS: 761 Main St, Cheswold, DE 19936, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 304 RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The best cheese I have ever had on a pizza. Too bad they’re so stingy with it. The last time we ordered, we could barely see the cheese. This time we ordered cheese only two pizzas. One regular, one extra cheese. The extra cheese pizza did in fact have extra cheese. However, it appeared that the extra cheese came from the other pizza. The regular pizza was pretty much bare. Way too stingy for the price. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: I eat here a lot food is real good. Love how they have no pork products. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: They may have alright food but I have been a customer for more than a decade and NOW all of the sudden because I am trying to have my order delivered to my hotel room, they need a credit card or they cannot take my order. Just 3 days ago I ordered and it was just fine paying cash when my order was more than 50 dollars. Today my order is only 30 and they cannot take it because I won't give them a credit card number!! It's absolutely ridiculous!! I will NEVER give them my business again!!! I guess their long time, good paying customers mean nothing to them! Screw you Paliseno's!! RATING: 3 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I’ve been ordering they’re pizza for years! But over the last year or so, their customer service has gone downhill. The pizza is undeniable good but it’s unfortunate that the people that work their aren’t too great these days RATING: 1 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Honestly I didn't even want to give them one star. Chicken cheese steaks were gross. french fries were cold rubbery. Cheesecake was frozen tasted like a liquor of some sort. Was told one price on the phone and a different when delivery was made. Definitely will not order ever again. One star too many. 👎👎 INDEX 6911 PLACE_ID: ChIJSzjj-nb_xokRODaOzVH_X1Q NAME: Two Cousin's Pizza ADDRESS: 7460 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 195 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Two Cousins is one of the best Italian restaurants in Delaware. I've been going there for over 25 years and I absolutely love it. I typically get their Chicken Cheesesteak, which is has unique breading for a Cheesesteak and it is amazing! They have many great foods on their menu and if you're in the area, I highly recommend a visit! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Amazing place!!! The food is great, customer service is amazing, delivery drivers are always so kind. One of my favs to eat at RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: My son Gavin says they have the best food in history! RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: They make their own bread. It's like eating a cheese steak wrapped in a pizza. Yum! RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Fast, friendly service. Excellent food. Fair prices. And the home-made sub rolls are no joke. Definitely will be eating there again soon. INDEX 7625 PLACE_ID: ChIJiSgRLTl9x4kRo2FQn7J2Vc4 NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 374 Walmart Dr Ste 5, Camden, DE 19934, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 183 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: You really can't beat how fast and cheap dominos is. They have a coupon for a large 3 - topping pizza for 7.99 and for 2 more dollars you can make it an extra large. I ordered using said coupon and it tasted great. Basically I made a meat lovers pizza. It had bacon, sausage and pepperoni on a Brooklyn style crust. It was pretty good. Took all of 15 minutes between ordering it and picking it up. Also they will bring it to your car now, which is nice. RATING: 2 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: The delivery is always a good experience with delicious hot food and courteous drivers.. We have been ordering every Saturday since the pandemic however recently very bad customer service from the manager. Now my home address is barred from delivery . My 18 year old guest had her check withheld for 6 weeks and we went in to get it because they kept forgetting to mail it. Terrible way to treat employees. And now my husband and I can’t order pizza because my address is blocked . So in a nutshell no one in my household can order pizza and neither will the people who buy our home, even though we’ve given this branch pizza orders every Saturday for over a year with no incident, other than demanding that our friend get her paycheck it was which was owed to her. The local manager also refuses to give us the higher managers contact information. Higher management needs to know that a local manager with bad business policies can make or break a company. Papa Johns is now getting our weekly order! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Picked up 1 gluten-free pizza and 1regular pizza each with 3 toppings. Crusts were as hard and over cooked as can be!!! Toppings were a little burnt. Pizzas were dry.Never ordering from there again. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I have a buddy who stays on the LES of New York, he suggested that I go to La Margarita Pizza so myself and my brother along with our two boys from NY went and ordered a couple pies and 4 slices. My favorite was the Buffalo chicken!If you're ever near this spot definitely go eat there! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love the service and the carry out specials keep it up guys thanks INDEX 7650 PLACE_ID: ChIJX63CqDuqx4kRAQHelxfvN3s NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 203 E Main St, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 210 RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Worst service a week ago I ordered my food on the app at 9:00pm and it didn’t come until 10:20 . When I checked on tracking thing it said the store closed . So I was mad and was going to sleep when I hear a knock and it’s the pizza guy I told him I didn’t want the pizza no more there wasn’t no point . And td 4-3 -21 I called at the same time and this time the guy who answered didn’t even ask for my address and I thought they had it saved already so I waited and nope my food never came . So disappointed. I called 5 times and they didn’t answer. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great place for pizza and wings! Best pizza of the area and for the best price 💰💰Caesar salad was so fresh and delicious too! RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Just left Seasons pizza on Kirkwood highway. I was the only customer in the lobby. The cashier was wearing a mask below her nose and I asked her to raise it. Then I looked back the cook was doing the same thing so I asked the cashier to ask him to raise it. As I left the lobby the manager has his mask hanging on his neck. Gross Gross Gross. Don't expect your customers to patronize this restaurant when you are NOT taking the necessary and legal precautions RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Truck battery died. They were so kind to let me charge it with an outlet on their building😂 RATING: 1 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Be aware, I used my credit card to pay for my pizza over the phone in the end of June. This was the last place I shopped, Happens to be that after a few days I realized some one has purschased $120 worth of “chegg” and $99 at I do believe who ever took my card payment is responsible for this. I have already reported to my credit card company. Won’t be buying from here again. INDEX 7697 PLACE_ID: ChIJp4FSimx1x4kR8miOhpBPd-Y NAME: La Matesina Pizza Pasta ADDRESS: 318 Main St, Townsend, DE 19734, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 55 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Great food for low prices, love the pizzas, pastas, calzones, and calamari, which is awesome with the sauce RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Ordered one time from here and haven't been back since. My wife and I ordered chicken cheesesteaks and were seriously disappointed with what we got. They were bland with very little flavor. Plus to top it off, when my wife bit into her cheesesteak she found a piece of a broken clam shell. What the heck?! RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Got 2 pizzas and 2 cheese steaks they were very good. Great experience there. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Purchase two slices of pizza took one bite and threw it in the trash RATING: 4 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: A cute little pizza place. The server was friendly and attentive. The fries were a little brown and the pizza was not very flavorful nor had enough cheese. If they tweak a few things, it will be good. 8815 No result INDEX 9485 PLACE_ID: ChIJ96mr6dpix4kRmPEELqxSSP0 NAME: Meryem's Four Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 2467 S State St, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 162 RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Terrible customer service when I called and asked about my “well done” pizza being doughy.... I was told I was wrong and they did it well done, had to talk to 3 people who none said their name or position.... not worth the money for the taste.... fast delivery though RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I had ordered from here for the last 2 years and I love there food. There was a problem when I didn't receive my order and it was 3 hours later but they accidentally delivered it to the wrong house. I live in a trailer park so it can be confusing. They were great and tried to offer us something extra or money off the next order but I said no. The people who accepted the order should be charged with credit card fraud and theft. Who accepts someone else's food? You must be a horrible human and deserve to go to jail or you are broke which in that case I'm sorry but stealing is not the answer. So thank you to Four Seasons for doing the right thing. I hope you can get your money back that you lost and I was robbed of. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Always good n fast n friendly service. Just wish their Buffalo pie recipe was better for my taste,But mostly everything is pretty good . RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Never order from here! Ordered dinner for my children at 5:58pm. Called again at 7:04pm, driver delivered to wrong house. Never was contacted. Called again at 7:57. Same excuse, claimed to not have correct address. PSA: ordered from here before & address was on file. Called again at 8:25, they couldn’t find order. Manager refused to speak with me. Just horrible. Also, I paid with card so they already had my funds. Horrible. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Called store to ask the name of one of the pizzas that they have on THEIR website, gave description several times and the male that answered the line was completely clueless to what it was..or was called, even after detailed descriptions still clueless....needless to say he didnt sound like he wanted to be bothered, which would explain him not even asking someone else either. Needless to ssy, this place never even had the opportunity to earn my business and never will. 1st impressions last a lifetime. INDEX 10097 PLACE_ID: ChIJibnPlNypx4kR_yPh5bW8yME NAME: K C's Pizza ADDRESS: 784 S Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 242 RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Foods good but they have a hard time reading instructions with online orders. No matter what I try, I cannot get them to give me extra green sauce with my tacos. Is it a price thing? Then put the paid option on the online system and I'll gladly pay for extra sauce. Is there a secret code or phrase I must say to get extra green sauce? Please provide that to me then so I can enjoy my tacos the way I order them. May change my review score if I start seeing my green sauce. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Little hole in the wall pizzaria...but top secret, best tacos and flautas I've had in DE. I miss TX but this is next best thing! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Ok so I have to always vouch for the quality and extra goodness at #KCSPIZZA .... go get yu some its #NYSTYLEPIZZA and very good tacos. 🙃💋 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Food is great! Employees are nice and friendly. RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: I’ve had their food many times at Midnight Oil Brewing, and tonight decided to drive the 30 minutes to pick up for home, since they don’t deliver all the way to me (understandably). Best Penne Vodka I’ve ever had! I was bummed Maria’s closed down in Chesapeake City, but KC’s is definitely our new go-to, despite the drive! Erik is awesome, the menu is huge with something for everyone, and everything is always consistently delicious. Thanks guys! INDEX 10702 PLACE_ID: ChIJC5Mm4jb7xokRYFSG2qzJezY NAME: Naamans Pizzeria ADDRESS: 3100 Naamans Rd #9, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 70 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Been going here for at least a decade. There’s something very unique to the their pizza that I love. The texture is phenomenal. Cheesesteaks are full and cheesy. The thing I have ordered the most hands down is their burger combo. I don’t know what bun it is but it’s very hearty and is easily the best part for me. Drink and fries included is a done deal for me. Their fry orders are extremely generous as well. Genuine restaurant with genuine people. I will never hesitate to give them my dollar over a chain! I will miss them dearly when I move. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great family owned eatery. They take an interest in their customers and care snot the quality of their food. I stop here any chance I have. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Very good pizza! Very friendly staff! Covid-friendly, and professional. The pizza is the right amount of sauce to cheese to crust and doesn’t flop over immediately. Was in and out in under 10 minutes and paid less than $10 for two slices and a drink. Highly recommend supporting this small business! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Very well run Family business. Great food. Great Service. Great prices. What more could we ask for? RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Great family biz! Nice portions and good quality 👌 INDEX 10750 PLACE_ID: ChIJA3aY8Xb_xokRea5VlRPv3r0 NAME: Prima's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 7454 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 91 RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The man waiting on us was rather rude and the cheese steak was so greasy had to throw it away. Pizza was good RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Always great pizza. I like the prima bites too. Make sure to get the marinara sauce for them. The cheese steak special was a little light, but the roll was excellent. We go here when we are in the area. You should too. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Primas is fantastic, best in the area. Nice respectful staff and delicious food. So many great options to choose from, hard to get just 1 item each time you go. RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Great pizza! Lots of variety in slices to go for lunch. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I’m not sure what’s been happening to this wonderful place. I’m so disappointed by how this place has been recently. They can’t seem to get orders out in a timely manner. What a shame. INDEX 11034 PLACE_ID: ChIJ65ItiIoHx4kR5-Ih_NahzvA NAME: Riviera Pizza ADDRESS: 124 Fox Hunt Dr, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 238 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: It's been awhile since we have been there since we've moved. My daughter reminded me of how much she missed the pizza. We drove from Perryville and it didn't disappoint. Mary we love ya. Always treats EVERYONE with respect and makes you feel welcome 🙏. Thank you. See you again real soon. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: My favorite pizza place. I’ve gone here for years and I’ll never stop. They have amazing cheesesteaks and outstanding customer service! They’re pizza is good too but it’s the owner that really makes this place shine! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The food there is excellent! Aside from its good tasting pizza, its The only place I go to get my grilled chicken ceaser salad with balsamic vinegar. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Good taste. Polite staff. That's all we need. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Food is delicious and the staff are awesome. We are regulars here. We eat here every weekend and sometimes through the week. INDEX 11367 PLACE_ID: ChIJg1YmXoLxuIkR4U7TUf9LyeM NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 23437 Sussex Hwy, Seaford, DE 19973, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 64 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Experienced great customer service that definitely made me smile. I love when employees and managers are very kind and understanding. My experience ordering from this location for my job was a breeze. Our food was delivered quickly, it was hot, and everyone involved in our order was very friendly. RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: My lovely hand tossed pizza. The second one they had to make me because the toppings weren’t right on the first one. COULD YOU SPARE SOME DOUGH? Last time I checked I didn’t order thin crust. Worst location to order from. My order is always messed up in some way. STAY AWAY FROM THIS LOCATION. If I could give negative stars I would. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love my Domino's. I use call in and pick up myself. Always ready when I arrive. Food is delicious, always hot and fresh. Employees are helpful, friendly, happy and thorough. My favorite is the Pasta Prima Verdi. Yum Yum! I highly recommend the Seaford Domino's! RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Ordered food from here 15-20 minutes before my lunch break, hoping to get it at least during my break at the latest. Fast forward 50 minutes, and nothing so I call, and they answer and immediately put me on hold for 3 minutes then when I asked when I could expect my food, the girl (whose name I never got) just said I don't know. Not even a rough estimate. So I requested to cancel my order and all I got was "OK cool." The food taking a while I can live with I used to work in the food industry, but this was some of the laziest customer service I've ever experienced. The girl obviously did not care, and if that's what I can expect from here I'll go elsewhere. I'd sooner eat a still frozen Walmart pizza, than ever give them my business again. I'd give them no stars if I could RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Wow this location is such a joke. I can't even fathem how the store manager is still employed. We got delivery . They made a mistake. Called to let them know they made a mistake. They were extremely rude and hung up on me. Will never give this location my business again. INDEX 11531 PLACE_ID: ChIJJ6JUwqIDx4kRa44w3BGMZWk NAME: Pat's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 606 E Basin Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 401 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Had another great experience at local staple. Salad was fantastic. Service was excellent. Will keep going back. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The party pizza is delicious, the waffle fries would have been better if they weren't soggy, kids said the BBQ wings were tasty, they liked the sauce. The place is clean and they allowed me to get free cups of ice. They need to fix that heavy door, it closes relay fast and hit my ankle, which was painful with carrying all that food out. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I tried to give them chances. They have the WORSE service when it comes to online orders. This was the 3rd time I placed an online order, only to show up and have them tell me "it's being made now" because they didn't see the online order. Then the "we don't care " attitude when I cancel my order and ask for a refund. Maybe Pat's pizza believes they are the only game in town. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: I ordered a veggie pizza today and it was very tasty. And prices were also very nominal. I’m a fan of Papa John’s pizza, these guys are in par. Had a delightful dinner tonight. Nice place to try veggie pizza. I recommend it personally. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I place a delivery order, over the phone, & it never arrived. I called in, placed my order, the lady never asked for my name, I wasn't asked which form of payment I would be using, I had to tell her I was paying with a credit card & I had to repeat my card info twice. Why? Because she was distracted. I was told my order would arrive within 40mins. After an food. I called asking about my order & I was told, "We suspended your order because your credit card didn't go through. We were waiting for you to call back." I asked why she didn't call back once they realized the card didn't go through? I left my number, plus that's COMMON SENSE! Then I noticed she placed me on mute, she unmuted the phone just to ask for my card number again. I asked if there was someone else I could talk to because she was obviously distracted. I ended up canceling my order because of the poor customer service. If she was that busy, instead of taking the call she could've asked someone to answer if possible or placed me on hold until she was able. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. It wouldn't had been so bad if she took the blame, but she acted like she didn't do anything wrong. INDEX 11734 PLACE_ID: ChIJlXKN0g3OuIkR8Ne8aktDglY NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 793 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 614 RATING: 3 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: prices keep rising ? what is a large pizza worth to you in bethany beach delaware? RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: A must everytime we're in town. RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: The hostess was unpleasant which set a negative tone for the meal, but our server was friendly and good-humored, and the food was overall very good. The crust style on the pizza is a little different, but the kids enjoyed it. The appetizer portions were generous except there definitely could've been more bread included with the bruschetta. The bathrooms were clean and the gelato was fantastic. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: If you like cheddar cheese on your pizza, this is the place to go. RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Pizza made right. Ive been to other locations where Pizza was repeatedly soggy. This one has great pizza and the service to match! INDEX 12971 PLACE_ID: ChIJR9exkT0Bx4kR97W6CIFngrU NAME: California Pizza Kitchen at Christiana ADDRESS: 325 Christiana Mall, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 438 RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: We were here for a church fundraiser. The atmosphere was very comfortable. It's rather pricey here, though. The food tasted great, but could've been "presented" better. It looked like our food was prepared in a rush. It was not busy. Also, they went kind of "skimpy" on my tortilla chips (Fish Tacos). My husband's pizza could've had more mushrooms and spinach. Our Server, "Jay", was a delight. Overall, it was a very pleasant dining experience. RATING: 4 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Overall the service was great. The atmosphere very good. We were promptly seated. Our server brought us our drinks and they were refilled in a timely manner. My only complaint I guess is portion size. For the price that you pay for the pizza you receive. Which was very tasty by the way. You should be getting a little more for your money. Otherwise I would have given them 5 stars. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Went to California Pizza Kitchen today for lunch with my 5 kids. We have never been there before so I ask the server Mike for advise. Mike was awesome he started us off with the Avocado Club Egg-rolls which came to with so much flavor. The kids had a Hawaiian Pizza and a 5 Cheese and Fresh Tomato Pizza.They looked great but they never shared it with me. I had the Jamaican Jerk Chicken Pizza on the Cauliflower Crust. Wow let me tell you this thing was out of this world. Before we left we had the Butter Cake and a Crunchy Caramel Apple Sundae. Both were so good. You have to try them. What a great lunch. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Food was awesome, and the service was amazing as well! Just stopped in for a quick bite to eat and definitely wasn't disappointed. The manager on duty was very attentive as well. He made a point to check on our table and make sure we were enjoying our food. We will definitely be back. RATING: 1 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: It would be zero stars if we hadn't had our meal comped. Absolutely no concern for customer satisfaction. They didn't even begin to prepare our meal for at least 15 minutes after it was placed, despite the fact that the restaurant was mostly empty. We noticed they had to comp at least one other customer's order, as well. Do yourself a favor and skip this CPK. INDEX 13890 PLACE_ID: ChIJl62ISY0Dx4kRmHPDfPIzliY NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 144 Quigley Blvd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 13890 No result INDEX 15156 PLACE_ID: ChIJwXGw80J7x4kRYLH8XEz2W0I NAME: MOD Pizza ADDRESS: 1037 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 415 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The best pizza I've had in years. They have a wide variety of toppings you can pick without extra cost. Fast friendly service and the price is incredibly reasonable. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: First time having it. Didn't expect the pizza to be so big, but it's fine! Leftovers are great! I will be returning when I am back in the area. Blackberry Lemonade is amazing! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Always fast friendly service, not to mention the delicious food. The pizza is always nice and crispy, with a wide range of varieties and combinations at a great price. All the sides and drinks compliment the food very nicely as well. Overall great atmosphere! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: This is one really neat eatery! Custom made personal pizzas! Choose all your favorites things. Pick your sauce, choose your toppings all for one reasonable price! Love this place! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Friendly service. Great pizza over all. Jude for yourself, here is mine pizza (built yourself). INDEX 15446 PLACE_ID: ChIJl2EIwW62uIkRHTNc5UVTpLw NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 36 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 945 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: My wife and I just ordered a margarita pizza and it was the best pizza we ever ate. Our pallets were exploding with flavor from all the toppings they put on. A very generous portion. Also, as usual, the service was excellent. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Good place to get pizza in Rehoboth. Just off the boardwalk, the restaurant has indoor and outdoor dining. Grotto's pizza has a nice thin crust and a sour dough taste. The 12 inch pizza easily feeds two. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Pizza is absolutely fabulous one of the best pizzas I've eaten service was also great definitely would go back and recommend RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: We enjoyed the pizza 🍕 they changed sauce and smaller portions. Service was good and friendly RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Food was great as was the service. Wonderful place to take the kids for a family meal. INDEX 16417 PLACE_ID: ChIJ9YKFshS-uIkRrO2KRGY5zOA NAME: Miltonian Pizzeria & Wing House ADDRESS: 618 Mulberry St, Milton, DE 19968, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 439 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Compared to surrounding restaurants, they're are the most reasonably priced for the quality of their food. The wings are the best. You cant split flavors if you get a order a 12. Not a fan of the burgers, however the baked ziti is fantastic and is plenty for two people and still have left overs. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: We just moved to Milton and are so stoked that their food is as delicious as it is because we're right down the street. Don't sleep on the desserts either! Keep making awesome food! RATING: 2 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I was looking forward to visiting, looking for a place to get wings and a good Pizza, drove up and got to the door and read a sign that says take out only, turned around and left, I don't know the problem when all the other restaurants in the area offer dine in. I'll wait and see what happens when it opens. Take out is not as good. Hope they open soon!! RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Decent food. Not great like really memorable great. Kinda average from what we are used to. We will order agina from there. Prices are kinda high vs quality of product. Service was very very good. Extremely friendly and courteous staff. Probably the best italian food that you can order in Milton. But not much to measure against either. Just have measured expectations if you haven't ordered from here before. But like I said near the beginning we will order agina from here. Perhaps we just didn't find their specialty on our last order RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Support Miltonian Pizzeria!! Great food and service! Carry out only them until they can reopen for inside 🗽🌞 INDEX 16523 PLACE_ID: ChIJPW4uVapkx4kRTk8kM4cQ4U0 NAME: Angelo's Pizza ADDRESS: 20 W Loockerman St, Dover, DE 19904, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 109 RATING: 5 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: The restaurant is first-rate and spacious, the meals was delightful and the rates were very economical. quick, productive service and very friendly staff members. Highly recommended. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: I really enjoyed their food. I always get awesome customer service there. The place is neat and the employees are always helpful. Keep up the good work. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Satisfyingly thin pizza with the proper ratio of cheese to sauce. Crisp yet chewy crust. Fantastic. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: I love the food it is always fresh. The food is cook to order. The people is nice and friendly. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Great NY Style thin crust pizza. As an former NY resident Angelo's is a real genuine taste of home. Staff is very friendly and accommodating. INDEX 16785 PLACE_ID: ChIJdXR-TTdxx4kRknp6RcfgTn4 NAME: Pats Select Pizza | Grill ADDRESS: 41 E Glenwood Ave, Smyrna, DE 19977, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 609 RATING: 3 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Fantastic chicken fingers and fries. The platter is a touch pricey but the portion makes it worth it. Also the fries are some of the best around. Round pizza is pretty decent but the party pizza tends to be a bit bland. Edit 10/2020: The chicken fingers are still great but the portion size has been reduced considerably. The fingers are easily half the size they were, and they give you roughly half has many fries as they used to. The box used to be bursting with chicken fingers and fries and now everything just sort of rattles sadly around in there. Maybe it's due to COVID; I'll give them one more shot and update if there's improvement. RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: First time here. Food and service was fantastic. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Good food.. restaurant & bar RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Good service and the food was well prepared. RATING: 2 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Another messed up order and lies from the manager. Placed a large order and instead of saying they were out of an item and providing credit they sent a different item. When I called I received the "so sorry, we will give you a credit on your account" nonsense. Wrong food and no credit.....simply poor customer service. INDEX 16996 PLACE_ID: ChIJ5YWBgdPHuIkRaaNXtBhpk-U NAME: Bona Pizza ADDRESS: 32612 Long Neck Rd, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 41 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: My family and I have been going to Bona pizza since I was a little kid. We order on our way down to our shore house every Friday night and pick it up on the way. The service here is incredible along with the food. Bona pizza has been myself, and my families favorite pizza place for years! Definitely incredible high quality! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Get their Italian sub! Not overpriced and other sandwiches are good too. They have a NICE Mediterranean platter (vegetarian) I didn't expect to be so good. Falafel is great, taste fresh and homemade. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: I go here every chance I get! Their pizza is good. Their wings are delicious. And their prices can’t be beat! RATING: 2 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Not well coordinated. I waited about an hour and twenty minutes for a relatively small order the kitchen seemed cramped and unorganized and the food and service reflected it. Then the food was mediocre. I went miles out of my way for something I remembered from my childhood to be dissatisfied and disappointed with my meal. Not the worst food but far from best RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: The antipasto salad was so good with the meat thinly sliced and the veggies were so crisp. The steak fajita wrap was delicious and the steakhouse fries were crispy and hot. Never had that before here but would order again. Also the driver wore a mask when three other pizza places have not and I refused the food. Keep up the good food and service INDEX 17067 PLACE_ID: ChIJQSHNzV4Ax4kRZWRE_6j5Lts NAME: Pietro's Pizza ADDRESS: 2667 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 39 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Ordered gander to go, had 2 of "every triangle has sides" pizza is great and beer from argilla is even better RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Love Argillas at Pietro's. If you like food, good beer and fantastically friendly staff, this is the place for you. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Have Driven by this place so many times and I'm so happy we finally made it in. Great food and service. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Good pizza, tasty apps. Outdoor dining experience was great. Pete is the man! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Food was delicious and service was great INDEX 17197 PLACE_ID: ChIJu2j7CHX_xokRLY6vsGk_S6E NAME: Pat's Pizza - Hockessin ADDRESS: 7288 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 81 RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Food is good. I did dine in. Music being played over their system is directed towards the younger generation. Does get annoying as it's on the loud side. RATING: 2 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: The lettuce in the sub I had tasted as if it was sitting near spoiled food. I had to take it off. This has kept me from going back for a while. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Very good food and service. Friendly staff. Food was well prepared. Overall, Very happy! RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Good food as usual, but it took FOREVER to get it! The crazy thing is that I was the ONLY person in there! Hopefully they can work on it so next time won't be like that. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Staff always friendly the manager is great Great food INDEX 17206 PLACE_ID: ChIJY8yX3jH9xokRti8nnbANt6g NAME: Pete's Pizza ADDRESS: 2625 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 397 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: This place was very reliable 10 years ago. Sadly now the delivery drivers hardly speak English, can't find your address, and they don't give you a refund without a hassle. I gave them a second chance and they simply do not answer their phone. The pizza when it does come is sometimes cold. Very sad. I loved this place once. RATING: 3 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: The food is excellent, but their delivery is very long. If you want to eat out for dinner, you better order 2 hours ahead of time, cause that's about how long it takes to get your food! And the food is not hot either. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Awful experience. I placed a larger order that came with a soda for delivery. When the driver got here they could not find my home when I have large numbers on the door for starters. One of my bags were dropped. I had my son help me get the large order when we thought he grabbed the bag with the soda in it turns out when he opened the bag to get the soda it was a bottle.of wine instead. The accuracy of the order was horrible. They forgot my salad and I had to wait literally 45 minutes for them to bring it back out to me. The pizza didnt have the toppings I requested either. The staff made it seem like it was a problem for each of these issues I bought to their attention and was very unhelpful. My biggest issue was giving my 8 year old son what we thought to be a pepsi a bottle of yellow tail wine. RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This is my go to place for pizza but I’ve been finding myself going elsewhere lately. The food is normally good but the customer service is horrible. Tonight, I ordered and it took 2 hours for the food to be delivered (from a 45 min to an hour timeframe). I called to check on the status and the girl who picked up the phone was laughing while trying to say her “greeting” then she told me “the food is coming, I need you to give it a minute”. I asked her to repeat cause I just needed to make sure I heard her correctly. Yup...I did. It took the strength of Jesus for me not to say I already gave it 2 hours. When the food came it was cold and burnt. I’m not sure if I want to give Pete’s another try. RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Food was good but there was a long wait for take out and they weren't really that busy at the time. INDEX 17307 PLACE_ID: ChIJ55-LtDlxx4kRLFqT62CDkYo NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 230 E Glenwood Ave, Smyrna, DE 19977, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 119 RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Pizza sucks RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Smyrna DE Domino’s Delivery driver needs disciplined!! Today we ordered 2 pizzas from the Smyrna DE location to be delivered to our school. The driver arrived and as most know, access into the buildings are limited. The driver was trying to enter the office area unhappy he had to remain in the vestibule. As the school secretary buzzed and asked how she could help him, he said he had a delivery. The secretary followed school protocol and safety procedures and went to the vestibule to meet the delivery man. At this point there was also a parent in the vestibule as well. The delivery driver complained that the address was the street address and did not include that it was a school. He continued to say “ a lot of damn good that does”. The secretary continued to assure the delivery man the pizzas would be delivered to the correct recipient. The mans hostility towards the secretary and lack of manners in the presence of another person as well as towards the secretary is totally uncalled for and very unprofessional. There are many who would appreciate his job. Perhaps he should seek out employment lending itself to a more isolated position rather than customer service of which he is oblivious. The purchase totaled $14. The tip was $5. 🤷♀️ RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: When I first ordered, I received an awful chicken bacon ranch sandwich, with bits of burnt bacon and no chicken. However, when I called to let them know they were very very helpful and when I next ordered, that’s all I wanted, even though typically the delivery order has to be a certain amount they delivered to me anyways, and of course I tipped. Great customer service, im very glad I continued to order from them. RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: "Chicken Alfredo over cooked small compared to pizza hut but I love their food and they have a Pizza that is absolutely delicious!" RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: I ordered a pizza from here the other evening. Adam was the person on the phone who took my order and advised that he was making our pizza. His customer service over the phone was terrific, and my questions were never a concern to him. My request for thinner crusting was no concern, either. Wonderful person. Amazinggggg customer service! Thank you, Adam! INDEX 17467 PLACE_ID: ChIJJ6JUwqIDx4kRa44w3BGMZWk NAME: Pat's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 606 E Basin Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 401 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Had another great experience at local staple. Salad was fantastic. Service was excellent. Will keep going back. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The party pizza is delicious, the waffle fries would have been better if they weren't soggy, kids said the BBQ wings were tasty, they liked the sauce. The place is clean and they allowed me to get free cups of ice. They need to fix that heavy door, it closes relay fast and hit my ankle, which was painful with carrying all that food out. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I tried to give them chances. They have the WORSE service when it comes to online orders. This was the 3rd time I placed an online order, only to show up and have them tell me "it's being made now" because they didn't see the online order. Then the "we don't care " attitude when I cancel my order and ask for a refund. Maybe Pat's pizza believes they are the only game in town. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: I ordered a veggie pizza today and it was very tasty. And prices were also very nominal. I’m a fan of Papa John’s pizza, these guys are in par. Had a delightful dinner tonight. Nice place to try veggie pizza. I recommend it personally. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I place a delivery order, over the phone, & it never arrived. I called in, placed my order, the lady never asked for my name, I wasn't asked which form of payment I would be using, I had to tell her I was paying with a credit card & I had to repeat my card info twice. Why? Because she was distracted. I was told my order would arrive within 40mins. After an food. I called asking about my order & I was told, "We suspended your order because your credit card didn't go through. We were waiting for you to call back." I asked why she didn't call back once they realized the card didn't go through? I left my number, plus that's COMMON SENSE! Then I noticed she placed me on mute, she unmuted the phone just to ask for my card number again. I asked if there was someone else I could talk to because she was obviously distracted. I ended up canceling my order because of the poor customer service. If she was that busy, instead of taking the call she could've asked someone to answer if possible or placed me on hold until she was able. WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE. It wouldn't had been so bad if she took the blame, but she acted like she didn't do anything wrong. INDEX 17613 PLACE_ID: ChIJ0V9KM6DkxokRZkQrzKtq8wg NAME: Fresco Pizzeria ADDRESS: 1812 Marsh Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 123 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Absolute 5 star pizza place. If you live in N. Wilm, it’s a must try. Their veggie pizza is one of the best veggie pizzas I have ever had. The veggies are flavorful and fresh. Every employee I have dealt with has been super friendly and professional. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I just found out about this place and ordered for the first time due to the reviews. I ordered 5 honey bbq wings well done and a white veggie pizza with extra garlic. When I saw that the sauce was not stuck on the wings I immediately thought omg dissatisfaction. However, these wings were delicious! Even with the loose sauce. They were perfectly crispy and the sauce was delicious. The pizza was okay. I would have like to taste more garlic and had a crispier crust. However, it was still good and I would order again. Also, the service and delivery was fantastic. Very nice and appreciative people. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Great service via the phone! High quality pizza that is made with care. I appreciate this particular pizza place because you can tell they make their sauce fresh and use high quality cheese. 10/10 would always recommend. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Pizza and Fries is best combo of deliciousness!! Sometimes I cheat myself and add extra order of fries... they are Mmm If drive back to home was 5 mins longer I would have consumed all the Fries before my arrival.. like pringles once you pop the bag you can't stop. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Fresco is one of my favorite places to order from! The staff is always friendly, the restaurant is always clean and the food is delicious!! Love this place! INDEX 18333 PLACE_ID: ChIJEzwo5l37xokRchDZjnlbxyI NAME: Pat's Pizza & Bistro Concord Pike ADDRESS: 4231 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 147 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I love the quality. The lunch meats for the hoagies are always fresh, as well as the produce. The steak sandwiches are also good quality, and one of my favorites is the cheese burger platter. Definitely recommend all of their locations and the quality is consistent throughout all of their restaurants. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Pat's is a hidden gem. We have bought food here for almost every party we have had over the past 6 years and they never disappoint. Their food is excellent, especially the wings. I have no idea why this place isn't 5X busier, but I'll gladly take advantage. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: *Best Pizza In Town* *Fresh & Hot* *Highly Recommend* We've Tried so many other Pizza places here in the Wilmington area & have been disappointed every single time except when we tried Pat's Pizza! They sent us a flyer in the mail & are we so ever thankful they did! The delivery was a bit slow however with being the best Pizza place in town this is understandable. Thanks Pat's for actually making good Pizza! We'll be ordering from you again soon! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The pizza was delicious. Thankyou for you your service and you were very friendly and helpful. God Bless all of you. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: This is the BEST Pat's in the state IMHO. Huge luscious slices! Friendly service. We come every time we're in town. INDEX 19122 PLACE_ID: ChIJX1qglid3x4kROwHfJBN0V14 NAME: Parma Pizza ADDRESS: 400 Main St, Clayton, DE 19938, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 118 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: The service is TERRIBLE, the person on the phone got my order wrong, refused to give me a refund until I went in the store and was rude about the entire thing. I would not recommend spending your money with this establishment. I WILL NEVER EAT HERE AGAIN ! RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: They do not take responsibility for orders placed through grub hub. I called to let them know even though my receipt said I ordered an item, I didn’t receive item. I was told basically to take it up with grub hub because grub hub ordered the wrong item. This was not true and one would think as a frequent customer they’d like to honor the correct item. I have placed several orders before without an issue. Will never order from there again. The person on the phone needs customer service training. RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: It’s bad because the people are great but they either burn the fries or only put like half of the amount of fries they were fantastic before but now they are not worth 20 bucks RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Good food at a good price RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I got food poisoning and the service is terrible. The employees have no idea what cleanliness is or how to be polite. INDEX 19208 PLACE_ID: ChIJP8gbAmTGuIkRBUf5HhFjxmw NAME: Captains Pizza & Restaurant ADDRESS: 24832 John J Williams Hwy #3, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 356 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Been down here 20 years within 2 mi of the place never had their pizza. Finally two slices take out one with pepperoni and one cheese. I enjoyed the pizza crust, being New York thin, my only constructive criticism is needed more sauce. Next time when families down be getting my pizza there. RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Amazing pizza, staff is amazing! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Awesome veggie pizza was loaded and absolutely delicious. We really enjoyed it and my husband the pepperoni pizza. Thank you for the love you gave us. RATING: 5 WHEN: 11 months ago REVIEW: My husband and I just ate here for the first time. The food was absolutely fantastic. The service was very friendly and welcoming. The all around atmosphere and experience was warm. We both highly recommend Captain's for a fine dining experience! RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: My son and I ordered a kids chicken basket and a regular one. They both barely had any fries in them, not even to cover the small bottom of the platter box. We ordered two chocolate shakes. I thought for $5.00 a shake they would be good. Upon arrival, they were completely soft. We asked for ketchup, they gave us four little packets. Our order took an hour to arrive. I thought for $30.00, they would have provided a better meal for us. I must say, I’m disappointed with the entire order. The only positive was the girl that answered the phone was very kind, as well as the delivery gentleman. INDEX 19359 PLACE_ID: ChIJWTalREcHx4kRFbMpwwBkXRU NAME: Amore Pizza ADDRESS: 430 S Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 404 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Been a loyal customer for 15 years. Fantastic food all over the menu, especially for the price. Great pizza, cheesesteaks, salads, amazing fries, their Italian sub is one of my favorites, wings, fried chicken, pasta dishes, and Mexican cuisine as well. You cannot go wrong here. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Stopped to get gas and use the restroom. I was planning on going to Hardee's. I peeked in on this diner and the $6.95 lunch buffet sign caught my eye. It was actually quite good. If I didn't have five more hours to drive I would have ate more. When paying though, come to find out, it was $6.95 lunch special per pound for a to-go box. On the sign under Buffet it said per pound. It was $14. I would still go back. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: First time ordering very tasty pizza got the special. Will try cheesesteak next RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Chicken cheesteak was on point. Tuna wrap was even decent and they are usually blah everywhere else. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Amazing place to eat great food fantastic wings great prices the only thing I 2ish is it was closer to middletown lol INDEX 19457 PLACE_ID: ChIJ2X-AkeX9xokRbb4UxZDyS98 NAME: Little Vinnie's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 1706 Faulkland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 326 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: The food and service is always quality. We try new items every time we go and each time we find a new favorite. The food is worth it. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Ordered two different types of pizza. Both were absolutely delicious. The crust was perfect. Now I found a new place to get my pizza! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: WOW- I happened to be in the area so I stopped by and had a cheesesteak for lunch . Very good cheesesteak loaded with good meat and lettuce &tomato . Definitely worth the stop to get a nice sandwich - friendly people and good service ! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Quick service, reasonable prices and great food! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Best pizza and cheese steaks! The only things that I don’t like is they don’t deliver and the hours. They are closed on Sunday and they close a bit early the rest of the week. If they delivered I’d definitely order more because I hate to have to order from seasons when I need a quick dinner delivered. INDEX 19601 PLACE_ID: ChIJZfUVS-HNuIkRQXYNZUksYdw NAME: Pomodoro Pizzeria ADDRESS: 101 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 239 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Outstanding pizza. Ordered based on our host’s recommendation. Lived up to its reputation. Simple and absolutely delicious. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Delicious, fresh pizzas. They've just reopened for the 2021 season in mid-March. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great pizza. I’m a native New Yorker and tough critic (and major pizza lover). This is the real deal! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: The best pizza in delmarva! Staff is super friendly. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Excellent pizza! My husband and I stopped here after an hour-long bike ride and were famished. We each got 2 slices: he had pepperoni and sausage slices and I had tomato basil and mushroom slices. Crust was neither too thick nor too thin service was prompt and friendly, and the owner (I think she was the owner at least) even offered to take our empty plates away rather than us having to wait outside for our turn to return them. Food was fresh and tasty. Would definitely return here next time we're at Bethany Beach! 19605 No result INDEX 19824 PLACE_ID: ChIJa_fOQuX9xokR_6FbuXWOqdc NAME: Five Star Pizza ADDRESS: 1721 W Gilpin Dr, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 7 RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 years ago REVIEW: LOVE IT! Most consistent in freshness, quality and service. I would recommend to the White House and the health conscious! I order for work and all are happy with the great food and consistent freshness!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB! THANKS PEGGY! RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 years ago REVIEW: This is a place I have been going to for years. The food is always good and the prices are even better! The price of a two topping medium pizza for $5 is great! As well as the people who work there are also a delight. RATING: 3 WHEN: 6 years ago REVIEW: The only thing this place has going for them are the cheesesteaks. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 years ago REVIEW: No one took my order RATING: 2 WHEN: 7 years ago REVIEW: It was so so so so bad INDEX 19921 PLACE_ID: ChIJg0dL1J98x4kRlU8y2PKr12g NAME: Betsy Ross Pizza ADDRESS: 1294 Forrest Ave, Dover, DE 19904, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 354 RATING: 2 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Sandwiches use to be larger than any other places even Cappriotie's and the bread so soft and fresh. If you order a steak sandwich there use to be plenty of meat and when you say extra cheese you GET EXTRA CHEESE. They seem to be doing what all the rest are now and cutting corners while keeping the prices high. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: On my way ever Monday best kept secret in dover RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Petros the owners son and our waitress gave grade A service! From drinks to soup and our entrees my parents and I were treated like royalty! We love Betsy Ross! Good food ,prices, food and staff RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Good food. Service was excellent. They practiced social distancing. We'll go back again. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The waitress was nice and attendance. The food was very good and worth the money INDEX 20239 PLACE_ID: ChIJKzWTG12cuIkRNHpkN5ZS6tI NAME: Frederica Pizza & Pasta House ADDRESS: P.O 508, 1491 Frederica Rd, Frederica, DE 19946, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 837 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: They are busy at lunch time but they rock it RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Delicious and filling food, can't wait to eat here again.. If you get Cathy as a waitress she is a darling. They take care to sterilize the menus and silverware. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Great Italian food and good pizza too! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The Works Pizza we ordered was awesome, and the Chef Salad was amazing. I think Frederica's has the best pizza and salads in the area. Dad and I won't go anywhere else!! 😃 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Food and service were absolutely amazing and honestly quite shocking. Living at the beach I am used to my favorite Italian restaurants but I will be making the trip here for sure!! Amazing food!!! My favorite was the Italian wedding soup along with the garlic knots. Yummy!! INDEX 20309 PLACE_ID: ChIJ_4DeSD3DuIkRwQjjDzQvSI4 NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 123 E Dupont Blvd Hwy, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 124 RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Our order got messed up and it seemed... flavorless. Like the only thing that was seasoned was the crust. Not the actual pizza... idk how to explain it, but it was sadly very bland. I also don't understand why they say they can't give out napkins and parmesan/ pepper flake packets due to covid, but can make people's food😐 ... RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: there peperoni is sooooo good i dont now how but it is domino is the best pizza spot this is coming from a 11 year old RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: This location has been very consistent with good quality dominos pizza! Also, the African American gentlemen with the glasses that works there is extremely professional and you can tell he takes his job very seriously. Give him a raise! I always feel better when I see him there as I believe he takes his job seriously. Refreshing to see a hard charger in high turnover field. RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Very poor management. Ordered pizza online. When I came to pick it up, there was a line to get inside. Due to COVID they have a rule that only 3 people can stay inside at the same time. So customers are ordering and staying inside while waiting for their order. I called them while in the line outside and they told me my order was ready but I can not get inside to get it because they already have 3 customers inside. When I spoke to the manager and explained the situation, she said she can not change the rules and I have to wait in line to get inside even if my order was ready. I waited for 15 minutes to get my order after it was already ready. There should be a better way. RATING: 1 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: I Ordered $40 worth of food at around 7:45pm last night, received an email that said it would be 60-90 minutes for it to arrive at my door. I checked the app again at 8:55 expecting it to be on its way soon and saw that it was being quality checked which would normally indicate it would be coming soon. I waited until 9:30 and checked again just to make sure and it was still waiting at the store saying it was being quality checked. I called the store to make sure there was no issue with my card or the delivery, I was met with an extremely rude and short toned woman who said my delivery was ready and waiting for a driver and would be leaving soon I thanked her, hung up and waited. It's now almost 10pm my order which has been waiting at the store for almost an hour for a driver is still there. I called the store back and was put on hold for 5 minutes, got through to the same rude woman and asked for the manager on duty. She became even more short said she was the manager what did I want I explained the situation and said I want a refund and for her to make this right for me by comping the food. We order from them frequently and have never had an experience this awful. She said she would cancel my order but wouldn't be sending the food. I explained I had waited two hours my family is starving its 10pm you need to make this right for me and she laughed and said she wouldn't be sending free food so I could pay or she could cancel it. I asked for her name and she laughed and hung up on me. I called back 5 times and she kept answering and putting me immediately on hold. This is the most childish rude behavior I have ever experienced in dealing with a customer service representative. I work in the same field and could never imagine treating a customer this way. I see from other reviews im not the only customer she's done this to recently. I called georgetown domino's explained what happened and they had food to my door in 30 minutes, they saved the day. I will be ordering from Georgetown in the future, appears the millsboro location needs some staffing changes. INDEX 20793 PLACE_ID: ChIJp8eKuMi3uIkR_29o19c88_4 NAME: Grotto Pizza Gift Shop ADDRESS: 70 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 20793 No result INDEX 21481 PLACE_ID: ChIJpdKyXL79xokRM6CZ6NAd65Y NAME: Pats Pizzeria ADDRESS: 3604 Lancaster Pike # C, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 177 RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: I saw the boss box.... 40 pizzas or more, while I waited for one single order. That man is a magician 👨🍳 ! My food was so good ! Go there whenever you're in the area. Papa John's is right across the street... Garbage ! They don't even open the door. Pats Pizza, is world class ! I luv the whole team over there ! 10 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Excellent place to order some great food!!! The service is always good whenever I order from here. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Some of the best chicken alfredo I have ever had and my grandmother was full blooded Italian. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Employees were rude and ignored us when we walked in. They were too busy talking to one another. The store looked dirty as did the employees. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Pats is always consistent. Great food all the time. INDEX 21618 PLACE_ID: ChIJ2wQqsKFtkFQR3DOE6hAbakY NAME: MOD Pizza Support Center ADDRESS: 2035 158th Ct NE, Bellevue, WA 98008, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 22 RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: I went to the Lakeland Hills location today at 10:15. There was a woman who did not work there sitting in a booth and I asked "are you open?" She said she did not work there. I went to the counter and no employees in sight. I went to the door and looked for the hours in tiny letters and saw it was open at 10:30. So why are the doors open and people inside but no one working there in sight? So off I go to PAPA MURPHYS....OH WELL! RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Allowing customers in without masks and no effort to make space safe during pandemic. Irresponsible practices! RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: I was introduced to mods Pizza by a coworker in early july. He bragged about how good it was that he was going to buy me lunch, which would be a first period so I had nothing to lose and I took him up on it. I was very impressed with the service the quickness regarding how it's made right after you order it period very unique setup period and most importantly when you ate it you knew you had money well spent. All the ingredients look good and they all heat real well together. This evening was my fourth time eating MOD Pizza if I recall I felt kind of guilty after the first couple times not really mentioning anything. currently my fourth Pizza is cooking in the oven and I already know it tastes good. I got to build it, and even while I was building it one of the ladies the one who was helping me , young girl period she read my mind period wanted to ask for more cheese and she said are you sure you don't want more cheese. First time I ever had my pizza mine read. Anyway that store 71 up and Everett Washington and it's November 15th and it was at 4:52. So thank that crew they did a fantastic job for myself. RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I would like a member of MOD management to explain to me, why it is that the sudden and traumatic suicide of one of your employees is not a reason enough to give its employees a day to grieve the day after learning this? I mean can you imagine your job telling you to get back to work the very next day in the store that they should have been in? You can’t afford basic empathy to your employees who work day in and day out together? Or is being about “people first and taking care of your employees” as you say in your mission statement solely for optics? Or is it simply enough to you that an entire MOD store grieve on the clock because pizza takes precedence. RATING: 3 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: On Friday,February 14, I ordered three pizzas online. Mod Pizza put it on my credit card that was on file. I called to cancel the order because I wanted to pay cash when picking it up. I re-ordered the pizza and picked it up paying cash. My credit card was pending but I was told that it wouldn’t go through. It did. Now I’m being told that it was going to take 24-48 hours to have my money returned to my card. However my bank has charged a fee Love the pizza but won’t order online again. INDEX 21887 PLACE_ID: ChIJY3lx2J4Hx4kRCaBN_4t7bM8 NAME: Cuzino's ADDRESS: 1663 Pulaski Hwy, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 100 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great food me and my kids loved it my new fav place😄😃😁😍👌👍 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: It's our second time. Cuzino's serves fresh tasting dishes from pizza to salad and italian style pizza. RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Gotta be honest with this place, service is okay but the food is rather expensive for the quality RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The cheese steak was very good and it was made quickly-delicious RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Good fresh food. Best meatball parm ever! It's so big it's two meals for me. Absolutely delicious. INDEX 21945 PLACE_ID: ChIJkzPzX7ADx4kR60Ih6BG6wBI NAME: Cafe Pizzeria ADDRESS: 269 N Dupont Hwy, Wilmington Manor, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 117 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Tried this delicious spot for dinner tonight and all I can say was it was just as good, if not better then the food I ate in Istanbul. The staff was friendly and attentive. The food portions were very satisfying. I recommend trying the different Turkish sodas available and walk through the grocery section. Will definitely be back when I am in town! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: This little pizzeria Turkish style was very nice. Even has a food market inside. Family run and food was great.👍. Live in Jersey but will come here again if we are in the neighborhood. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Pizza and appetizer sampler was very good. Amazing quality and quantity. Friendly owner. Definitely recommend this place! RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I've had a few Turkish dishes from here, none of the American pizza or wings and things or grocery shopped but everything out of this place has been sooo good. The pide is so light and flavorful. The lady at the counter was very kind to me and helped me pronounce the dishes. Very sweet. Hope this place is prosperous. MUST TRY! RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: This pizza was amazing! Crust was perfect and toppings were fresh. The owner was friendly, I highly recommend their pizza! INDEX 21997 PLACE_ID: ChIJVUHjAwHDuIkR2tZ_vw4dnFE NAME: Crust Bake & Pizza ADDRESS: 212 Main St, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 11 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 years ago REVIEW: Great pizza. Huge chicken wings. Great deal for the price. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 years ago REVIEW: Amazing staff and food RATING: 1 WHEN: 5 years ago REVIEW: horrible place, I placed an order for delivery and they said the food would be at my house in 45 mins, it arrived over 2 hours later, I'll choose mcdonalds over this place next time. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 years ago REVIEW: The food is awesome, it has yet to disappoint me,.... RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 years ago REVIEW: Great food no complaints INDEX 22235 PLACE_ID: ChIJd8oGQPepx4kRXxL4maG6Ptg NAME: Pat's Pizzeria ADDRESS: 40 Marrows Rd, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 256 RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: This place is absolutely horrible.. Do not waste your time or your money. I gave them multiple opportunities to do business with them and they can't even make a sub without saturating it in oil and the roll was so hard you couldn't even eat it. You could feel how hard it was and the way the bread was cracking and the fact they even made it like that and delivering it is beyond me. I also placed many other orders before this, and got the same results giving them a chance and when you call they huff on the phone like you didn't just pay to have estable food, which it was not. The pizza isn't never done all the way doughy pizza in the past hard and stale bread on their subs and the wings aren't fully cooked and it's like they rush your food to get it out the door for delivery/pickup. Constantly messing orders up and forgetting things consistently. I have been a good paying customer who gave them enough opportunity and by my customer record of returning and placing big orders, you would think this kind of thing wouldn't happen especially a good value paying customer.... WARNING!!!! SAVE YOUR TIME AND YOUR MONEY!! BEWARE!!! YOU WILL REGRET IT!! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: IT'S SOMETIMES THE LITTLE THINGS...Very disappointed. I made the mistake of ordering cheese fries in a small group lunch order for my office. By the time the delivery person got to our office, which is only a few miles away from the Marrows Rd. Location, (took an hour), my fries were like cool rubber but the cheese sauce was still so hot that it had melted the plastic container it was in, thus exploding all over the co-worker who pulled it out of the bag. She then dropped it onto our carpet. The masking tape that was used to keep it closed had also melted, making it pretty hard to even open properly at that point. A cheesy mess all over 2 people & an office carpet with cold rubber fries? I paid for this? WHY? There's gotta be a better way. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Every time I order from here there is always a issue with my food. I asked for well done wings and received a pan full of grease wings. Speaking to mgt or the works does nothing now I have to go and cook the wings myself $40 I could have bought and cooked them myself. There is always an excuse but never a solution or my food fixed correctly. That's it no more pats for me. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: We gave made this our go to pizza place. Thr only pizza my husband likes more is Grottos. Their cheesesteaks are better than most places in Newark(aside from Mike Famous of course). Portions sizes are generous on their onion rings and fries. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I placed a order for pick up for a Buffalo chicken cheese steak, add lettuce and tomato. The owner then tried to charge me for buffalo sauce which I've never been charged for. Then I asked him to upgrade my fries to the baconator fries. He charged me an extra 2 dollars, which was fine. I went and pick up my order, got home. It had no lettuce or tomato and I had waffle fries. I called back to tell them situation and any said come back but he will have to charge me another $2 for the bacon eater fries. Even tho my order was totally messed up. The owner cares nothing but only money. Over customers satisfaction, never again will i go back. I hope you losing out on $2 was worth it because you just lost years of orders from me. INDEX 22432 PLACE_ID: ChIJzQoAYvb6uIkR-RjFPCXxQsk NAME: Laurel Pizzeria ADDRESS: 417 N Central Ave, Laurel, DE 19956, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 615 RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I've been coming here for years buying cheese steaks. I came in about a week ago and the cheese steak had different seasoning than usual. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was strange. (Maybe oldbay and sage?) The other problem was, they forgot to put cheese on my cheese steak 😪 RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Just paid $9 for 3 meatballs, a little sauce, cheese, and bread. Was gonna split this with my adult son. Hard to tell a grown man one and a half meatballs is dinner. That's their large. Lol! RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Don't like the fact that they still have social distance tables, but the service and food were great RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Best pizza place in Sussex County Delaware. Best crab cakes on the Delmarva peninsula! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: FOOD ALWAYS GOOD NEVER HAD BAD MEAL, AND WHAT STAFF MEMBERS I'VE HAVE DEALT WITH ALL HAVE BEEN NICE. 😎 INDEX 22573 PLACE_ID: ChIJWzpPzTm2uIkR2WWjxnEYNVQ NAME: Grotto Pizza Corporate Offices ADDRESS: 20376 Coastal Hwy, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 4 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Stop for drinks and food seats were open at bar we were told someone was sitting there we sat at table we were there for 40 minutes no one sat there we ordered food my husband was finished his when my came terrible I'm done with this place Camden Delaware RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: you have an associate working the the gift shop (Thur night 8/15 under Cooter Browns) named Carly who was a great ambassador to your organization. 100% exceeded our expectations while we went back 3 times to get our purchase right. She was/is a superstar. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 years ago REVIEW: I have ALWAYS Loved Grotto Pizza from the pizza and they're good from they're kitchens. Service is always top notch rather I dine in or take out. BUT.... I recently tried to place an order online and it literally have me I migraine. There are no options to add mayo or ketchup on a cheese steak. I thought there would be at least a special request box or something. Then I realized this maybe a new site for them and it just needs some adjustments. I hope that this is the case. I'm still going to order lunch a couple times a week or would just be a lot more convenient to be able to "Simply" place an order online! We love the legendary taste 😆 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 years ago REVIEW: 23535 No result INDEX 25040 PLACE_ID: ChIJ1WSe7w79xokRHCKNaDieM8E NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 1819 Pennsylvania Ave, Wilmington, DE 19806, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 713 RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I’m going to date this review and you’ll see how in the next sentence. It’s so comforting to find a place where I can dine in. So it was here at Grotto Pizza in Wilmington. I ordered a boil and my first impression was it’s small. It turns out that it was just right. Actually it was just right in more ways than one. The crust wasn’t too thick, there was enough filling to be flavourful, and a cup of sauce was provided on the side. Everyone has their own tastes for “just right.” For my tastes this was just right on all counts. If you’re looking for a “wow. I can’t eat all that” Stromboli, this isn’t for you. If you’re looking for a Stromboli for two, this isn’t that unless you’re also ordering appetisers or sides. If you want a really good but not over the top Stromboli, then this might be just right for you. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Went there to get some beer and food. great service, but I'm not a fan of their Pizza it's just not my preference, I'm sure other people think it's amazing. It was good visit overall. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Gluten free pizza better now than at first. Only chain that offers two sizes which is a big plus. Crust seriously tastes like ordinary crust. Not sure what goes into it but far superior to Domino's gluten free crust RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I LOVE there BBQ Chicken Pizza!! A nice place to sit and have a drink while u wait for ur food, or just a meet up with friends. Friendly Bartenders💯💯 RATING: 4 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Good food INDEX 25155 PLACE_ID: ChIJ6wRCQUOMuIkRAkdDuntGShI NAME: Cafe Tamburelli's ADDRESS: 3 Market St, Greenwood, DE 19950, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 245 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Large servings. Waitress was very helpful in making food and beverage selections. Steve.. The owner even came to greet us at the table. Will now be regular customers. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Great treats and beverages here. Absolutely love going here. Prices are great too. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Great place to eat when you’re going down state. The food is delightful and decent prices too. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Quick to make your food. Friendly staff and food is priced nicely. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: There Shrimp Alfredo was the best. I'd be safe to say it was better than Olive Garden! INDEX 25483 PLACE_ID: ChIJo99T7aj9uIkRi1nNpKYBhTw NAME: Milanos Pizzeria ADDRESS: 18 N Pennsylvania Ave, Delmar, DE 19940, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 111 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Was the worst meal we've ever tried to eat. The service was good but really; peppers that had been frozen just a glob on top of a pizza. I can eat a lot of things but when the meal,has it be picked thru l. Just Can,-t RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Amazing cheesesteaks, fantastic pasta dishes, and a super friendly staff. Milano's is definitely one of my go-to's for quick filling meals that don't break the bank. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Everything i have tried so far is good!..especially there burgers! And i love that they deliver locally! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Great food,service and priced right!! RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Good pizza and great subs INDEX 25780 PLACE_ID: ChIJbUrGK3SMuIkRmJtizbVA8FA NAME: Andy's Pizza ADDRESS: 501 East Market St, Greenwood, DE 19950, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 256 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Good pizza, good service. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Really good food RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Its definitely good!!! I would recommended to all. By the way 5 starts outweigh the 1 start reviews. Pizza, Chicken Parmigiana Sub, and Ricotta & Mozzarella Calzone. My favorite.. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Great pizza and big! Our large pizza barely fit in the box!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: So good. Nothing wrong here. It's all good pizza and friendly service INDEX 25781 PLACE_ID: ChIJ33Wdrjv7xokRUwQjqfZtz28 NAME: Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza ADDRESS: 5611 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 544 RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: In town & Anthony's was recommended. Glad we stopped in. The garlic knots are crispy on the outside while soft on this inside with fresh garlic & parmesan. Wings were finger licking good, & wood fired pizza was on point!!! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Nice pizza! The cauliflower was delicious. Helpful service and easy online ordering and masked curbside pickup. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Pizza always excellent , wings not so good not cooked the regular way , but salad GREAT TOO! RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Terrible pick up experience. Wait was double what I was told. Folks bringing food to the car seemed annoyed. Food was very good as usual but the take out service experience needs significant improvement. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: There was a slight mix-up on the order and Allison the general manager was right on it I was immediately taken care of she was so gracious and polite and it was greatly appreciated INDEX 25853 PLACE_ID: ChIJV5ytsOvkxokRl72iA69lFGE NAME: Little Caesars Pizza ADDRESS: 2500 Foulk Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 251 RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Just got back from waiting 15 minutes at drive thru before anyone came to window. Pizza was horrible. Got $5 pepperoni,crust was very thin,dry,and hard to bite into. Box did not have label on it which shows when made and did not get receipt. Man closed window quickly after taking my $. Not the first time dissatisfied 😕 will not go back. RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza was alright it's what I wanted and I enjoyed some hot wings which was banging but they was just too small. Smaller than the average wing parts. RATING: 2 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Although this little caesars location is easily accessible (handicap parking, pickup window, etc) it Never has "hot and ready" pizzas available during the hours they should be ready for instant pick up. Call in your pizza order Before coming. They nationally advertise, ready to pickup pizzas, remember that will NOT be available here. But the pizzas are good and start at $5.00. So, still worth the trip. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love the pretzel crust. Would have rated higher, but wings were tiny RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: This place is the the slow pizza maker in the planet even if don’t have customers they never get your pizza on the time promise I see people just walk around is only too but they don’t know how to set up and be ready never again order from this place INDEX 25955 PLACE_ID: ChIJKcO07_Wqx4kRZYCDNIg4klo NAME: Cacciatori Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 108 Louviers Dr, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 207 RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: We just purchased a home nearby and when you find something that exceeds your expectations you stop looking. I cannot compare to other pizza places nearby but I have eaten pizza in numerus places and this place is great on price and quality food. We have also tried the dinners and they are outstanding also... Worth the trip!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: The best pizzeria in the world! My personal favorite is the pepperoni, but my family also rotates through the grandma, Buffalo chicken, and white pizzas. The Stromboli rolls are really good too and decently priced, as are the hoagies and steaks. Consider this: there are several other pizzerias closer in location to me as Cacciatori Pizza and Pasta is over 20 minutes away, yet they have been nearly a weekly staple for my family for years. Everyone who works there is really friendly too and a blessing to the Newark community. RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Absolutely phenomenal food. Everything was very rich and packed full of flavor and you get a lot as well. I have to say that even when reheated it was still amazing. And the service was incredibly! Everyone is very friendly and helps create this relaxed and happy atmosphere. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Best pizza and lunch specials!!! We moved to AZ for 3 years and this is the first place we went to after moving back!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: It’s the best pizza around and so many other good dishes to try. The eggplant rollatini and chicken francese are family favorites as are the Italian sub and cheese steak. But you have to try the pizza at least once. You’ll be sold! INDEX 26355 PLACE_ID: ChIJJbF3eDr9xokRf-L7JxnNKtc NAME: New York Fried Chicken & Pizza ADDRESS: 2210 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 61 RATING: 4 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Chicken is very good. I haven't had a chance to try the pizza yet. RATING: 1 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: None of the workers had any gloves or masks and they were talking to each other on top of the food. Also I found hair on my food!! Terrible RATING: 1 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: To much oil I'm not getting fat I have to stay skinny for gymnastics RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 years ago REVIEW: The chicken was first not all the chicken or rolls I ordered some was missing so for that price I was disappointed to add on to that it was cold, but it did have good flavor minus all that. Check your food before you leave. Do not eat the fries just yuck. RATING: 2 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Not the best location at all as far as feeling safe. Food was "blah". I've had much better experiences at other locations. INDEX 26963 PLACE_ID: ChIJQxFvR3z_xokRNGmN93ORuHg NAME: Luigi's Cafe Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 723 Ace Memorial Dr, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 150 RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Awesome food . Just don't order any takeout around dinner on Fridays. At least 1 hr wait to pick up! Really rediculas! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great food. Cheese Steak sandwiches filled with lots of real meat and a decent roll as the bread is just as important as the filling. First time we visited we had a calzone and a stromboli. Unless you are a big eater, a large will feed 2 people easily. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: This place is ALWAYS packed! Lots of deliveries and the staff are awesome at being honest about wait times! THE FOOD = delicious! Variety of options, including gluten free pizza! Location is annoying bc of parking, not much they can do about that! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Great pizza and cheesesteaks. My wife's favorite cannolis. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: SO thankful to have such delicious Italian takeout close by!! The pizza, pasta, salads, apps - everything we've ordered from Luigi's has been so awesome. We are already regulars! 27213 No result INDEX 27607 PLACE_ID: ChIJBTuonPS3uIkRbCboHLNj9tE NAME: Amore Pizza ADDRESS: 20750 John J Williams Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 88 RATING: 3 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Its ok RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: One would think that in a resort area there be an abundant choice of good pizza to choose from ... Not this resort ... There's a handful of good ,independent ,pizza choices . The rest are the normal corporate cardboard with ketchup ... Amore is amongst the best ... I've noticed some ingredient changes among the others ,probably in response to losing profits from Covid-19... Not Amore ... The flavor is always on point ... RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Good luck trying to place an order. I was put on hold for 12 and half minutes. While holding they took another call and put me on hold then I was disconnected. I will never waste my time again. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I would love to give this place a good rating, but the service is absolutely terrible. They act as though you are inconveniencing them by placing an order, won't give a time estimate for pick up so you may have a long wait there, and act as though its your fault when they mess up the order. For the same experience you can just eat some Papa John's while watching Gordan Ramsey yell. RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: First time using them and my stromboli is burnt. Not very happy but i am hungry so ill eat it burnt. Jodi riesmeyer. Lewes de. INDEX 27711 PLACE_ID: ChIJt8P9btTixokR2V-278opKRg NAME: Lucy's Pizza & Restaurant ADDRESS: 3840 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 579 RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Food is fantastic, but they only have order by phone, or in person, but the line is almost always busy. That being said, the stress is worth it! But seriously, let's get an online ordering system of some kind.... PLEASE! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Lucy is a Wilmington classic. When you talk about steaks and subs they are in the conversation. They have really good salads as well. RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: I like their cheesecake and sandwiches. I had a Turkey and cheese sandwich on toast the other day and it was good RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Lucy's have excellent food I remember when they first started out on 29th and Washington Street I know the owner and his brother very good people. They have excellent food try it you'll like it RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I love Lucy's salads! They're always fresh and you get your money's worth. INDEX 27781 PLACE_ID: ChIJ3eSC-a7ruIkRfh34CCuo4XU NAME: Pizza Palace ADDRESS: 3 Georgetown Plaza, Georgetown, DE 19947, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 507 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: We've been ordering their fish & chips many many times. It comes with fries and coleslaw. They were always willing to substitute fries with another coleslaw or soup or salad as we want to eat healthy. But during our recent order, they refuse to substitute fries. And we also found that the amount of fish we got was less than before: it was two pieces of whole fish fillets, and now it was one and half (picture attached.). We were very disappointed the way they treat their loyal customers. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Service was awesome 👍 and so was the meals!! Wife really enjoyed the burger and I had the shrimp and scallops in vodka sauce...... 😋 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Really loud inside, however food came in big portions. Wish the menu was a little clearer, didn’t know what a “platter” was. They got my cheeseburger wrong as it came without pickles but I just asked for a side of pickles afterwards. Really big cheeseburgers, juicy lasagna and super good pizza. However social distance was not into play here, I was surrounded by two other families by no more than 5 feet. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love, love,love Pizza Palace!! We have been eating there for almost 20 yes and the food is awesome!! June RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: i went 5 becuase very good restaraunt i been eating it 10 year and good time spent family INDEX 27963 PLACE_ID: ChIJmXK8yDlxx4kR_Mx5HQFtvIc NAME: Bella Villa Italian Pizzeria by Ernesto ADDRESS: 110 E Glenwood Ave #3, Smyrna, DE 19977, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 310 RATING: 3 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Sometimes it's good sometimes it's not. I only ever order pizza's though. I must say a majority of the time the dough is hard and tough and the ends are often inedible because they're just too tough. The cheese Is sometimes perfect and sometimes it's over cooked, too yellow and it doesn't flow at all. Maybe they need to get their oven serviced or add more yeast or something to their dough. I still go here because when the pizza is good it's great but when it comes out bad I mean it's really bad. One time they served me a literally burnt pizza like one that they should have been embarrassed to serve and should have thrown out entirely. I'm patient with local stores and more lenient with their mistakes but this place gets pretty sloppy with orders at times and it's been like that for years. *also I want to note I saw one woman working here not wearing a face mask while talking to the pizza maker guy. I mean really lady come on for goodness sake. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: We waited 2 hours for our food to be delivered... When it came, the bag broke on the porch from the deliverers hands and smashed on the ground... It wasn’t the kid who delivered the foods fault... It was the people who put wet food in a paper bag... Then they said, we’ll send you another delivery right away... we then waited 2 more hours, so we called them and they said...” Oh, we’ll send it over now “ We had already paid them 4 hours ago, so they probably said, when the orders slow down, we will send them the food... We were great customers for Bella Villa... We order many times and even go there for lunch many times... I GUESS ITS TIME TO ORDER SOMEWHERE ELSE 😡😡😡 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Excellent food! RATING: 1 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Do not waste your time and money here. Horrible service even when you just want to pick up a pizza. Can’t even get a cheese pizza right. You get under done crust and whatever they slop on top they call cheese. I say it again, don’t waste your time nor money. I wouldn't let my wife nor 2 year old son eat what they served me. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Ordered garlic bread, eggplant parm, and a large pepperoni pizza. 3 things. My husband went to pick up our order. They completely forgot to make the pepperoni pizza, and so they made him wait 15 mins for it to be cooked. We got home, opened the pizza box, and inside was this giant soggy meat calzone thing. Not only did they mess everything up, both dishes tasted terrible. First and last time eating here. INDEX 28398 PLACE_ID: ChIJA5axnskBx4kRugRFQqZ5-co NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 4723 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 394 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I ordered a Seasons chopped salad and it was delicious aside from very clumpy, fatty, chewy bacon. The server was very friendly, efficient, and great. Was a great visit with delicious food! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: BEST PIZZA IN DELAWARE FOR DELIVERY IF UNABLE TO GET TO THE RESTAURANT. DELIVERY SERVICE IS SUPERB. DELIVERY PEOPLE ARE VERY PROFESSIONAL AND KIND. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: A friend and I came in today, .the service was so good,.Manny & the staff are on the ball.The food was amazing just like the staff.I recommend to everyone to make a stop here, we'll definitely be back,..Ty again . RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: We called in an order, the girl answered the phone "Seasons at Midway, how may I help you" the time for pick up was 20 min. We arrived 20 min later and they "didn't have our order" couldn't find it in the computer. I verified the number I dialed from my cell phone as well as the time. While "lookin for it" for about 10 minutes an employee yelled from he back, "they probably called Elsmere" RUDE and INSULTING.... AFTER I verified I called the correct number as saved on my phone. They remade the order and gave us 3$ off. Super disappointed and annoyed, customer service was TERRIBLE RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Usually when I go to this location it is for take out. Today I took my 3 year old daughter out for a daddy daughter day and we went here and I decided to sit in for the first time and after today it'll be the last time I even spend a penny here. The waitress had maybe 3 other tables and every one of those got asked if they wanted dessert before getting she asked if they wanted the check. When it came to my daughter and I it was "heres your check would you like a box?" Amd when asked why we didn't get asked about dessert she said "I forgot". You just asked everyone else three tables in a row. How you forget? Its clear Black Lives DO NOT matter at this location. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Only white folks get good service here... INDEX 30247 PLACE_ID: ChIJX7Q_NOfQuIkRE-Ia3pyho-g NAME: Fox's Pizza Restaurant and Bar ADDRESS: 31225 Americana Parkway, Selbyville, DE 19975, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 493 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Great bar food and atmosphere. Waitresses were friendly and had a good sense of humor. We ordered the cheesesteak egg rolls and chicken tenders & fries to split between us both. Very tasty and satisfied the quick, delicious bite we were searching for. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Fox's restaurant is a nice place. It has a large bar and plenty of seating. I recently ordered a cheese steak and was disappointed with the roll which was oversized for the steak. I've had their pizza before also and it's good. Last time I went their they seemed to be saving money on the heating so it was quite cold in the restaurant. My wife kept her winter coat on all during lunch. I will go here again because my previous visits have been much better. The draft craft beer was very good though. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: It was good RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: This is the best pizza I have had in a long time. They have extra large pies and they all come with what seems to be extra cheese! Plenty of toppings too. I have ordered several times and they are consistently good. Highly recommend. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: I never give foxes credit but they are consistent and I have yet to have a negative opinion INDEX 30415 PLACE_ID: ChIJQYwF-V_jxokRwWhHKvdqRdk NAME: Paris Pizzeria ADDRESS: 1735 Marsh Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 166 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: These guys have been great to me and my employees. There food is always on point and the delivery is always on time. To me, their pizza is the best around this area. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Worst pizza place. We ordered $60 worth of food. It arrived almost an hour and a half late. The food was cold. When I called to complain, the lady on the phone tried to help us, but the delivery driver told her we were lying about when the food was delivered, even though we have him on camera. So, they took his word over ours, naturally. Our kids wouldn’t eat the food because it was disgustingly cold, we would’ve settled for store credit, but they wouldn’t even offer that. Terrible customer service and a terrible delivery driver. I’m half tempted to order today just to have the driver come back so I can call him out on his BS. If I could give 0 stars, I would. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Ordered delivery. Pizza (half pepperoni), Buffalo chicken cheese steak, curly fries. Showed up in 15 minutes, still super hot and delicious! Pizza was better than the steak, but still very good. I like my face to sweat when I eat Buffalo, this was pretty mild (some people love that). RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Pizza was decent. Cute little place. Very crowded though... not with people... just things. Lol RATING: 3 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: sauce is a bit sweet for my taste, crust a bit cakey but I devoured two slices like a 16 year old after mowing a lawn. INDEX 30906 PLACE_ID: ChIJXfPqOXICx4kRvzJZdLEWfcQ NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 615 S Maryland Ave, Newport, DE 19804, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 310 RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Their cheesesteaks are the best ever! The bread is as soft as a baby's bottom! It is so good that it melts in your mouth. I always order their cheesesteaks, my tummy has no complaints! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I like the CBS (grilled chicken, broccoli and spinach) bowls with chilli peppers. The team here is always upbeat and groovy. Like. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Haven't been since before the start of the Pandemic. Excellent meal, service and location. Felt very safe inside and seated. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Food is good. Always double check your take out order before leaving. Dinning in is laid back and easy. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Pretty good I got a wardour salad chicken salad was kind of bland but the dressing made up for it INDEX 30993 PLACE_ID: ChIJWzpPzTm2uIkR2WWjxnEYNVQ NAME: Grotto Pizza Corporate Offices ADDRESS: 20376 Coastal Hwy, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 4 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Stop for drinks and food seats were open at bar we were told someone was sitting there we sat at table we were there for 40 minutes no one sat there we ordered food my husband was finished his when my came terrible I'm done with this place Camden Delaware RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: you have an associate working the the gift shop (Thur night 8/15 under Cooter Browns) named Carly who was a great ambassador to your organization. 100% exceeded our expectations while we went back 3 times to get our purchase right. She was/is a superstar. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 years ago REVIEW: I have ALWAYS Loved Grotto Pizza from the pizza and they're good from they're kitchens. Service is always top notch rather I dine in or take out. BUT.... I recently tried to place an order online and it literally have me I migraine. There are no options to add mayo or ketchup on a cheese steak. I thought there would be at least a special request box or something. Then I realized this maybe a new site for them and it just needs some adjustments. I hope that this is the case. I'm still going to order lunch a couple times a week or would just be a lot more convenient to be able to "Simply" place an order online! We love the legendary taste 😆 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 years ago REVIEW: INDEX 31522 PLACE_ID: ChIJR3L51dOhx4kRRMwv9y9rzdk NAME: Luna’s Pizzeria & Italian Grill ADDRESS: 830 Kohl Ave, Middletown, DE 19734, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 227 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Food was good. We loved the pizza. BBQ Wings were huge & good as well! Will be returning! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Food was good but service was top notch. They did a great job of keeping everything clean and organized. Food hit the table quickly and was cleaned up equally as quickly. Great job guys! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Love Lunas, my husband and I eat here about once a week. Food is delicious, staff is friendly and efficient. Cozy atmosphere. Amber, best waitress there by far, shes awesome. Owner and manager very friendly and sociable. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Came here for a quick lunch. First time here and it was pretty good. Good service, friendly staff. Got the meatball parinara. Will be back again. RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Our local joint was out of meatballs, bummer. So we came to luna's for meatball parm :) got the antipasto salad as well .. it was l o a d e d with cold cuts (too much for my liking) it was still tasty! Cute little place too - every one was friendly and welcoming. INDEX 32038 PLACE_ID: ChIJg3m6M7dkx4kRUngExXn_sqg NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 261 N Dupont Hwy Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 195 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: This Domino's is amazing. They are ALWAYS so fast and my orders are always correct. Probably the only place in Dover with good customer service and consistency in the food. I'm grateful for this Domino's. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: major improvement from the last time i ordered. food was delicious, everything was cooked and packed with care. I'm honestly impressed as someone who works in a restaurant myself. great job manager and kitchen staff and thank you matthew RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The workers are nice here but I don't like how domino's marinara sauce is sweet. It's a personal preference, otherwise there was nothing wrong with the pizzas. RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I ordered a buffalo chicken pizza and they put so much sauce on the pizza that I couldn't eat it until I soaked up the sauce with paper towels. I love spicy but I don't like my pizza to be wetter than my drink.... absolutely ridiculous. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Perfect in all ways! The crust..the toppings, the flavor..couldn't be happier..the wings are awesome too and for 7.99, you just can't beat the specials...we so appreciate your attention to detail and quality of your product! INDEX 32375 PLACE_ID: ChIJUyVkh279xokR42bDEaByDW4 NAME: Italiano's and Krispy krunchy chicken ADDRESS: 800 W 4th St, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 117 RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: It definitely could use some brightness to the place but their food is so good. Especially their buffalo wings, the sauce is so amazing hands down the best. The chicken and shrimp rice platters are on point..... RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I love there fried chicken wings, there tenders and the hot wings. The people that work there are so nice and the service is excellent RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: My favorite place to eat...been buying food there for the last few years ...the owners our nice..and make sure ..I'm never disappointed...indeed food for the soul RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Didn't have item I went there for😓 RATING: 4 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Love the whole menu. Wings are my 2nd favorite always a great deal on pizza and wings something here for everyone INDEX 32605 PLACE_ID: ChIJu0ksjhy2uIkR4HddtPNU4wk NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 1603 Coastal Hwy, Dewey Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 472 RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Classic RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: WE STAN BRITNEY. she gave us the best service ever over the phone. I will come back here for sure despite the fact that buffalo sauce was missing from our order, but her kind demeanor and comforting tone made up for the lack of buffalo sauce. Again, thank you Britney we won’t forget you, like ever. RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Restaurant was closed so we had to go to take out and bring food to outside seating ourselves. Food was up to usual standards. We did get wait service on Saturday there and the server was very personable. RATING: 5 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Great pizza, great time and most importantly great staff. Brooke took care of us multiple nights while we were in town and was super fun and awesome. We got crab legs down the street and I actually saved room for grottos pizza. John and Brooke were awesome and made sure our stay was nothing less than perfect. RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Ordered take out and the pizza was awful. My wife and I honestly could not think of a time we got worse pizza. I can’t imagine anyone giving 5 stars is legit either they’ve never had good pizza or they are fake reviews. I rarely review but this was that bad felt and obligation to keep others from making the mistake. Note to grotto... your sauce is awful. Pizza had spots with just sauce no cheese or toppings. Crust was not bad. INDEX 35172 PLACE_ID: ChIJyxQMw-MBx4kRe7NtnCX_s3A NAME: Little Caesars Pizza ADDRESS: 3613-D Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 325 RATING: 3 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Every time I go in, its a different experience. Different people and different problems or situations but nothing too bad to stop us from coming here. RATING: 3 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: It was to be hot and ready and I had to wait 20 minutes for a pizza RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Good enough. You get what you pay for. Pizza tastes good, but isn't very high quality in terms of ingredients. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Hot and ready in 5 mins... more like one minute... if your looking for a late night snack ready to go this is a great option... I suggest the rectangular pizza with bacon... is really good and the staff here is awesome! Highly recommended!!! RATING: 4 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: neither hot nor ready. delish and cheap tho INDEX 35200 PLACE_ID: ChIJCdT1WJkHx4kRpZ59OkXSsF0 NAME: Pat's Pizza ADDRESS: 1713 Pulaski Hwy, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 196 RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Ordered 1 chicken Cesar salad & 1 chef salad. It's was good. Lettuce not that fresh & had some brown pieces. Service was good cbd fast RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Pats has the best breaded wings ever and their spicy chicken salad hits the spot!! RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: WHY WOULD YOU PUT A TURKEY CLUB IN WITH THE HOT FOOD! I WILL NEVER GO THERE AGAIN! THEY HAVE NO COMMON SENSE! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Don’t eat there I purchased a hoagie. A turkey hoagie to be clear. It was the worst hoagie I’ve ever eaten. They put one slice of turkeys on my sandwich. Also fries that was not well cooked. I will never eat there again. RATING: 3 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Ordered a pizza slice and Hot (spicy) Chicken wings. The pizza was very good, the wings not so much... l haven't had them in a while so l treated myself, well they were so SALTY I couldn't eat them. First, l tried to eat them cut up over a salad but even that didn't mask the over seasoning. It made my feet swell and my blood pressure skyrocketed. I don't know what happened, they used to be very good. INDEX 35214 PLACE_ID: ChIJY2ZKTKr9xokRaWedHzr3WcE NAME: DiMeo's Pizza ADDRESS: 831 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 124 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Best mozzarella cheese and dough around!! Sausage pizza is delicious 🙏❤️ If you like wings then this is the place to get your wings they are great. Pizza crust taste authentic... After a day old you put in the oven and it's still taste great 👍 Fast delivery... Nice restaurant.. authentic feel.. All around great establishment! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: THE BEST I said THEEE BEST pizza in Wilmington. Tonight was my first time ordering from here and I won’t be going no where else!!! The perfect amount of cheese and sauce and the dough isn’t thick. The service was awesome 👏🏾!!!!! 10/10 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I appreciate so much what was done for me at DiMeós. I had a certain digestion issue and ask the Chef /cook to prepare a meal a certain way. He did at no extra cost. Thank you RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Awesome food not just another pizza joint been going here for years highly recommend stopping in for a bite and if you can't decide what you want just ask the cook ( do you mind just putting something together for me? ) and I assure you, you will not be disappointed. Place is great 👍 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: True Italian pizza! The Chicken Chipotle pizza is by far my favorite! It keeps me coming back! INDEX 35519 PLACE_ID: ChIJdQ1tCbwDx4kRB7QSQgvBiO8 NAME: Cuzino's Family Kitchen ADDRESS: 188 Penn Mart Shopping Center, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 108 RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Today I bought a sausage calazone. The sausage was barely there. Little prices of sausage that may be sprinkled on top of a very, very, very small pizza. Very disappointed ☹️. Although, the bread and cheese was tasty and hot , the missing ingredient was the sausage. I called a spoke to a very polite guy on the phone who thanked me for letting him know. The cost of the small calazone was $9.99. Very pricey for what I got. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I just order a chicken steak that might as well be a chicken cullet no cheese... no seasoning. I ask order my favorite italian fries usually they are do delicious, not this time. They only had parsley no parmesan, no italian seasoning and they were look warm.. not good at all.. so disappointed. They need to get rid of who ever is cooking on Thursdays... RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: There are a lot of negative reviews. I have to say as a a food service worker this was one of the best pizza places I’ve ever ordered from in new castle! I placed an order and received it 30 minutes later. Food was cooked to perfection and still very hot! Driver was very polite. Cheesesteaks are amazing and so is the pizza. I also got a cookie cannoli and that was soo good! Thanks again I will be ordering again soon. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Great location for delicious italian food. It was so appetizing. Nothing but pleasant experiences here. My apartment is far from here, so I can't visit often. RATING: 3 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: The pizza my wife and I ordered came got and fresh. What it lacked of was toppings. You would think we didn't order chicken on our pizza with how scarce the pieces were along with the other veggies. Dough reminded me of the same dough you find as seasons pizza which is already grounds for another star removal because of the texture. Overall I'll be returning to my usual Friday night pizza spot. INDEX 35683 PLACE_ID: ChIJqxVQR1Vjx4kR-rGyEcrICJg NAME: POLISENOS PIZZERIA ADDRESS: 439 S New St, Dover, DE 19904, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 297 RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I ordered pizza and wings last week. The wings were wing ding size which I prefer. I ordered the same thing today and received huge oversized steroid infused wings-disgusting. I called and nothing was done to resolve. I just threw them away. This place is a hit and miss. I won't be wasting money on this place again. Customer service sucks. RATING: 2 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: This place is not service friendly at all, the menu prices do not match what they actually charge you. Then if you live more than a mile they charge you extra. I would be okay if the food was good but the cheese from the pizza slide off to the side of the box and the pizza was not even cut, like cold wings cold bread sticks. My experience with this small business was absolutely horrific. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Great wings! Great pizza! Polite and courteous drivers. All around a good time. My favorite...a lamb gyro. Good ones are hard to find and theirs is one of the best I've tasted. Definitely a frequent customer. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Best Pizza south of Lookerman, in Dover. Great service. Always with a smile. And quick! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The people who answers the phones are amazing. The prices are awesome. The pizza is delicious the wings are delicious. And the drivers are too sweet. They love my kids lol my son constantly blows them kisses. Lol. They are wonderful here!!! INDEX 36220 PLACE_ID: ChIJp_76G5MBx4kRe4-aRiwR2rc NAME: Pat's Pizzeria ADDRESS: 2008 W Newport Pike #3723, Wilmington, DE 19804, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 190 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I've been getting food from here pretty much my whole life. This Pat's is literally the BEST, their Stuffed Steak Pizza is amazing and they are the only Pat's restaurant that makes it perfect, I've had it from 2 other Pat's and it wasn't even close to being good. RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: It was really good food and way to much portion wise which is not a bad thing it’s a good thing. Chief do an amazing job preparing. It an order at counter they bring food to you but anything else you need for dinner you have to go find. A lot of food left on table because boxes weren’t offered until you were ready to walk out. Very friendly service and very nice place. I do understand about corona so some of this deals with that. Though you needed a mask to order but then after you ordered you don’t need any more. Person who took our order spoke to us on our way out at fountains and none of us had mask on go figure. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Best pizza place I have ever eating in I’ve been customer here for 14 years and they still are the best place amazing food the place is always clean the staff is extremely nice I strongly recommend pats pizza as a place to eat at RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Pizza is cheaper than Domino's and Papa John's, better taste and more your dollar. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Awesome food nd awesome customer service!! INDEX 36234 PLACE_ID: ChIJR49Qi18Bx4kR9xHMGzXKqrs NAME: Milano Pizzeria LLC ADDRESS: 204 Churchmans Rd, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 67 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: We love Milanos...sauce is amazing..dinners are excellent...very generous potions. Gotta try it.. delivery is fast! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: My wife loves their pizza, but my favorite is their cheesesteak. The hidden gem of a deal is their cheeseburger though. It's so big that it barely fits in the container and is only like $5, stacked with all the toppings it competes with a five guys burger. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Love their pizzas, hot wings, and chef salad. Delivery is always on time. If we pick up they are always ready when they say. Sundays wouldn't be football day if we didn't have Pizza from Milanos! Yummy!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Tried many different foods from Milano's and most of it is great! The customer service is awesome and they're pretty accommodating. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Omg best pizza place ever. INDEX 36426 PLACE_ID: ChIJ1YJfOhsBx4kReukvAifizg4 NAME: Hot Spot Pizza & Restaurant ADDRESS: 1127 Churchmans Rd, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 238 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We have ordered from Hot Spot almost 10 times now. Every order has been on point. Delivery is prompt and the drivers are always nice. The food is outstanding and we have ordered many different items on the menu. The rolls are always fresh and our order is always correct. You can tell they care about their customers. We would definitely recommend anyone to try this place and they will be hooked. Thank u to Hot Spot for making great food and excellent customer service!! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Excellent food. Fast delivery. Had one error on an order and they immediately corrected it and sent me the correct item. We order from there once a week switched from years of using Seasons. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Very good pizza and everyone is always extremely nice! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I absolutely love their Newport Panini! I get it several times a week. The employees there are always a pleasure to speak to and are super friendly! I have NO complaints!! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Amazing food! Fast and the delivery driver so pleasant. Great experience. Their pizza is so so good. INDEX 36642 PLACE_ID: ChIJ3Tg4QR8Ax4kRIfC6lf13zyU NAME: Valle Pizza ADDRESS: 4752 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 131 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Dinner was five star! Our waitress, Amanda, always goes above and beyond. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza is great, and the service is excellent. One of our favorite places to order delivery too! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This place continues to impress. I remember last time we were there I thought this place is pretty good well they outdone themselves with my visit last night. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great pizza. Ordered wings they looked like pigeon wings that came off someone's plate . RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Very good pizza. Definitely home made and unique to other local pizza shops. INDEX 36878 PLACE_ID: ChIJDXMLuxSgx4kRApRJcVrNRww NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 309 Auto Park Dr, Middletown, DE 19709, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 691 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Clean, Fun, Yummy. Love their familiar beachy menu. AND Bethany is such a sweet waitress! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Best wings around. You have to try the Grand Slam sauce. Best pizza is the Bakers Choice. Stop by Middletown and say hello to the best waiter, Abraham and best bartender, Larry. RATING: 4 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: nice place for sit down lunch. food is decent at fair prices, covid protocols are well managed and comfortable atmosphere RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I had a hankering for a pizza. This TOTALLY hit the spot (The Baker's pizza had large tasty green peppers too)! RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Great pizza! Good place to watch sports. They have lots of t.v.s with sports and racing on and a bar area to order some adult drinks if you want INDEX 37015 PLACE_ID: ChIJbbkw6OgAx4kRJpUG0P3nbNs NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 4606 Ogletown Stanton Rd, Christiana, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 412 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The mushroom cheese steak was delicious... RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Excellent food and service RATING: 2 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Delivered bin about an hour but missing half the ingredients to 4 salads. Candied walnuts not added to the 2 salads, only half the salad was present compared to the other salads, no egg, etc horrible. How are you going to miss half the ingredients in salads? RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Let me preface by saying the route 13 location and Maryland Ave location are great. This review, however, is about the Christiana location near the hospital. Almost every time I eat anything from this location that has uncooked/cold ingredients, I throw up. The cooked food I do fine. Once I ended up in the hospital with c-diff within 48 hours of eating here, and symptoms started two hours before we had to call an ambulance - no way it was from an antibiotic from earlier in the year. I deteriorated way too fast. Last night we ordered here, and I decided to go for a caprese panini. I ended up puking around midnight for about a half an hour. This is the ONLY location I have issues eating at. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I recommend not doing business with this establishment .I work across the street at the hospital the gentleman that answer and took my order said 45 minutes a hour later I called the gentleman and he impolitely said we called you that was not true I simply told the gentleman that was not true and that was terrible business he automatically than said would you like to cancel your order it was hurtful without any other way of fixing the issue. This establishment has many complainments within the hospital. The seasons on Maryland Ave has the complete opposite business mindset . INDEX 37251 PLACE_ID: ChIJcf8l78QAx4kR2c_vcuV5W3g NAME: Gyro Kabob House ADDRESS: 1142 Christiana Rd, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 686 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Can’t leave you guys hanging with 666 reviews. So here’s your 667. From the time I place a call to the time to pick up the order it was a great experience. Whoever took the order was so pleasant over the phone. I was eager to pick up and come to this restaurant for the first time! I let the guy know when he was ringing me up that this was the first time Ive ordered. He enthusiastically told me I was going to love the food. He was right! Delicious! And their fries don’t get gross in the takeout container like most places! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Very delicious green rice and yogurt sauce here! The service men are also very nice and always get my order correct. The Baklava is awesome as well! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: The gyros are delicious- I love the sauce they put in them and all the different flavors compliment each other perfectly. The old bay fries are also pretty good. Don't order hummus though-the hummus has some sort of weird condiment mixed in with it (maybe mayo?) that makes it pretty much inedible. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great food. Prices are a bit high for fast food but worth it. Would be amazing if they could get into a better area/building. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: We love to stop here and get gyros whenever we're passing through. Delicious! INDEX 37348 PLACE_ID: ChIJl2EIwW62uIkRcIOi4KqJ7hk NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 15 N Boardwalk, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 253 RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: One of the more popular stops in Rehoboth. Waitress was great. Margarita pizza and crab soup were both fine for a reasonable price. It's a good mid-day recommend, but probably not a "must go." RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Whiskey Jacks on the Boardwalk was a blast solely because of Crystal our bartender. She made our visit fun and enjoyable while providing quality service. Love Crystal. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I love getting a slice of pie or two on the boardwalk with a big soda to wash it down with. It's classic beach tradition to get a slice while you're in Rehoboth from Grotto's. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: We have been big Grottos fans for 15 plus years. Pizza is amazing. Service never disappoints. RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Grotto's pizza is a must whenever we vacation at Rehoboth Beach, and the subs are wonderful, too. Join the swirl club and save money as well. Yum! INDEX 37355 PLACE_ID: ChIJKbNTys18x4kRT6Wh3lseCes NAME: Pizzeria And Taqueria Porto Bella ADDRESS: 1618 S Governors Ave, Dover, DE 19904, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 139 RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I ordered there twice and the food was good...but, today it wasn't, the hamburger was like Styrofoam and the fries were not good at all. bottom of the barrel fries with saturated oil. Id suggest changing oil and crinkle fries and better quality burgers. Total waste of money to have to let the dog have it. I'd like to mention the pizza is just to thin and flops when you pick it up. My advice, make it a little thicker in the center. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Let me start off by saying... I have been searching for some authentic Mexican food for years now. Porto Bella is definitely my go to. Not to mention their seafood is so good as well. Literally I just finished eating the Honey Glazed Salmon dinner. When I say delicious!! I mean just that. The vegetables were sautéed just right and the salmon was juicy and seasoned well. Of course it came with rice, toasted garlic bread and a choice of salad. I had the Caesar salad and it was the best!!!! I’ll definitely be ordering again. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Italian food and Mexican food.... I have not had anything from here I did not enjoy. Pizza is good. Cheese steaks are good and full.. Mexican food is very very good also RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The Mexican food was very tasty. My husband ordered a pizza and he said it was very good. I will definitely be eating here again. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We ordered cheese fries, hard ground beef tacos, soft ground beef tacos and the lamb gyro. It was so good. Especially the cheese fries. INDEX 37505 PLACE_ID: ChIJb7r9v1nRuIkRZc1LpFaz46c NAME: Ken's Bayside Pizza & Subs ADDRESS: 37232 Lighthouse Rd #104, Selbyville, DE 19975, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 184 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I've been eating here for years! Best pizza and subs bayside. Can't beat the speed or the price. Always a must have come summertime. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: They take too long to deliver but if you use doordash or just go pick it up it's great RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Tried to call for delivery on February 9th at 8:15 pm and nobody answered Called multiple times. Google says they are open till 9pm and their website says they are open till 11pm so not sure what’s going on there? Lazy employees maybe? Wrong hours? No voice memo states anything. Regardless bad business practices. RATING: 1 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: They went really downhill since pandemic. It is only kids now and they either dont pick up the phone or just hang up. I live across the street disabled and can see them in there hanging out and done even pick up. I thought we are suppose to give our business to local family business now and they just throw it away.. its a shame because the food is actually good RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Ordered old bay wings and pepperoni pizza. Both were great! INDEX 37702 PLACE_ID: ChIJ5Vt9k60Dx4kReDaS0d3CYXs NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 903 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 527 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Absolutely love this pizza place! They always get my orders correct each and every time and my order was always ready whenever I arrived to pick it up. Their food tastes wonderful and every time I bring it to my family who visits, they also say they love this too! I would 100% recommend to anybody living in the New Castle area!!! RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Placed an order online and asked for contactless delivery. Driver called and made me go downstairs to get it. Asked for my pizza to be well done, pizza came just barely cooked. Asked for a side of ranch, didn’t get it. Pizza was alright. Chicken strips were BOMB! Food was 4 stars, however I didn’t get what I asked for and had to put on clothes and walk my almost drunk self downstairs to get my food. Tipped 25% on the app and got burned. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We used to love this place but had stopped using this location because the frequency of wrong orders became the norm. Decided to give then another chance recently, so much for improvement. Got a good salad last week, this week they didn't include the chicken that was on the order. Just seems like they haven't cared about what gets sent out of the kitchen for the past couple years. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: This is one of two in the immediate area. The dining room is larger than the other location at least to me. The food at every Season's location has always been good and this location delivered on that. Staff seems well trained and overall care about the quality. season's has various daily specials that are hard to beat. Try one of my favorites Jalapenos and pineapple and for a twist add bacon grab a draft beer and watch a game or just chill. It's good for both, go get your pie to go. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Me and my husband a med size pizza foe 6.00 dollars 2 toppings no extra charges it was the best pizza ever we loved it and cheap to INDEX 38032 PLACE_ID: ChIJa4YwnG9jx4kRgkAIOs0x2q0 NAME: My Roma Pizza ADDRESS: 1008 Lafferty Ln, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 204 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I was taken back a bit by the $4 delivery fee because I’m a cheapskate. But after receiving my food I was happy that I paid it. My food arrived in a timely manner and it was well packaged and fresh. These guys have the best cheesesteak I’ve ever had in Delaware and their pizza is a close second. I will definitely order from here again. Thanks for reading. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: My favorite salad: anti-pasta w/ blue cheese 😋 that's my garlic knot dipped in butter lol RATING: 1 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Used to love My Roma. The past few times, it’s not been that great. This time I ordered an Italian sub (didn’t change anything), and the pic is what I finally received after having to call multiple times because they didn’t bring it initially. A half an hour later and this is what they sent. Called and they claimed they do it this way so there is no “controversy” I’m not exaggerating when I say the meat looked like corn beef and the other meat looks like potted meat. RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Average at best. I ordered a margarita pizza. It’s supposed to have sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil. It’s considered a specialty pizza on the website. In turn, it costs more money... anyhow, what I received was just a cheese pizza. There wasn’t a spec of basil on the entire pie. They must have forgot. Unfortunately at my expense. Also it seems that the mozzarella is sliced rather than shredded. I’m all about low moisture cheese on pizza and I don’t really care how it’s cut... But this was waxy and definitely not good quality. Almost like it was pre-sliced mozzarella that you would buy at the Walmart deli. It was just not the “specialty pizza” I was expecting based on the lofty price tag and description. Crust was decent for a conveyor belt pizza. Sauce was ok. But next time, it’s Digiorno’s. RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I ordered for delivery. They accidentally sent out the chicken tenders kids meal instead of the grilled cheese kids meal. I have a picky eater. I called and let them know that I receive the wrong kids meal and the guy on the phone said no you didn’t ( you should definitely look into the issue before telling a customer they are wrong) and then came back on the phone to apologize and said he punched it in wrong. Then asked if I wanted them to bring out the correct kids meal. I said yes because my daughter won’t eat the chicken tenders. He sounded annoyed said okay but we will be collecting the kids meal (he should double think this during Covid- why put your employees at risk). I definitely got the vibe that he thought I was being ridiculous for wanting them to correct their mistake. The only reason I gave it two stars was because the pizza was good. INDEX 38948 PLACE_ID: ChIJrdwyhP7NuIkRjVO3r2m3gyI NAME: Armand's Pizza By The Sea ADDRESS: 33548 Market Pl Unit 2, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 138 RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Great food super service at the window RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Ordered pizza and wings. Pizza was terrible. Pretty sure it was a frozen pizza heated up. You can tell by the crust. Wings were ok, nothing special but much better than pizza. FIrst time in the area, should have read the reviews before ordering but we were hungry after traveling in for vacation. RATING: 5 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Had a great experience eating here. Inside and outside options. Menu had Italian options and regular pizza, as well as some seafood items. Right next to a splash pad that kids can enjoy when waiting. Wonderful and accommodating staff...great location near Sea Colony. RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: Food was really good, really welcoming vibe and the service was top notch! The waiter, who we later found out was the owner went out of his way for me without me even asking. When I said I'd pass on the salad due to a dietary problem, he offered to make a special one with only what I could eat! Never before has any other place offered that as an option. And that is truly exceptional customer service. And we will definitely go back again. PS..whatever you do, don't pass on the bread, so yummy! RATING: 1 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Just ordered three pizzas and they were terrible. Frozen pizza would have been better. Crust tasted as if it was pre-made frozen store bought, sauce was flavorless, cheese was pointless. INDEX 38967 PLACE_ID: ChIJ7SZQ7v7quIkR5YBK-yzLIjs NAME: Caruso's Pizza & Pasta Italian Eatery ADDRESS: 101 E Market St, Georgetown, DE 19947, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 169 RATING: 3 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: I used to order delivery from them for years but after a while my need for delivery faded. Recently I ordered delivery and it was far from what I used to get. It was no longer a fresh juicy perfect New York style pizza. It was bland and had a strong Undescribable taste that made it worse. Along with the incredibly soggy fries. Not what they used to be RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Delicious pizza, but what impressed me the most is the dedication to cleanliness. Bathrooms were impeccable. Dining room was very clean, STRONGLY recommend eating here. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: They made me a special that was awesome...Salad Pizza! Crust with wonderful sauce cooked crispy...add an Italian salad on cheese, no toppings...just great salad tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cucumbers, black olives, green peppers...AMAZING! RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Absolutely appalled! This is how our pizza arrived, yes you're seeing correctly.. both pizzas had pieces missing! Unbelievable. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Ordered the white pizza with oil, garlic and cheese. Amazing!!! INDEX 39850 PLACE_ID: ChIJs8TjVQusPIgR-s5AIrS0BzA NAME: Domino's Farms Office Park ADDRESS: 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 262 RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: It's a giant...stretched out... Mega office complex... Super easy to find parking as it has about a jillion spots.. Does anyone enjoy visiting? I mean allergists are cool and all but this isn't much of a highlight type place.. Buffalo sculptures/bike racks are kinda cool I guess. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Very nice environment over all. The building itself is the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, more than half a mile long but blends in with its surroundings. Domino Pizza is headquartered here but they only occupy a small section. The company is doing some impressive work here way beyond pizza. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I had major rotor cuff surgery 6 months ago. Professional is all I can say. Not one complaint. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Very nice. I especially enjoyed the view of the herd of buffalo. Do not like the tower at all. Odd to have that monstrosity in an otherwise beautiful setting. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: It's a wonderful place they're good caring people INDEX 40012 PLACE_ID: ChIJD_vSvXSsPIgRs2oF1_eT6jM NAME: Domino's Pizza World Resource Center ADDRESS: 30 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 212 RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Make the garlic sauce that goes on the hand toss crust purchasable please & thank you! I hate I can only have it on the crust of the hand toss. The side cup of garlic is not the same, and in my opinion not worth buying. RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Call put on hold. Then they picked the phone up and hung up on me. Called back waited on hold 30 mins. Nobody would answer. This is after waiting for a hour and 45 mins for delivery. Placed order at 9:10 pm. It's 11:15 p.m.. Still on hold and no food. Paid with credit card. Trust not first time. I'd give them 0 stars but they don't offer it. This store should be boy coted RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: ARANSAS PAS TEXAS dominos employees collect from my card the number, the exp, the cvv, and ask me the zipcode for the cards issuance. are they gunnah order me a birthday present with my card? i have the full video... RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Bad, poor customer service! I placed an order and the dominos location online system wasn’t receiving the order but it double charged me for one order and when I tried to talk with the manager about the double charge he said that he didn’t know how to cancel the order, then I talked with the morning manager and she claimed that the order has been canceled but there’s no refund to my account. Be careful using Dominos Pizza cause if there’s a problem with the order/ app you won’t be able to get your money back for 2 weeks!!! I will never use Domino’s Pizza every again and I will let anyone that wants to order from them to not do it!!! If I could give a zero rating I would!!! RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: They have a Domino's Pizza on the North side and the South side of Holland they are less than 2 miles from my house and neither one of them will deliver I live across the street from Meijer on 16th Street and Waverly road still they refuse to deliver on this side of Waverly road INDEX 40107 PLACE_ID: ChIJqYil1_b9xokR-of2p5vqdKo NAME: Three Stars Pizza ADDRESS: 105 N Union St, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 228 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: We order a couple of times a month - cheesesteaks, Italian subs, fresh turkey subs, Greek salad, burgers, pizza - all are great! Great rolls, meats and toppings are fresh. Greek salad - my fav - comes in 2 sizes. We use their online ordering system - after you place your order you can track it - very handy. The system allows you make additions and changes to the items you order - you can even ask to have your sub heated! Delivery drivers are friendly and accommodating. We have rarely encountered any problems, the ones we had were taken care of by management. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: One Bite Pizza Review - 5.4 Very filling pizza with okay flavor. Insane amount of cheese if you're into that. No char or crispness to the crust. Very fast delivery with good daily deals. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: 3 started has the best cheese steaks, subs, pizza and salads! Very nice people too! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Ordered a cheesesteak with mushrooms, the mushrooms were sour with an ammonia smell. Wasted a whole cheesesteak. The meat wasn’t bad and the bread was good. But definitely skeptical about ordering anything ever again. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Loved the Stromboli but pizza wasn’t as good as I thought it would be! INDEX 40795 PLACE_ID: ChIJO6tKznGgx4kRqWSFiHTpQY4 NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 528 Middletown Warwick Rd, Middletown, DE 19709, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 439 RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: The food here is always very good and reasonably priced. Pizza is very good! I recommend trying some of the pasta dishes. . . Also, ask the kitchen to “surprise” you with an order of gourmet fries. Our last order was Crab Fries! They were awesome! Always a great meal here whether it’s just a pizza or a full Italian dish. RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Great food. The cheesesteaks are delicious. The Turkey club is packed so full you can barely bite it. You have to wait a long time or waitstaff during peak times because they have to take phone orders too. This review was for the old Middletown Pizza they took over. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: We orders 3 items. I went over the order twice with the young man that took the phone order. My husband arrives they can't find 2 of the 3 items ordered they look all over and tell my husband they have to remake the 2 sandwiches.,The manager was rude and never apologized for the issue or inconvenience for my husband having to wait 45 additional minutes. We get the order home and it was not right. What happen to apology's or accountability. Needless to say we will not spend another dime in that restaurant. The food not that great anyway. RATING: 4 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Excellent service, food was amazing, but could have been cleaner. RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Middletown Pizza is the best pizza in the whole state! The service is fantastic and the quality of food is A number 1!! INDEX 41110 PLACE_ID: ChIJN-XGNdG5uIkRQUtmsdE4FK4 NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 17884 Coastal Hwy Unit 3, Lewes, DE 19958, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 143 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Good location, great pizza at a great price. Always very good service. I have tried many Domino's over the years, but Domino's in Lewes has the best tasting thin crust pepperoni pizza of any other store. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: The staff here have always gotten our orders right, and they have even answered our kids "special instructions" which is usually a question like "why'd the chicken cross the road?" I have to say this store has given us the BEST answers! RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Always great pizza fast. If not, which is rare, they make it right! Thank you for giving us great pizza quickly with awesome flavor! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Contactless delivery from Jeffrey. Fresh, hot pizza. Perfect. Thank you. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Dude showed up with an empty warmer and then sped away....ripped off $22 INDEX 41376 PLACE_ID: ChIJh3gdEHegx4kRHYrneSoCtMw NAME: Pats Select Pizza | Grill ADDRESS: 311 N Broad St, Middletown, DE 19709, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 348 RATING: 2 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Been to Pat's twice and have been disappointed. The pizza pictured on the menu looks second to none but it is very forgettable once you get and eat it. The next visit we ordered two different pastas, again not great. There are better options out there for food and I am unsure how this chain is even still in business. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: We ordered a pizza, fries, cheesesteak and the cheesesteak roll-ups appetizer and omg everything was amazing!!! The pizza sauce is sweet and delicious. The cheesesteak had the prefect amount of meat and a nice soft roll. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Chicken wings were excellent pizza was very good and I had a nice salad which was really great RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I feel this place is underrated. Their menu is surprisingly diverse and I've always had great quality food. RATING: 3 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: I usually frequent the location on Basin Rd, but because we were closer to this one, we decided to stop in. We faithfully get one, sometimes two, square cheese pizzas whenever we go to a Pat's. Unfortunately, the way they make theirs here isn't the same as the store we frequent. Here, their sauce is a more "spicy" sort of taste and the pizza has a crisper taste/feel. They also don't offer any deals for the square pizzas which was disappointing. For us, it's a matter of taste and preference, but it wasn't all bad. The broccoli bites were good and the pizza was alright, the kids still ate it without too much complaint. Definitely stop in and check them out ! INDEX 41717 PLACE_ID: ChIJk5hTlmn9xokRyfCRdAyZgAg NAME: Omega Pizza ADDRESS: 209 W 4th St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 152 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Since the original owners (mom, pop & daughter) the service hasn't always been consistent, but the last time I ordered made up for everything. My son and his girlfriend flew in from CA & when I told him I was ordering dinner he asked if I was going to Omega's and I said yes. My order was a little over $100 and everything I ordered was correct and in the bags! Meaning I had everything I ordered, nothing was missing and no one else's food was placed in my bags. In the past I had issues with my orders being incorrect or missing items. Everything tasted great and looked amazing!!! They did a wonderful job, they loved everything. I have to say they make the most picture perfect pizzas and it's hard to find a place that does it all, wings, steaks, subs (put the oil on the roll not the meat) this place does it all in one stop! The staff is friendly and helpful. Bonus comment, the gyros are something very special. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I ordered the fish platter and the 5pc chicken wing platter. The food was very tasty and it came within the time they gave. Unfortunately I gave a 4 because you do not sell fish subs. I told the young lady that answered the phone, that you would make a lot more money if they sold fish subs. A tip to the owners to start selling them, you'd make a lot of people happy! I enjoy mine on a sub roll with lite mayo, onions, lettuce and tomatoes and cheese on the fish with ketchup. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: You can't beat the prices here. The food is tasty and service is friendly. Better quality, value, and taste than any fast food place in the area! I'm glad I finally gave them a try. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I ordered cheese fries and cheeseburger was told it would be 45 minutes. The delivery man shows up over a hour and 10 minutes later. My fries were soggy. I called to inform them and the young lady tells me because there was cheese on the fries it was pretty much my fault. I had been ordering from there. I WILL NOT NO MORE. A very 2ay of handling a customer complaint. RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Omega used to be the best pizza in the city of Wilmington....I dont know what happened if they changed owners or what the owner that was there his pizza was great but now the last few months they have really gone down hil since the girls been makin the pizza its thin and its always either undercooked or overcooked.its so sad and Im a picky pizzaeater now I need to start looking for another place to get my 🍕😭😠😵😫 INDEX 42473 PLACE_ID: ChIJLwkhLIH6uIkR0WomlRWJewk NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 30182 Sussex Hwy Unit 1, Laurel, DE 19956, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 133 RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Have come here many times. Always been fine for pick up. Called for delivery. They got my address confirmed everything. Waited 20 minutes to call back and say they couldn’t deliver to me (I get stuff happens) but whoever the passed the call off too. I’m assuming a manager was one of the rudest people I have ever spoken with. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I drive from seaford, this location is the best around. RATING: 4 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Typically pretty good timing and decent sales. I'll say if you are looking for gluten free, I don't think they do a great job of preventing cross contamination as my Celiac husband has been sick both times. RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Look for the coupons on their website. Staff is always friendly and greets me when I walk in. Food is consistent. I never use delivery---can't speak for that but the store staff is on it. Seem to want to do a good job for the customer. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The food was so good INDEX 43027 PLACE_ID: ChIJ17RdPpipx4kRktKW8dNKlo0 NAME: Mario's Pizza ADDRESS: 1011 S College Ave #2305, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 213 RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Come here frequently because the pizza is exceptional. Crust is always firm albeit a little chewy. Outstanding bruschetta, grandma's, and white pizza. Cheese and sauce always seem to be prepared daily. Service is not as friendly as I could hope for, but they get you in and out quick without a fuss. They offer some pizza in full pies only, so call to see if they can do slices for what you want. They have things like wings, mozzarella sticks, and other entrees as well. For a tiny little shop they know their stuff.. Worth a shot! RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Took my sons here after kickboxing practice. We had a great time. The food was good. The loaded fries weren't the greatest but the boys liked them. Pizza is delicious. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: After Maria's Pizza in Chesapeake City closed from Covid, I hadn't been able to find a local pizza I liked. There's mostly meh and family pizza places in Cecil County. Now the place isn't much to look at inside but the pizza is legit. Got me the Drunken Grandma and it's the beautiful Long Island styled pie with garlic, fresh Basil and Mozzarella and creamy vodka sauce. It smelled so good in the car I wasn't sure I'd make it home before digging in. This will be my go to for Pizza for as long as I live here and highly recommend for anyone looking for a quality pie. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Drunken grandma pizza was delicious. I am very picky about my pizza due to the crust and taste of the sauce. The crust was done perfectly considering it needed to hold up a margherita pizza with vodka sauce on top of it. Definitely will order again RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Best pizza in New Castle county, hands down not exaggerating. Get the regular Grandma’s Pizza. No pizza shop compares. INDEX 43319 PLACE_ID: ChIJF5szKWvxuIkR4i1eDBWVKrY NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 22925 Sussex Hwy, Seaford, DE 19973, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 744 RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: We ended up at Grotto's after our original destination had an extensive wait. Despite being a little on the costly side, we were not disappointed. Food was good, waitstaff was kind and attentive. It was obviously busier than they anticipated but we still had a great hot meal and refills as needed. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I love Grotto pizza! They have a great cheesesteak boil I highly recommend and cheese fries. Does that sound like a lot of cheese? They're very good with speciality pizza as well. Cold beer too. If you're looking for an informal meal or a place to watch the game, you should keep Grotto in mind. RATING: 2 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: We went there this past Saturday with my family. They made a big deal about separate tables because of 1 extra person. We had a 2 year old that would sit in a high chair. So we had an empty chair that no one can sit in. The hostess was not nice about it. The Manager was rude and said that we could leave. Honestly I feel that they are not welcoming to blacks. I always go to Milford when I go but Seaford was on the way. They are still stuck in an old covid phase. This was the only restaurant that we had this problem with. The manager said that he is the only restaurant that is following the rules lol. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Great pizza and delicious subs. The turkey sub was great. The white Hawaiian pizza was delicious. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: The food is almost almost of good serve quality and the service is friendly and fast. The staff is attentive and responsive and are willing to help, the place is clean and we'll kept with arcade and sports bar both in good condition. Great place to meet and eat for Sunday games when the games are region restricted (blacked out) INDEX 43532 PLACE_ID: ChIJW45ZubWrx4kRtzDXVnYD6G8 NAME: Nick & Joe's Pizza ADDRESS: 413 New London Rd, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 104 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Awesome local spot! The staff are friendly and recognize their regulars. Food is great, delivery is always timely, and tons of menu options! I haven’t found a Buffalo chicken pizza that beats Nick & Joe’s yet. You can split pizzas in half as well to have two different sets of toppings, which is super handy. Highly recommend! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Their meat supreme pizza is hands down the best pizza I have ever eaten! My favorite used to be their Hawaiian pizza until I tasted their meat supreme pizza. WOW! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Great food! Quick and friendly staff! Our go to restaurant! RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: One of the better pizza places around the Newark area. Good prices and some different options to choose from. Taco pizza and bacon cheeseburger pizza are my favorites, though there's not really any bad choices depending on what you like. 👍 RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: The large pizza is very small!! The large is the size of a medium pizza every where else. I do not recommend this place. INDEX 44049 PLACE_ID: ChIJczBWIrz8xokRmdacXx2hiK8 NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 2015 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 535 RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Fairly small portions. Burgers tasted like they were made on a machine. Not too bad but also far from great. All in all I would give the place a C+ RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: A few of my ex coworkers and I meet up here a couple times and year and I’ve never had a bad experience. The food is always good, the service always great, and everything is always clean. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The girl who took our takeout order was very nice. As usual, the pizza was excellent! Her name was Diana. RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I was not as pleased as I usually am with their pizza. The sauce was pretty bland. This store on 202 on Concord pike was a let down. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Really good pizza but a little too much grease INDEX 44440 PLACE_ID: ChIJ3Tg4QR8Ax4kRIfC6lf13zyU NAME: Valle Pizza ADDRESS: 4752 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 131 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Dinner was five star! Our waitress, Amanda, always goes above and beyond. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza is great, and the service is excellent. One of our favorite places to order delivery too! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This place continues to impress. I remember last time we were there I thought this place is pretty good well they outdone themselves with my visit last night. RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great pizza. Ordered wings they looked like pigeon wings that came off someone's plate . RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Very good pizza. Definitely home made and unique to other local pizza shops. INDEX 44636 PLACE_ID: ChIJaXW2LZ-CuIkRP3dnABohnII NAME: Luigi's Pizza ADDRESS: 5502 S Dupont Hwy Suite 1, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 198 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Awesome service and outstanding pizza! By far, the best tasting pizza in the Dover, Camden, Woodside, Magnolia areas. Tasted just like the pizza I ate in Sicily while working and living there for the US Navy. The thin crispy crust is to die for! Jeremy cooks my pies well done to give it that awesome crisp. Highly recommended. Ignore all those negative feedbacks, its not true! RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: My experience: Always delivered when they say it will be. Always friendly drivers. Always correct order. They even called to confirm when they had a question about my order through the app. And the food is hot & delicious! RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Second time ordering here and my second disappointment. The steaks we tried didn't taste good at all, they had a strange flavor which I think may have been the cheese. I like pepper but these steaks also had loads of pepper on them, not sure why it definitelydidn't improve the flavor. The pizza I tried previously was overpowering of garlic in the red sauce. Overall disappointing. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Owners refused to wear masks during Pandemic and made hateful remarks about Americans that do. Food and service prior to the Pandemic is also horrible. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: The pepperoni pizza was good. Big friggin slices of pepperoni. Wasn’t greasy or soggy. Sauce tastes good. I’ll order again. INDEX 45064 PLACE_ID: ChIJ7QmcV9wBx4kRW1Y8NoPCLn0 NAME: 1000 Degrees Pizza Salad Wings ADDRESS: 4526 New Linden Hill Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 199 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Interesting concept. Friendly service and quick take out. It's nice that we each get to build our own pizzas. They also have suggested combinations- the bacon Mac and cheese is really good. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great value. Only drawback is can not order via web. And once a while pizza has some burnt parts, when they are not busy. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: A relatively new spot. However, the wings are awesome. The pizza is pretty good also. I've never gotten a salad, but they look tasty also. I also recommend the app for ordering ahead. Curbside service is available. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Impressed by the various selections of sauces, cheese, veggies, toppings. We had a groupon for 4 which a great introduction to this new business. RATING: 4 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Walked into pick up my online order and waited 10mins before any of the staff even spoke to me. Most have been short staffed. Great pizza though. INDEX 45072 PLACE_ID: ChIJv0YD_sm5uIkRKiAzfkCdfqg NAME: Pats Pizzeria-Lewes ADDRESS: 17644 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 316 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Pat's has some of the best food around. I love the Lasagna and my husband loves the Pizza. The people on the phone are very pleasant and the delivery people are the best. They have been open through the pandemic keeping people fed and safe. Thank you all for all your hard work. Darlene C. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We have ordered take out pizza numerous times. Usually good to excellent. Had a large pizza with extra cheese, sausage and mushrooms. It was very disappointing. Not sure what happened but it was so salty we ended up throwing it away. Not pleased. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Everything I've tried here has been great! There cheese bread is the best! Also, all the employees are super nice! RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Delicious lasagna! 1 order is enough for 2 people. They just need to put out fresh salad more often. Our salad wasn't fresh at all as the greens were wilted and some other veggies were noticeably brown on the ends. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Our go to for great pizza. Love the Lasagna and spaghetti specials. Very good wings as well. INDEX 45161 PLACE_ID: ChIJN-RzGwzOuIkR7WmMx98Cge0 NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 34444 Coastal Highway York Beach, Mall, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 197 RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Well I didn't vomit the moment I left , however I sensed the grease was kicking in. Besides the constant diarhrea and nausea. I was glad to pay more for a orange get the taste out of my mouth of their sad pizza cardboard. Please go to Franco's RATING: 2 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Sorry to say but the experience we had tonight was terrible. We've always have had great service there in the past but tonight we ordered 2 salads, order of broccoli bites, 2 orders of fries and 2 pizzas. Only got 1 order of fries, 1 salad and that was after the pizzas came out. Hardly any customers in there so I still don't know what the problem was. Won't be coming back there for a while. 👎 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Awesome pizza. Thanks always good to come back home for some good pizza RATING: 2 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Pizza arrived on time. However, there’s nothing worse than having any type of canned vegetables on your pizza. Ordered pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes. Definitely the mushrooms were from a can. RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Very clean, everything individually wrapped, lids on drink cups, staff friendly and attentive. And of course, the pizza was excellent! INDEX 45506 PLACE_ID: ChIJt_fI5W62uIkRD8sqcQb7X6k NAME: Nicola Pizza ADDRESS: 8 N 1st St, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 1353 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Best restaurant for miles. Gone here my whole life and never had a issue. Food is always great and I love the atmosphere of the first restaurant. Wish they would keep it but excited to not have to drive 45 minutes to my favorite restaurant RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This is another must visit place when we stay in Rehoboth Beach. The sit down restaurant is casual and pizzeria centric. My wife and I love the Stromboli, called the Nic-a-Boli, we have not eaten anything else honestly but you will be glad you ate here if that is all you ordered. Staff are friendly and the service is generally pretty good but peak times can be slow. Is it really a trip to Rehoboth Beach is if don't eat at Nicola? RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Awesome cheese sauce with fresh fries, perfect start lunch. Regular size pizza with the white sauce, spinach, sausage, onions, and fresh tomatoes. It was really nice when the owner came through and said hi to every table and bar member. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Absolutely the best food around Brick. Every person I had go there, said the same thing as myself and family. Keep it up guys, way better food and service than Nicolas. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: My sausage sandwich with sweet peppers and onions was delicious! I would definitely eat there again. Looking forward to their new location. INDEX 45859 PLACE_ID: ChIJJ9xdqU2ox4kRyi26YpB1vj0 NAME: Rudy's Pizza Italian Bistro ADDRESS: 612 Plaza Dr, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 297 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We eat here every time we travel back East as their pizza, stuffed shells and lasagna are excellent! The service is great and the served foods are always hot. Love eating here! Their prices are very reasonable! Calzones on request. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Awesome food and service as always. Our first time back since covid last march. We will be back again soon. Love our server. She is the best! RATING: 2 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Got the meatball sub, it was lacking some seasoning and very little sauce. My husband got the cheeseburger and it was flavorless. Tasted like meat just slapped on the bread. For Italian place you would expect seasoning but this place was lacking. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Great little, local pizza place. We have never been disappointed with food... RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Pizzas good. Ide pass on the deserts, the brownies look tempting but not worth the calories. 46305 No result INDEX 46436 PLACE_ID: ChIJQzyyTDCqx4kR16ETYsSAYf8 NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 45 E Main St #100, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 484 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I returned to Grotto in Newark after having a positive experience on a previous visit. This time I came to take advantage of the 5$ off dine in large pizza special. The bar was fairly occupied and the large dining room was empty. I scanned the provided QR code and pulled up the menu on my phone. I was ready to order as soon as the server appeared. The pizza came out quickly and was not disappointing. Grotto pizzas have a unique flavour and you won’t mistake it for anywhere else. That includes both national chains and local pizza shops. The cheese and the sauce make it just right snd that, in turn, makes it just Grotto. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Give a New Jersey tip and they do whatever you want right away. I like being treated like a king. Good prices... But then again I'm used to New Jersey prices which seem to be higher... I'm probably an alcoholic since I'm just touring home towns and I had to check out this gorgeous beautiful building. I grew up around here and.. well this place is about to get a bit more better if I can help it. LP Jack LLC with the equation to end homelessness in action just checking out my home towns then every state in America!!! RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Ordered pizza for dinner got the wrong order even though they seal it closed to say they checked for accuracy! Due to the employee mistake we got the wrong order and I called spoke to KEITH GREER, what a treat he was. Who offered me 2.50 refund or a ten dollar appreciation card. The one pizza wrong was 18.00 . Tell me how that makes sense and is making it right for the customer I drove 35 min round trip and told me to bring it back and exchange it if I wanted the right one!!! He wouldn’t even refund or credit the pizza that was the wrong one! The service here and help is horrendous and I will not order from here again!!! And Keith needs some managerial classes! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Wow so I go inside and I order slices of pizza all with different toppings. I come back inside to pick them up and they are all boxed together instead of in individual slice boxes. My boyfriend is allergic to pineapple and I cannot eat bacon yet all of these things are touching in the box. On top of that all of the toppings are falling directly off of the slices looks like they were just thrown on top and it’s just sloppy. I guess because it’s Main Street and most of their customers are students they just don’t care how they present their food. Also the pizza isn’t even warm it’s literally room temperature. Wont order here again. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I haven't been to a Grotto Pizza in around 22 years. My wife suggested we grab some. It was great. The margherita pizza was good. The music was great. The staff were awesome. Loved every minute of our eating experience. INDEX 46558 PLACE_ID: ChIJNSqQ3j_zuIkR8fcV4IzGnLU NAME: Tony's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 613 S Main St, Bridgeville, DE 19933, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 238 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Yummy food from a place with a charming story and strong Italian ties. The TV was playing Italian news the first time we discovered this place a few years ago, when we stopped for dinner during a storm at the end of Memorial Day weekend. We enjoyed the food and now we try to take the same detour when we can. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Best pasta ever! The Alfredo sauce is the best I've ever had. This is my new go-to for pasta night! RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The food was delicious! We just had a pizza and a cheesesteak but was very good and the price was reasonable too! Service was excellent. Very friendly staff. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Love this place. The food is amazing I have been going since I was a kid(that's a long time) and Tony was always smiling. Sure miss him.. His son is doing an amazing job. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I love the place, the people who work there and all the food I have tried. Would suggest it to everyone! INDEX 47058 PLACE_ID: ChIJKQhHm4iZuIkRR6Pu44GuowU NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 105 Aerenson Dr, Milford, DE 19963, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 124 RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Quick, Convenient and Great Prices for good quality food. You should always look for special deals especially on-line only sales. You can customize any pizza. Always delicious. Employees here are helpful and courteous We had a great day but there is something that needs to improve! RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: This has nothing to do with service... Or the drivers.... Or the food... And it does tho have to do with delivery. Why doesn't Domino's deliver to Frederica? From this stores location it is approximately 11 minutes ...5.9 miles to deliver here. Look into this RATING: 4 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Quick, Convenient and Great Prices for good quality food. You should always look for special deals especially on-line only sales. You can customize any pizza. Always delicious. Employees here are helpful and courteous. RATING: 2 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: I usually order dominos a lot, however tonight I didn’t order instead was going somewhere else and on my way to get it a driver pulled out of their facility and directly in front of me causing me to slam on my brakes. This is NOT the first time. However this is the first time I called to complain. When the 1st person answered the phone I asked who the MIC was and if he was available. When Justin answered the phone I said hello and told him What had just happened and that it wasn’t the first time and he replied with “who is this, how do you know my name, i don’t even know..” then proceeded to ask how I got his name, and when the incident happened. I explained to him I ask for his name, and it has just occurred. Long story short, they need to fix their drivers. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: worst pizza ever!!!very very very rude cook!!!egomaniac!!!i wud give a zero if i cud.... INDEX 47655 PLACE_ID: ChIJPyrEiewDx4kRWdEayrpwmGM NAME: Mamma Gina Pizza ADDRESS: 100 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 293 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: This place I delicious. Best pizza in town. Don't let them charge you higher with their pizzas, got charged 1.50 higher on a broccoli & ricotta pizza. It was cheaper to say " white pizza, broccoli, ricotta & tomato pizza." They claimed I wanted a "specialty pizza" (these 2 are the same) RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Great place always hot and fresh super friendly guys behind the counter same men sense I was a kid been going here 20+ years now. Reading some of these comments some people dont know what they are talk about. One stated charged to much on her card not here girl they only do cash sales. And anotjer person saying the name is now Ciao pizza thats a completely different pizza joint. Hands down the best pizza in New Castle County RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great tomato pie love there pizza and staff is awesome never had a issue with the food 5 out of 5 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great pizza!!! Go, You will enjoy yourself. GREAT RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Good pizza, been going there for years. Nothing special, but always freshly made right in front of you. INDEX 47741 PLACE_ID: ChIJj_8tZnIDx4kRP6KEKwDEM8w NAME: 3 Countries Pizzeria ADDRESS: 202 E 6th St, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 109 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Generous amounts of cheese and toppings. Friendly people and quick service. Good value. A tasty pie for not a lot of fishnagles. Would definitely recommend! RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Ordered here for the first time this weekend. Got pizza and wings and the food was awesome. Best pizza I’ve had in a long time. Delivery was fast. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Their tacos are amazing! The staff was very sweet and kind! I will definitely be back and will definitely become a regular! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Great cheesesteaks. Plenty of meat, soft rolls and a fair price. I would defintely go here again. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I love this resteraunt. The food is fantastic and the staff is wonderful. They are honest and go out of their way to make your dining experience great. I ordered delivery and gave the driver too much money. I realized my mistake a few minutes later. Called the store and told the manager my mistake. He contacted the driver and they returned the money. That was the most honest act that I ever experienced. 3 Countries Pizza is the greatest. INDEX 47911 PLACE_ID: ChIJ8W4tNdOrx4kRG_1SSGpQWaU NAME: Pat's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 160 S Main St, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 249 RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Generous 3. Sports bar really. Cool starter selection of whiskies. Buffalo sauce for the wings was pretty good but very small and dry wings. Sauce for the meatballs was good though tiny and clearly frozen. Salad was thoughtful in terms of ingredients (again dry chicken). I guess for a college bar it's what to expect. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: It was nice & clean. Tasty food too. Waitress was perfectly attentive. Not pushy or ghost. And ice tea was not 85% ice. It was a good mix of tea & ice. Good job everyone. RATING: 2 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Just ordered a cheese pizza for delivery... all the cheese and sauce had slid off the pizza. Called the store and the man who answered the phone was absolutely miserable. He just asked who delivered it and told me I could wait another hour for another pizza and he was going to take the pizza back that they just gave me while I’m already starving OR give me 10% off my next order. The guy was very rude and I asked if I could just be refunded for the pizza and then he said “whatever I’ll refund” and then hung up on me. Won’t be going back now. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Usually good food, but got food poisoning from the Chicken Alfredo on 4/14/21. Will not be ordering from here again. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: "Great staff, friendly service, extremely clean and inviting dining area." "I ordered a bunch of food that was just too much to eat in one night. "Pats has become my go-to place for a great salad and glass of wine." INDEX 48154 PLACE_ID: ChIJt_fI5W62uIkRD8sqcQb7X6k NAME: Nicola Pizza ADDRESS: 8 N 1st St, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 1353 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Best restaurant for miles. Gone here my whole life and never had a issue. Food is always great and I love the atmosphere of the first restaurant. Wish they would keep it but excited to not have to drive 45 minutes to my favorite restaurant RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This is another must visit place when we stay in Rehoboth Beach. The sit down restaurant is casual and pizzeria centric. My wife and I love the Stromboli, called the Nic-a-Boli, we have not eaten anything else honestly but you will be glad you ate here if that is all you ordered. Staff are friendly and the service is generally pretty good but peak times can be slow. Is it really a trip to Rehoboth Beach is if don't eat at Nicola? RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Awesome cheese sauce with fresh fries, perfect start lunch. Regular size pizza with the white sauce, spinach, sausage, onions, and fresh tomatoes. It was really nice when the owner came through and said hi to every table and bar member. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Absolutely the best food around Brick. Every person I had go there, said the same thing as myself and family. Keep it up guys, way better food and service than Nicolas. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: My sausage sandwich with sweet peppers and onions was delicious! I would definitely eat there again. Looking forward to their new location. INDEX 49070 PLACE_ID: ChIJxbNrmhh9x4kRCajhCaO2dQg NAME: Sal's Pizza & Grill ADDRESS: 101 South St, Camden, DE 19934, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 276 RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: 1st time there. Getting my order was not quite right. Maybe because there was a lot of arguing behind the counter. Alot of people talk about how good it is but it just doesn't seem like a happy work inviroment. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Pizza has gotten a lot better. Wings fatty at times. Subs are good too! RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Pizza and service is good. Unfortunately can’t get anyone to answer the phone RATING: 4 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Pizza is great here. A bit hit or miss on their wings. Some nights the wings were really good. One time they were dry. RATING: 5 WHEN: 11 months ago REVIEW: I have ordered hot wings once or twice a week since the lock down began. I, always ask for them to be cooked crispy, well done, burnt and to be extra spicy Whoever is cooking these wings is my hero! They come crispy, smothered in hot sauce with a dash, just a dash of old bay and I absolutely love them! Thank you for listening to your customers and providing a little comfort and normalcy during the trying times. You are not just a restaurant to me, you are a local staple in my community! INDEX 49526 PLACE_ID: ChIJF34krTGqx4kR-nCJttcNoyE NAME: Snap Custom Pizza and Salads ADDRESS: 44 E Main St, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 180 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Love the different topping options. Lemon oil was a new one! Especially appreciate gluten free crust and vegan cheese. RATING: 4 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: I only ate there twice because they won’t work w any delivery group in Newark. I really wish I could eat here but if y’all can’t deliver I can’t give you my money (I’m disabled and don’t have a car) RATING: 5 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: My wife and I have been coming here for about 2 years now for occasional pizza nights. Their pizza is delicious and the staff is very friendly. You can get as many toppings and as much of them as you want without paying extra. We highly recommend Snap. RATING: 5 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Best personal pizzas on Main St. Fresh ingredients, and CYO options are fantastic. Quick service and consistently delicious. RATING: 5 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: I love you guys at SNAP on main st ❤️👍👍! I ordered yesterday for pick up on my way home, not knowing there was construction on main st!! “Michael” immediately called me after I placed my order and informed me of this before I got into hangry mode in traffic!! I would have walked 10 blocks for this pizza but, I didn’t have to! Micheal took the time to be super courteous and walk it to me & he was off the clock! Thank you so much for making us enjoy your pizza even more!! Excellent customer service!!!! Best cheesy bread sticks on earth!!!! Yummy gluten free pizza!!!! INDEX 49696 PLACE_ID: ChIJ778g6juqx4kRburywmhn6nI NAME: Big Z Pizza ADDRESS: 231 E Main St #628, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 149 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I usually don’t leave reviews because I’m lazy, it’s much easier to just enjoy a meal and go on with daily life, but this place, Big Z, is amazing. The food always tastes so good and freshly made. I had their pizza, the chicken parmigiana with spaghetti dinner, and their buffalo wings. The delivery people always get everything to me so fast that it’s still too hot for me to eat right away. I’m very pleased to have this wonderful restaurant in my neighborhood. I can’t wait to try the other menu items! RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Ordered on January 23, 2021 through the new SLICE app. We haven't been thrilled with the place we have been going to as the quality has gone way down. Anyhow, we ordered a large pizza with extra cheese. It was surprisingly good. Someone said the cheese slid right off their slice. We had no such issues. Sauce and crust were tasty, cheese was a decent quality, properly melted and stayed put. We plan to order from here again. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Ordered the advertised $5.99 cheese pizza. Even though she claimed the reason why NO CONDIMENTS WERE AVAILABLE, was due to Co-vid🙄,I don't understand why a gloved staff member couldn't have sprinkled some FLAVOR IN IT. What kind of pizza place doesn't offer granulated garlic, Parmesan or hot pepper flakes for a pizza purchase?? I paid for a pizza, without knowing how flavorless it was..... Condiments should've been complimentary ...or so I thought. Any way, I personally, would never get anything from there again. 💁♀️ RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Usually I love this place. Always early, always correct order. I chose the non contact delivery because the person who I was ordering for is immunocompromised. Not only did the driver not just leave it at my door, he waited for someone to open the door and had the audacity to not be wearing a mask. We are over a year in this pandemic and here is delaware we are still in a mask mandate. My immunocompromised sister had to open the door and grab food from a delivery driver who was not masked. Its unacceptable and I will not order from here again. And it may be "karen" like of me, but she doesn't go to restaurants and orders out for a reason. Unbelievable RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Reminds me of Chuck E Cheese pizza. Picked up a slice and all the cheese slid right off. Had to add seasonings at home because it was pretty bland. Good cheap and fast option if you have low standards for pizza. INDEX 49716 PLACE_ID: ChIJ0VLseQ0Cx4kR5zwfCyRoPW8 NAME: Party Pizza ADDRESS: 212 Boxwood Rd, Wilmington, DE 19804, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 246 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Steve is an amazing manager/owner I've known him personally since i was a child and my mother worked there. Great food at great prices. Also the breakfast sandwiches are the best around. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Excellent breakfast sandwiches! I have ordered a large scrapple egg and cheese on a long roll and bacon egg snd cheese on a long roll, both having ketchup on them. They were both top notch! I can not speak on their lunch and dinner food, but if it is anything like breakfast you won't be disappointed! RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I had not been in Party Pizza for years but stoped in today. Sign on door that said “must wear mask to enter” and I thought good. I walked in and the three at front had in mask BUT the man ( curly black hair) worked on getting pizzas out of oven even tried to give someone wrong order DID NOT!! It was down around his neck. I was going to walk out but felt bad I had ordered so waited as far by the door as I could. My cheesesteak was a mess - cheese not melted, tomato slices about 1/2 inch thick and dried out. The burger was ok but not worth $6.00 could have spent less than that and got better one at Wendy’s at least not dry! I won’t be going back and sorry because used to go there all the time. Carrot Cake was soggy like it had been frozen in the container too long! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Delicious perfectly cooked to your desire you need only ask fresh large portions best party bites I love party pizza RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Nice clean busy little place. I don't have a whole lot to say about this place, good or bad. They have a very good pizza special. They have a whole lot of pizza boxes folded. They had a steady flow of customers. The cheesesteak was very standard. A large for $9.75. Nice soft fresh roll. The meat was good. It had a nice cheese melt. The fried onions and mushrooms added a little flavor. Good standard traditional cheese steak. INDEX 50257 PLACE_ID: ChIJAY4vLNLTuIkRuV2iE2O06xs NAME: Surf's Edge Deli & Pizzeria ADDRESS: 100 Coastal Hwy #4, Fenwick Island, DE 19944, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 84 RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Rehearsal weekend catering was superb. Brian made suggestions for food platters for two days. All delicious and he delivered them himself. We can't say enough about the great quality and service and at a reasonable price. Thank you Brian! RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Great sandwiches and subs! Friendly service! I've been coming back here for 10 years since the ladies from the furniture store nearby recommended it. I love the x factor sub! Best business I've found on ocean city/Fenwick RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Brian Lisa and staff are top shelf. Food is outstanding. Great great great RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: It was a long wait but the sandwich was so delicious. It was so so worth the wait. RATING: 2 WHEN: 11 months ago REVIEW: Ok sandwiches, not much flavor. We had the Fenwick panini and the roast beef was bland. We also had the Southwest wrap and there was hardly anything in the wrap. More wrap than anything. Will not go back. INDEX 50643 PLACE_ID: ChIJxUPn9gSauIkRV7tGo53Io7Q NAME: The Palace ADDRESS: 556 S Dupont Blvd, Milford, DE 19963, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 896 RATING: 3 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Server was awesome. I'd probably give them another shot because of the great service. Prices are reasonable. Big issue is kitchen quality. Panini was taken off too soon, cheese not melted and beef barely warm. Chicken sandwich bun not toasted and 2 small tenders, not a good diner sandwich. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: A friendly and clean restaurant! RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: We ordered a large cheese and mushroom pizza with broccoli bites. Everything was delicious.Once everything opens back up, this place has an amazing looking patio area where you can relax with friends and family. Update: My daughter and I felt a little ill after eating here last time. We both ordered different things and spent the evening not feeling good with stomach cramps. RATING: 4 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: The service and prices are excellent. The food is average diner quality. RATING: 3 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Wide variety of options here. My husband's steak was over cooked. My scampi was good- nothing really special, although they were great to add mushrooms upon my request. Nice dining areas. The women's bathroom was tiny and only had one stall available on Mother's day. Im not sure how a person in a wheel chair would have been able to use the facilities today. Friendly waitress that seems overworked. INDEX 50662 PLACE_ID: ChIJJZUZ4OkGx4kRkj_RdYKM2D0 NAME: Roma's pizza ADDRESS: 883 Pulaski Hwy, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 113 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Couldn’t understand the guy on the phone, Ordered two extra large cheese pizza’s. Price wasn’t bad, the pizza was good, no complaints. Nobody at the register upon entering, but the service was fast. Pizza was done before I arrived, which was nice. It’s worth trying if your favorite place is closed. Not my go to spot, but might try them again to see if I might like their cheesesteaks better. This way I can give a better educated review based off of multiple items instead of just the pizza. Bottom line, I’d eat here again. It just wouldn’t exactly be my first store. At least they were open on Sunday. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Food was bad..cold.. meat in wrap was rubbery and chewy. Pizza was drier than my last relationship. There was maybe a drop of pizza sauce on it. I ate the cheese off the pizza and threw everything else out. The fake calamari was good...assuming they season how mozzarella sticks are seasoned RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Best pizza in northern Delaware, hands down. Also excellent wings and breadsticks RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: There food is good. However they told me on the phone that they needed help, with the little bit of gas i had in my car i drove to the pizza shop like i was told to, the owner looked at me and lied saying they don't need help. All i ask is for honesty but now i dont want the job because i cant work for a lyer RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Hole I'm the wall.but good! INDEX 51209 PLACE_ID: ChIJI2yUtZ3jxokRbQuKTzwRKfo NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 1524 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 369 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Wonderful RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I’m glad others love this place but most of my experiences have not been positive. Many time I ordered pizza with ground beef or meatballs and they obviously just grab it out of their spaghetti batch because I can clearly taste spaghetti sauce over pizza sauce. This was confirmed when I had others try the pizza. Also they usually run on automatic pilot. I asked a question about an ingredient on a menu item And all they heard was the menu item and put order in without even acknowledging my question. Not very personable people they put in front of the customer. They just want your order and move on. I guess that’s goood when you’re in a hurry. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: On the cheaper end of pizza selection in the area but I love their sauce and you can't beat their pizza deals. Fast and mostly friendly staff. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: This particular location has been sliding into a bad spot. The foods not bad, but their ability to execute orders is sad. You better check your bag before you leave after a pickup because there is a good chance all of your food is not in the bag. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: A Girl was leaving around 9:30 pm she ask for my order number my phone was and the car in she said I can't help you bad service there INDEX 51607 PLACE_ID: ChIJ26FcNBz9uIkRuJ8Atr5H_bA NAME: Delmar Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 38660 Sussex Hwy Unit 5, Delmar, DE 19940, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 1505 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The pizza is one of the best I’ve ever had. It had excellent crust and excellent sauce. The spaghetti and meatballs were very delicious and the Garlic Bread melts in your mouth. I love the Cajun shrimp pasta. I’ve had the Mexican pizza, cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza, and wings. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: We love going here to enjoy the best food you can get. I love the ham and cheese sub. I also love their house salad and the dressing. I cannot be beat. Terri is the best waitress in the world. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: I just tried the Balboa Sub lunch special today and IT WAS DELICIOUS!! The roast beef was very well seasoned (not overly) and the fried onions were sautéed to perfection! I will be returning. Great job, Delmar Pizza! RATING: 3 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: No great RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Off the charts great food, pizza don't get me started, lol I want one now!!! Great service, waitress named Terry was incredible, want her all the time. Awesome place to eat, for real. INDEX 51705 PLACE_ID: ChIJub3BRsl7x4kR8WckfOPxZao NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 4 Jerome Dr, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 54 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Manager is VERY VERY RUDE!!! Needs to be fired. All the rest of the staff is very friendly and the food is great. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Best place ever great costumer fast service and food on point 🔥 %100 👍 RATING: 2 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: They were polite about it but they won’t deliver to the truck drivers parked at the Walmart literally walking distance away because of “safety reasons”. Pretty aggravating since takeout is unavailable as well due to the virus. So if you’re a truck driver and desire pizza from this place you’re out of luck RATING: 1 WHEN: 10 months ago REVIEW: Tried ordering a pizza for pickup, was put on hold for 8+ minutes. Asked if they can add crushed red pepper on the side. No. Told a 20 minute wait. Got there in 25 minutes after ordering. And they had no clue about my order at all. Was told they can make another. In 20 minutes. So we left. RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Pizza is okay but could be a bit heavier on toppings. INDEX 52448 PLACE_ID: ChIJUVFXrBNjx4kRuyPsaglKcA4 NAME: Franco's Pizza & Pasta ADDRESS: 1708 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 628 RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: To Sara (Sarah?), the one that was celebrating her Mom’s Birthday today (12 Dec), I want to thank you for buying my table’s lunch. Your appreciation didn’t go unnoticed, Marco was supposed to buy you and your mom’s lunch (I heard you in the act). I took your action and forwarded it to two tables, they got lunch thanks to you. I appreciate your kindness, the world needs more people like you and your mom. I hope you see this, and have a wonderful Holiday Season. - Casey. RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Went there 3 days in a row for dinner. Owner, staff very friendly & personable. I rate them very highly on menu selections & super quality of prepared meals. Absolutely worth every penny. Nothing fancy about ambiance, but you'll be surprised at the taste of the food. Will be back again & again. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Very good, authentic Italian food. Great server. Decent prices. Comfortable environment. On the negative side restrooms were not particularly clean and were out of paper towels. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I love this place. If you are looking for Italian food that will keep you filled for hours, not to mention hot and delicious then this is the place for you. Each meal is served with bread and and a delicious dip that consist of olive oil, garlic and parsley ooh it's so good. The service is also too notch.I absolutely recommend this place. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Delicious local pizza place. Placed an order online and it was ready to go when I arrived. Good variety choice if you want something other then pizza. Located across from the McDonald's and shares a corner with the number one Chinese. INDEX 52541 PLACE_ID: ChIJRYv42QkHx4kRXiThaG5E5PA NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 1460 Pulaski Hwy, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 448 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Took an hour and a half to deliver to me. I'm 10 minutes away. After an hour I called and they said my order was on its way. 30 minutes later still not here. Wasn't called to tell me they didn't have the drink I ordered in stock. Any other place would do something to keep a customer like perhaps a small discount on the next order. I'm never ordering from this particular establishment ever again. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We had 4 Cheesesteaks with mushrooms and fried onions from Season's Pizza. They come one one size which is pretty big. They are delicious. They are also great leftover. I eat half at a time unless I'm really hungry. We ordered ahead of time and picked it up. The service was quick, easy, correct, and the cashier and phone person were polite. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Great place and delivery service is excellent. The drivers are always nice. RATING: 2 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: If they could get a take out order correct it would be an act of god! Used to be one of my favorites but not so much anymore. Like most places these days slowly declining. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: First time ordering. Awesome!! Got a pizza pie, two salads & wings. Wings could've been a little more spicy. . Will definetely try again. Yummy INDEX 52893 PLACE_ID: ChIJaXxzKTXOuIkRHUV3h4Kg0xU NAME: Fox's Pizza Den ADDRESS: 200 Atlantic Ave, Millville, DE 19967, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 478 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Had the HH pizza in the bar area. Delicious. Lots of menu options. Many TV's to enjoy multiple games (and the Kentucky derby!). Wait staff was attentive. We'll definitely be back! RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Delicious stromboli with a crispy seasoned top. It was very good. Great pizza too. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Choose this place to pick up lunch which is 25 min drive. Phone order was placed, I get there and my order was wrong. How do you get 2 orders wrong. Girls there don’t know how take down an order. What’s worse is that the they don’t even apologize for there mistake. So now I have no lunch and no time to grab something else. This isn’t the first time either. My job places orders from here quite often and there is always something wrong. Shame RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: So glad to find somewhere serving dine-in after most places are closing! The barbecue chicken stromboli is really tasty! RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I came in from out of town and asked for a special kind of pizza that is specific to my home region in southern Connecticut. Now for those of you who do not know that New Haven pizza is its own specific genre like Chicago, NY, Detroit and California, this may be lost in you. The thing about New Haven pizza is the flavor of the sauce and coal fired thin crust that is light as a feather. Well, Fox followed my instructions (which anyone from NH would say was a fools errand, by the way) but Fox performed admirably. The thing about a grated cheese pizza is there is no mozzarella. It is parmesan or pecorino romano. The cheese goes UNDER the sauce so it bubbles up through and doesn't brown or burn on the top, resulting in a different mouth feel. While it is true that Fox didn't get the part about the cheese underneath the sauce, I still give them 8.5 out of 10 for their courteous service and delicious sauce and remarkable thin crust. I will be back. So folks from Fairfield and New Haven county who find themselves in Delaware, and want a taste of Jenny's of Bridgeport (now Monroe) or Modern or Sally's in New Haven, or Roseland in Derby, these folks get it done. Thank you Fox! INDEX 53767 PLACE_ID: ChIJrX1JKxXxuIkRZxCZjn0FhU8 NAME: Hungry Howie's Pizza ADDRESS: 1252 Norman Eskridge Hwy Unit 2, Seaford, DE 19973, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 179 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: More than you can eat for the price RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Always on point, always hot, always a pretty quick delivery. I order pizza alot and I swear Howies never gets old because they use quality ingredients. There's about 5 options around here for pizza and this is a toss up between my number one and number two place I order from. After eating another great pizza I'm satisfied. Thanks guys. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Excellent place for a quick pizza I've never been disappointed . I usually call 10 to 15 minutes before I get there it's always ready and it's Correct. The amount of cheese amount of pepperonis is always the amount you would expect if not more the deep dish pizza or thick crust it's it's what you expect it's good. RATING: 1 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Didn’t get the pizza I ordered and the girl that answered the phone wasn’t any help. That’s my last time ordering anything from the Seaford location. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The service is great. Food is always prepared in a timely manner and is always super delicious! INDEX 53962 PLACE_ID: ChIJl2EIwW62uIkRHTNc5UVTpLw NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 36 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 945 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: My wife and I just ordered a margarita pizza and it was the best pizza we ever ate. Our pallets were exploding with flavor from all the toppings they put on. A very generous portion. Also, as usual, the service was excellent. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: Good place to get pizza in Rehoboth. Just off the boardwalk, the restaurant has indoor and outdoor dining. Grotto's pizza has a nice thin crust and a sour dough taste. The 12 inch pizza easily feeds two. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Pizza is absolutely fabulous one of the best pizzas I've eaten service was also great definitely would go back and recommend RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: We enjoyed the pizza 🍕 they changed sauce and smaller portions. Service was good and friendly RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Food was great as was the service. Wonderful place to take the kids for a family meal. INDEX 54460 PLACE_ID: ChIJzVAcdeQGx4kRl5WSZD1rPEo NAME: Little Caesars Pizza ADDRESS: 1013 Governors Pl, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 136 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love the pizza here always fresh, super cheesy and yummy. The manager here is super friendly and always servicial to us whenever we order, and the employees are also super helpful. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Sorry but I love the pizza here But the guy who was in the cashier 05/04/21 around 8:31am give a bad but bad service. NEED GOOD WORKERS. RATING: 4 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: You can't go wrong with little caesars sometimes. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: The food waa good and the service was +A. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Love this place people the staff are always nice. INDEX 54795 PLACE_ID: ChIJ5bYf-WO3uIkRF9_BEzg_1sc NAME: Mr. P's Pizzeria ADDRESS: 1004 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 516 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: This place was a delight. The service was extremely fast, warm and friendly. The pizza was the best part, though. It’s evident these guys have years of experience creating the perfect pizza. (PS - definitely get their chopped basil on your pizza - YUM) RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We love the pizza here! From NY originally and had not found any pizza we like since relocating until we stumbled on Mr P's! The sauce is delicious and the crust is amazing. Finally found a pizza I love in lower Delaware. Keep in mind when you go, it's a cash only establishment. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Really, really good pizza. Chewy crust and delicious toppings. The ground sausage was fantastic. And the house salad was probably the best pizza House salad I've ever had. You could just taste how fresh the ingredients were. So impressed. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Best pepperoni pizza ever! Thin crust. Perfect sauce. Their monthly specials always entice, but it's just me at my house, and getting one would be gluttony. Lol RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Coming from PA it was difficult finding our favorite pizza. Mr. P’s is the best. Great sauce, crust and tasty seasonings. I recommend this pizza to all of our neighbors as well as guests. INDEX 54810 PLACE_ID: ChIJjySVc3KAx4kR42CKnrEPwMM NAME: Buono Pizza ADDRESS: 825 Halltown Rd #3, Marydel, DE 19964, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 111 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The chicken parmesan melts in your mouth and the red sauce is home made 😋 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Always excellent food and service. Everytime we make a trip from ohio to MD to see my father in law, we order from here. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: We absolutely love Buono Pizza! Food is delicious and the service is always excellent! We love Savio and the Buono team! RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: The pizza is always so delicious! Never been disappointed with any of the food. The owner is very friendly and his staff as well. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: It was fantastic it always is there are the Kindest people you could ever know INDEX 55444 PLACE_ID: ChIJ2SVeSFVVxokReZKrpWxeYp8 NAME: 5 Cardiff Ct W ADDRESS: 5 Cardiff Ct W, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 55444 No result INDEX 55859 PLACE_ID: ChIJ8_qpFLQAx4kR1Zs0Fts05Cg NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 20 Salem Village Square, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 203 RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Pizza always good. Wait time for pickup a little long, but not too bad. Garlic knots are the best!! Yum, yum! RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Just spent 17 bucks for a pizza plus delivery fee plus tip, my pizza was barely warm the crust is soaking wet and I call dominos and I was told if I bring the pizza back they will remake it! I ordered delivery for a reason and I paid for it. Can't wait to speak to corporate tomorrow! I wish I didn't have to give them one star. I have video and pictures to show corporate RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Didnt like the service. The pizza tasted weird. My kids had an alergic reaccion. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Great customer service. Food is hot when I pick it up. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: It was hot and delicious as expected! INDEX 56016 PLACE_ID: ChIJ7SXen4MAx4kRQn7DOnrEb-Y NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 12 Polly Drummond Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 129 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Great job!! Delivery was extremely timely for a Friday evening. Delivered piping hot, as if straight from the oven. Best part was the actual taste of the pizza. Delicious and baked perfectly. This is my second delivery and fifth or so pick up from this location. Absolutely spot on with taste and service. Excellent job across the board. Great Job Team !! RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Pizza is good...but they never put in the Garlic dipping sauce that I pay for. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Employees have a problem washing their hands. In this environment you should wash your hands once you are done handling money and credit cards. Amy has poor managerial skills and doesn’t consider the customer. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Great pizzas and even better service. The employees here really do a super job. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: 3 times in a row we've experienced issues with our orders... We decided to order pizza from Domino's because I only had an hour to eat before I needed to leave for a prior engagement.. Domino's is quick and pretty decent so we ordered online for carryout and the online tracker said the order would be ready in 25-30 minutes. We arrived at the 30 minute mark, but the tracker said it was still in prep. Thinking it might just not have updated we waited patiently in our car for another 12 minutes. In this time I saw the 3 or 4 people working there standing around not doing much for a good portion of the time. I then went politely into the store to find out if the order had been started and when the girl at the front desk went to the back to check the "manager" yelled from the back "starting it now!" With a tone of attitude. I then watched as she didn't "start it now". I asked the girl at the front why the order hadn't been started when it was predicted to be completed 15 minutes before. She coiled and said "I'm sorry I can't help you it's my first day". Fun fact: this SAME girl told me that same exact thing the last time we had problems at this store!! So with no answers and no pizza I waited patiently for another minutes before being told I was not allowed to wait in the store because of COVID. Not sure if it was true or not but no other customers were in the store..... and I had seen others going in and out waiting for pizza. But I am not the kind of person who wants to cause a scene so I left. Now I'm stressing because I need to leave in 15 minutes and our pizza still had not been started. On top of the attitude I received from the manager I was beginning to feel very upset. Another 5-10 minutes went by before my finance went back into the store and asked for a refund. They gave it to him and yelled to the back "you can throw that order in the trash when it comes out". So yeah...we left. The only reason I'm leaving this comment here is because you can't give feedback through Domino's directly unless you receive your order, interesting! Also, since this is now the third time we've experienced both slowness beyond reasonable expectations and attitude, it was time. If the girl with fun colors in her hair tries to tell you its her first's not. If you're going to lie to customers faces you should probably not have such memorable hair. Also, when the manager gives the customers attitude it's clear they do not care about customer satisfaction. Which is fine for them. They'll keep making their money, but the customers who are also human just like them have stories too. And they made that story really terrible last night. I've never experienced this kind of nonsense at any other Domino's pizza so it's likely just a people problem here. Too bad. If you want GREAT pizza with GREAT service...and quick too then I recommend Cuzinos! INDEX 56140 PLACE_ID: ChIJVUI-Yjqqx4kRWVg8GimvngQ NAME: Margherita's Pizza ADDRESS: 265 S Main St, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 122 RATING: 2 WHEN: 7 months ago REVIEW: Yall didn't cut my pizza ?? Why??? RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: The best pizza in Newark, possibly all of Northern Delaware. If you want good, no non-sense, pizza-pizza it really cannot be beat. Their white pizza offerings and appetizers are also quite good. The place is clean and tidy, the staff is always very friendly, fair prices, always ready when they say it'll be. My absolute favorite local, family-owned pizza shop. 11/10 RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: I had not been to this place since they used to be on Main Street in Newark. Good pizza. Good service. Amber impressed me with her passion to serve customers. Very rare to see that these days in a young person. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Nice mom and pop pizza shop. Tastes great and everyone I've met there has been nothing but nice. As long as this shop is around i won't order pizza from anywhere else in newark RATING: 5 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Fast friendly service. Good pizza. 2 cheese slices and a soda for $5. INDEX 56733 PLACE_ID: ChIJ-dL92WD9xokRBlvIm-rdVeA NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 401 S Market St, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 461 RATING: 1 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: I never received my order RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: My experience with this location was very positive. GM Nelson was very professional and friendly. People often state this store is in a bad location. My experience at this store was more pleasant than my experience in "better" locations. I will be recommending this store to my friends and family. RATING: 3 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Everything was fine except couldn't add green peppers to my was little unstable kept adding additional pizzas RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Don't waste your time with curbside at this location, I checked in online(when I first arrived), then replied to the text confirming I was there (after waiting 20 minutes) and I still had to call(20 minutes later). I finally got my food 35-40 minutes after arrival. My pizza was cold and the sandwich cheese burnt to a crisp, my daughter didn't even eat it. I wasnt prepared to go in the store and I thought this is perfect! The only thing more annoying than wearing a mask in a store/business, is a store/business offering a service to make it more convenient but they don't follow through. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: To Ms Ponzo, your experience is not everyone's experience. Honestly, if I came in to order and saw you at the oven in pj's, I would have reported you to Corporate. Your review sounds like a women scorned, maybe not, but any GM coming in a restaurant and finding an employee handling food in pj's should put them out the store. INDEX 56829 PLACE_ID: ChIJyQUiwrgGx4kR8q5UuOV78Jk NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 797 Pulaski Hwy, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 231 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I have yet to be disappointed. The staff is always pleasant whether delivering or store pickup, I always have good experience. I truly appreciate them doing their best during this pandemic. The store manager, is very welcoming. Keep it going!!!! RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Terrible service, forget about getting everything you ordered, I've ordered about ten times and Everytime at least 2 to 3 items were wrong or missing. Occasionally they just don't show up. Also they close and lock their doors before their closing time stating it is for security reasons. Most likely they just don't want to finish the day. The food quality is also extremely inconsistent, you could get a pizza loaded with cheese one day then the next, the same order results in just crust and a tablespoon of sauce. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I want to start this by saying that I usually have a good experience......however, Jonathan, your driver, stated he was in my neighborhood to deliver my food when he was no where near us ( so we waited for nothing). SMFH I don't ever message things like this but I haven't ever had a bad experience. This is actually the second time this has happened. Either get better drivers or fix your tracking/texting operation that contacts the customer saying you're in the neighborhood. Smh RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: It’s better to do pick up and not delivery. It’s been almost 2 hrs 😭 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: 🍕 We are definitely a Dominos Family! 🍕 This location goes above and beyond to satisfy their customers needs. We rarely EVER have any type of issues with our delivery orders, and we ALWAYS have 10+ items in our order! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE 🎉 INDEX 57594 PLACE_ID: ChIJ81FM58h7x4kRXWPGcjtAKCM NAME: Mama Mia pizza and grill ADDRESS: 4105 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 55 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: First time ordering as we did not know they delivered to our address. Pizza was yummy and wings were awesome. We have tried other local pizza shops and have not been impressed but you need to try Mama mia RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: AMAZING!!!!!! OMGOODNESS, I finally found Pizzas Slices that are perfect, hitting every single ✔️ on my Real Pizza meter.. That was just the pizza, Even though Covid has taken a toll on dining, however the Owners I would assume are absolutely pleasant. I got a very Warm Family Working Together feel and view with the Great Pizza..Stay BLESSED.. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: I ALWAYS order from here and every time the experience has been amazing. But tonight NOT so much. From the beginning when ordering the person was rude and not customer service friendly I felt very rushed. Then when my order came they forgot two things. I called (really just to get a credit or refund) and before I got even got to say that the person on the phone said ill send someone out and hung up. Not happy at all and not sure ill order again 😐 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Ordered from the website, everything was delicious. Would definitely recommend. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Fast quick service costumer service is amazing not to mention the food being very very good you can definitely see the owner cares about the customers INDEX 57772 PLACE_ID: ChIJD8SuWt19x4kRtkul7jJRDqY NAME: Two Brother's Pizza ADDRESS: 4317 Forrest Ave, Dover, DE 19904, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 72 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Absolutely the BEST, they know you by name and your favorite! Love coming here, such a family setting! And food is DELICIOUS. Kids LOVE it! 10/10 recommend! Keep up the amazing work thanks!! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: I work at the royal farms down the street and the owner comes in often. All of our employees have ordered from here and we love the food. And the owner is the sweetest nicest person when he comes in. RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: The food is great when you call in and pick up. We ordered a medium pizza at 6:09. It’s now 7:45 and still no pizza. Tried to call but the phone isn’t working. So I drove the 10 mins to the store to ask about it and was told the order just left. I made it home before the delivery driver. I hope I see my pizza one day. My advice, call it in (if their phone is working) and pick it up. RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: All depends who is working, I don't do deliveries here cause first time I had them deliver took almost 1.5 hrs and still forgot my sub! But on a good note when you pick it up everything else was great! Good cheesesteak there, not bad on pricing either enjoy! RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Food is good. But when I order 10 wings I expect 10 wings. Not 7.5 wings. INDEX 58372 PLACE_ID: ChIJqzzJ8hhjx4kRn2hXofulRng NAME: milano pizza&grill ADDRESS: 1486 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 106 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: They must have changed things. Food use to be decent. Now it's hard to get my order correct. Ordered a Special Stromboli with extra cheese. Had no cheese and missing ingredients. Not the first time my order was not how I ordered it. They charge you for extra toppings but don't give you extra toppings. They definitely will he losing a customer. RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Decent food when it arrives warm, however the service is awful and it usually takes 2 hours plus from your time of order to arrive by which time it is soggy and cold. Not to mention when we ordered tonight the delivery driver simply rang the doorbell and left the food on the porch as he drove off as fast as he could. Awful customer service to say the least. RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Re-wrote my entire review which covered several years. This USED to be a great place, changed owners summer of 2020 and went from 5 stars to 3 (being generous) I have deleted all the old 'how good it was', since there is no point. That now it is bland is being kind. I now go to Anna&Mike's Pizza in Felton on Rte 13 N., which is true 'Mom& Pop' and is excellent. Too bad Milano went down, but it did. No reason to go there now. Since moving to Delaware, I miss pizza, Chinese food, and a decent bagel - now just looking for good Chinese food and a decent bagel. RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I started working in the same mega plaza as this place. I was looking forward to a long relationship and being a frequent customer.. I had ordered lasagna and fried shrimp in the past and both were decent. I then went to order a small pizza that is featured on the cover of their menu. I was told that this is an online order only. #1, I don't like to order food online, being an older person I can call etc. quicker than I can manage an online order. #2, I can walk to the restaurant quicker than I can order online. They didn't seem like they wanted to deviate and allow me to order face to face, so I went to the pizza place up the street and got a pizza and was very happy with it. I don't know if I'll ever return to this place or not. So much for the long term frequent customer. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: My husband and I love everything we have tried so far especially the pizza and wings highly recommend it 👍 INDEX 58727 PLACE_ID: ChIJH3qRizr9xokR7InRNMMTnrw NAME: La Pizzeria Metro ADDRESS: 3101 Miller Rd, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 184 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: This was our first time here. From start to finish we won’t be back. When my husband called to pick up the pizzas, he was told it would be 45 minutes he called at 5. He said no problem I will be there at 6. When he walked in the person at the counter told him they don’t take timed orders and wasn’t very pleasant. He was confused because he hadn’t called for a timed order and only gave a time he would be in because he was only able to get there at 6. Then we get home to eat the pizza. We had a margarita and a pepperoni. Both were flavorless. The sauce was bland, and the crust was also bland. In house with 2 teenage boys the pizza was not finished and ended up in the waste bin. We will go to mod pizza in the future. Better prices, better taste, better service. RATING: 3 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: The pizza is delicious. The three stars is because after being given a wait time of 1.5 hours, I do not expect to pick up a lukewarm pie and have to go home and reheat it. Which is the suggestion I was given after arriving to pick up a half warm pie. There is no way of knowing when to arrive when the pizza is ready on a busy night with an estimated time of 1.25-1.5 hours. I showed up after an hour and fifteen minutes hungry. There are no heat lamps or anything to keep the pizza warm. Maybe a simple text to update would be efficient. It was suggested that I call in to see the status. I'm hangry. Cold pizza is for the next day, not the first slice. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Fantastic! I wish I would’ve found this place sooner! The pizza was SO great and our appetizers were delicious as well. Very cute place, excellent food and service, well absolutely be back again. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Authentic wood fired pizzas that are very good. Friendly and efficient staff. Clean and “cute” restaurant. Definitely recommend RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Really good pizzeria! One of those places where i don't throw away the crust. My favorite is Trolley Square pizza. I love their cast iron wings too. INDEX 58778 PLACE_ID: ChIJBw12ucgBx4kRz1hoVsFz1jQ NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 4528 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.7 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 206 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Good Service an Polite over the phone RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: One pizza was burnt all around edges and meat on top burnt. Other pizza was extra cheese and pepperoni and two slices had no cheese or pepperoni at all. Luckily I checked before leaving store. I think it's sad they still gave me pizzas in this condition even though they saw when cutting. I called into store and was put on hold for seven minutes. Once manager took call she said she needed my pizzas to prove what I was saying. I didn't want them anyway but basically accusing me of lying wasn't necessary. Kirkwood hwy Domino's lost this customer. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: If I could give 0 stars I would . I did online order it told me 35 - 40 min . After almost an hour I call and I am told my order had not left and the manager told me let me see if I can get a diver to come back and deliver your order. I was like really and manager says well what do u want . Poor poor service. I now realize why I never order from here. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I ordered a Pepperoni and Alfredo pizza from here and they ended out giving us 2 pizzas with Alfredo sauce and pepperoni on both of them. The person taking our order messed it up several times when we said what we wanted. The person also gave us the wrong amount of change which was to much which we returned to them. Then after all that they still have us the wrong pizza. Server order- 4177 Order number- 708 Time-6:06 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: It was first time for me. Pizza was terrific. Only trouble I had was trying to order online so I went in person. I was supposed to save it for lunch next day. Smelled too good to NOT eat it. INDEX 58831 PLACE_ID: ChIJldGXJt8Lx4kRMvhE0W-PUBQ NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 2472 Dupont Pkwy, Middletown, DE 19709, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 133 RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: I come here all the time, and they always are friendly, helpful, and make really great food for me. Always. It’s not just a few times - it’s all the time. All the workers it’s awesome. Manager is super cool (both the guy and girl) and all the people tbh! Thanks y’all! 🤝☺️ RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Pizza was great It was hot built nice taste very good 😀 RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Food was prepared right. Also everybody read the stickers on the boxes instead of opening the boxes to peek in and see. Another local dominos did this not 1 not 2 but 3 employees opened the same boxes. 1 had his mask down. Yuck So i will stay with this Dominos better people. RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: I was supposed to have a free 16 count mild wings and when I called to have it delivered, they told me that I never was supposed to have them and they hung up on me and never got my free wings. Don't order from here they are rude and can't keep track of the rewards program. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Perfect food when you dont feel like cooking INDEX 58893 PLACE_ID: ChIJqSqVz2iox4kRoUjjWPrHBo4 NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 2425 Pulaski Hwy, Newark, DE 19702, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 248 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Domino's pizza i havent had for say 25 years ago and i just ordered from them last weekend.... Damn i found out that they have so much to order now before they only had was pizza and bread sticks.. Now they have all kinds of food.. So i had order 1 pizza w/cheese & 1 pizza w/sausage and cinnamon bows and garlic sticks that was so filling it was really so good i couldn't finish them i had to give some to my good neighbors down the street.... RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Whoever is making orders is lost in the sauce because they definitely lost my sauce. On the pizza and the bread bites. What I did get is icing to garlic twists that I didn't order but received instead of cinnamon twists. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Terrible place!!! Every time I call they place me and my 61 year old grandmother on hold 5 times and or we are on the phone for 30 minutes or more. This place is lucky I don't follow a complaint with Delaware ethics committee. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: My worst experience with this location. I ordered one bread bowl pasta and chicken sandwich from here for online pickup. When i went there to pick up my food. They lady at the counter said “ I do not have forks, go eat at home”. Are you serious? I mean how can u treat your customer like this? I wanted to eat in my car!!!!! And then she was showing me attitude and she canceled my order right away in front of me! Rude lady with bad etiquettes. I am never going to this location. Worst,Worst, and Worst Team members. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The staff here makes it awesome! Best Domino's ever! INDEX 59135 PLACE_ID: ChIJqSRQ91_jxokR0oMPB-XHjHI NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 1728 Marsh Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.5 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 222 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: the food is always top tier within fast food. the drivers always do their best to get you your delivery early or on time. the prices for each food option is very affordable. highly recommend. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: Took 2 hours for delivery and did not deliver all items that were paid for. I called the store and spoke with a supposed manager named Carter who said he would recharge me for the order and could not just refund what was missing. Super shady. Wil never order from here again. Stick with any other Pizza place Dominoes sucks RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: They are always professional and very polite! When they give you an estimated time they usually show up at least 10/15 minutes earlier which is always GREAT! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I get pizza here every Friday and it's great. The food is decent quality despite being a chain and they've never screwed up my order. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Hate this contactless delivery!!! Food dropped off to the wrong house. Now I have to wait 3-5 business days for my money back. Poor service INDEX 59686 PLACE_ID: ChIJUXDkcv0Jx4kRbR87MFmWubg NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 4416 Summit Bridge Rd, Middletown, DE 19709, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 136 RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Just left from there, placed an online order for 2 items stated to he ready in 15 minutes. Got there waited for about an extra 20 minutes. Asked when my order will be ready? Server looked at the board and was told an extra 7 minutes, needless to say the board was stuck on 7 minutes the whole time I was there. Ask to cancel my order and left. Horrible customer service. RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: 2 hour wait and horrible service tonight. This place needs a new leader. My pizza was good so I gave it 2 stars. RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 weeks ago REVIEW: This place needs adult supervision & quality control. Ordered $7.99 3-topping pizza via the app: double pepperoni + sausage. Picked it up, and when I got home ... no sausage, and what obviously was NOT double pepperoni. Very disappointed. Lesson: check the order before you leave the store. RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Prices are great compared to other pizza shops in the area and the kids love Domino's! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: All the employees wear there mask (so far I only did delivery)but they're all kind. Really fast delivery but I never got a text from dominos saying the pizza was here for that I don't blame them but the dominos website. Never got MY order wrong and the quality is what you expect. Only one person made my wings bad and put no effort into them but every thing else was great I like this dominos probably my favorite INDEX 59877 PLACE_ID: ChIJh-onVQcLx4kRsx7LHiTC0n4 NAME: Lorenzo's Pizza ADDRESS: 513 Main St, Odessa, DE 19730, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 157 RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: The pizza is good, but you don’t ever put canned mushrooms on a pizza, but you should never put canned mushrooms on a pizza. Especially if you call yourself an Italian pizza place. You also need a pan pizza, and you also need to update your website with proper prices. RATING: 5 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: I had an issue with my order that the owner addressed almost immediately. He was very professional, patient, understanding and returned my call prepared to solve my issue. His customer service was exceptional, I couldn’t have asked for it to be better! He’s a perfect example of how you should deal with customers and run a successful business. I order pizza from Lorenzo’s every time I’m in town and I’m never disappointed with the quality or taste, now I see why. I’m forever a customer. Thanks so much Manny! RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Used to order from here multiple times a month. Since they changed ownership, the cheesesteaks are nasty, the burgers are different and the pizza is not good at all. Im disappointed, especially because i haven't found a good replacement since i stopped eating here about 6 months ago. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Excellent great pizza very hard to find someone that make a good slice. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I love their pizza and the wings are always cooked well! Delivery time is good. INDEX 60056 PLACE_ID: ChIJWf1lRT7OuIkRA-J0L-PymCQ NAME: Papa John's Pizza ADDRESS: 29 C Atlantic Ave Ste C, Ocean View, DE 19970, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 94 RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I live in Frankford and am considered to be in the Millsboro delivery area. I'd rather drive to the one in Ocean View any day of the week. Food is actually fresh and well made at this location. They don't leave their dough prepped and sitting out for hours getting hard and gross like Millsboro. Best Papa John's in the area. RATING: 4 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Pretty good franchise branch. Do online for take-out, order early about 3 hours before pickup. 6:30-7:30 pm is very heavy Calling the last minute will leave you hanging for 2+ delivery or hot pie pickup. Don't call, too long to order and cost too much! Be digital! RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Worst pizza I've ever was dry the chicken was burnt and thete was hardly any cheese or sauce. The quality has gone down considerably. RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Great papa johns. Always fresh and perfect. Had a problem once and they were quick to fix it. Always friendly customer service. Food is always just as ordered RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: Had a good experience in this place with my daughter. The food arrived rapidly and the service is just fantastic. Prices are reasonable. INDEX 61219 PLACE_ID: ChIJh4eP8gi5uIkRjJgPZ3pvxoM NAME: Titanic Pizzeria ADDRESS: 16388 Samuel Paynter Blvd Unit 4, Milton, DE 19968, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 52 RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Great food. Pizza is very good a good options would not recommend the calamari. Not a seafood restaurant but pizza is perfect. Great delivery too RATING: 4 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Strombolis were delicious. Salad was a nice portion for two.❤ Spaghetti and 2 meat ball was saucy and meatballs made me frown...😥 RATING: 4 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: My husband and I purchased a lg. Titanic pizza and a meterainian salad. Salad and pizza prices were fair. Food and service was prompt. Dough for pie was piecrust not hand tossed. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Hubby and I do lunch once a week and always get it here. Have never had anything we didnt like and the chicken parmesan is THE BEST!! I would recommend this place to anyone. I am very picky when it comes to my food and I'm totally pleased with every order. RATING: 5 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Pizza is great, we will definitely be ordering more in the near future. INDEX 61918 PLACE_ID: ChIJY8vz7jv9xokRURp0P2ifIls NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 504 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 58 RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Talked with Carlos the manager over the phone for a order made at 5:30pm called at 7:30 asking where my order was, and he clearly lied saying he called me when I see my call history empty.note it's mother's day. I replaced my order over the phone got to dominoes and claim they ain't have my pizza ready. They obviously don't know what there doing, everyone was on there phone texting away & gossiping away. Also I saw there delivery guy just chilling and talking away no wonder my pizza wasn't delivered the first time. I even wanted to talk to Carlos the manager and the cashier girl said he was "too busy". If u want pizza u have a better chance of pizza hut delivering to you. And on top of that the pizza they claimed they just made is ice cold ! Don't go here at all. Carlos as a manager is a joke. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: We ordered from here 6 or 7 times since they opened and every single time our food was always hot, fresh and made to order. Employees are always so friendly & nice and I always get greeted at the door. Highly recommend RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Food is always hot, and fresh! One order was wrong, but that was ok, it was eaten, and it was only one item. The food is seasoned, and taste extremely good! It’s a brand new domino’s, so I hope the food remains this way over time. Drivers are wonderful with their delivery, and they remain six feet with their masks on. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: I love this location my pizza is always .good and it's clean and the staff .are nice I highly recommend this location .... RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Was so excited about having a Domino's so close to us! First opened they were great, absolutely no problems. Now we can seem to get our food in a decent time. Im currently going on 2 hours after i place my order and still isn't delivered. Called the story said it would be delivered soon, that was 30mins ago. Probably won't be ordering again. Very annoyed and mad. INDEX 62194 PLACE_ID: ChIJX4mCFHz_xokRjX6_o2wKqlg NAME: 701 Ace Memorial Dr ADDRESS: 701 Ace Memorial Dr, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 62194 No result INDEX 62416 PLACE_ID: ChIJo4zvKb__xokRLe6-WByoD_c NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 7465 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 11 RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I nearly collided into one of your drivers as he cut me off crossing lancaster pike. His little gray kia should not be on the road if thats how he feels he can drive during deliveries. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Terrible service. Our pizza was "quality checked" for 40 minutes (aka sitting under a heat lamp drying out) before finally leaving the store. The driver proceeded to go in a completely illogical direction, and we ended up getting our pizza about an hour after it was out of the oven, inedible and cold. RATING: 1 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Worst pizza ever. We threw it out. 40% more expensive than the local shop whose pizza is fabulous but had an hour and a half wait due to Local power outage. We should have waited. Hadn’t had Dominos for 20 years. It will be twenty more before I try it again. Cardboard crust, no sauce, dried cheese and bitter peppers masquerading as the ordered sweet ones. Zero stars is more appropriate. RATING: 4 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Order here frequently, the pizza is very good! RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: I tried to order a pizza 20 minutes before closing time and they wouldn’t do it because they already turned off the ovens.... unreal INDEX 62501 PLACE_ID: ChIJQfoIOzmqx4kRJm9FsQX4c_8 NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 60 N College Ave, Newark, DE 19711, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 210 RATING: 2 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: The staff was nice. I ordered extra cheese and extra sauce but got light cheese and light sauce instead. The parm bites were also very dry. The actual store is nice but getting in and out of this location can be very difficult and take a very long time. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: We have ordered pizza and I was wondering how this contactless delivery was going to work? Like please don't leave my food on the ground for ants ext. Well the driver brought a little box to sit the food on and knocked on the door so we could hear the food was there and the pizza was great! Thank you!👍👍👍👍👍 RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Extremely fast Service! Love that they just bring it out to your car. Tasted great as always. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Got 3 medium pizzas tonight for my wife and 3 girls. I haven't order from Dominoes Pizza a long time. Wow, I can't believe how bad it's gotten. It used to be so good. I actually asked my wife as we started eating "Did you get 3 pizzas with no sauce?" I got 3 medium cheesy breads basically. I think that's it for us with Dominoes. Just isn't what it use to be. Trying too hard to save a penny theyve scaled back sauce portioning and ruined the pizza. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I called in for a pick up order, the guy on the phone was rude, unpolite and rushing the order. 5 minutes later I called back because as rushed, I missed asking for thin crust. No can do he said,it's already done. I also got chicken wings, aghh, disgusting tasteless bones with no meat, just skin and fat. Domino's is a large corporation, they should invest on better training and supervision. Not to mention quality of their food. Good bye Domino's for good. INDEX 63197 PLACE_ID: ChIJw3lw2p0Dx4kRY8nFfqyuQoU NAME: Domino's Pizza ADDRESS: 1202 Delaware St, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.3 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 198 RATING: 1 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: Every time while attempting to order from here there is always something wrong. Orders backed up an hour and 1/2 on a Thur afternoon. Ordered before the messed the whole order up brought cold food and did nothing to fix their wrong! Hopefully someone will be able to help them! Still years later not any better! Ordered online and then the store closed with out communication of not being able to deliver the order but took my money! I can see nothing changed! Will never be ordering from here again! RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Pizza were made 👌 perfect. Delivery driver was very polite and on time. Food was still very hot when I took my first bite. Excellent job, keep up the fabulous work. 👍👍Thank you for the delicious dinner. RATING: 3 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Pizza was very slow in getting to me. When I called the store the first time someone answered the phone and said to hold, but never came back to the phone. I hung up and called again, this time someone answered and said that they only had one delivery person and that he was leaving right now. The order was placed at a little after 2:00 pm and its 3:19pm and still no pizza. Not sure if I will ordering from Dominos again. Pizza arrived at 3:27pm RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: I placed my order at 2:18 before I left home for work. I got to work and 3:30 pm when I called I was informed my food is on the rack sitting and per the person on the other end "I don't know how much longer and I am doing my best." I am sitting here typing still hungry lol. I won't put the blame on Dominoes it's just this one particular location. Not the entire franchise that's lost my business jbh, but it has left me apprehensive about the brand. I called at 3:40 and was told the same thing and cancelled my order so I am posting my review. RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Other than them not knowing the difference from pepperoni and sausage the pizza was pretty good. INDEX 63248 PLACE_ID: ChIJF-sj4NoGx4kRTzlIrDYhiNY NAME: Casapulla's Christiana Subs & Steaks ADDRESS: 488 Bear Christiana Rd, Bear, DE 19701, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 267 RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: They consistently mess up the order. Especially if the order was taken over the phone. They either forget to add all the condiments, or they bag up only part of the order. The food is decent but you must double check them before leaving out or more than likely you'll be going back to get the rest of your food or stuck with an order that is incorrect. Get this part of your service together Casapullas. This issue has been happening too often in my experiences with you. RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Stopped in for a quick lunch order. The owner was very friendly, and they had me in and out in no time. The cheesesteak I got was great! Will stop back again! RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: There is an amazing employee there I think he is new I walked into the shop and I should see the smile u get his mask as he said welcome to casapulla...that guy is amazing 🤩 I would love to meet him in person I did see he was training and I already know he’s gonna be an amazing employee he’s tall his blue eyes just brights the room I would go there just to see him RATING: 3 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: It was ok today,but it was busy. First time we went it was amazing. I will go back when they aren't so busy. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: They made my cheesesteak with provolone cheese... if that is the go to cheese you should inform people when they are placing orders. I wasted my money. INDEX 63811 PLACE_ID: ChIJ37Ox2q8Ax4kRXAKgVjHqfNY NAME: Philly Style Express ADDRESS: 1827, 681 E Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.1 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 116 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: My husband and I were staying in Newark while traveling. While searching the internet for local pizza I came across Philly Style Express. Amazing loaded pizza for a good price, fast delivery and hot pizza!! Will definitely eat here again when we are in town!! RATING: 2 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Every time I order from this place I don’t know why I punish myself, they can’t get it right ,it never taste great it’s never satisfying I always try to give them another chance and they always lose by completely screwing up your order. RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: Ive been going to philly style express for years and I don't know if new owners took over but the food and service is not as good as it used to be. I usually get the buffalo chicken wrap or hot wings and it used to be very good. Ordered this evening and they acted like they don't know what suppose to go in the buffalo chicken wrap so I had to specify that I want it how you usually make it with lettuce tomatoes and blue cheese. Picked it up and no lettuce and tomatoes and it was much smaller than what im used to. Call to let them know I didnt get lettuce and tomatoes and they said I need to request. Never had to do this before. They would usually ask me if I wanted everything that came with. Not to mention I specifically said lettuce tomatoes and blue cheese but the owner could care less that I was dissatisfied so I will be taking business elsewhere RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: This place is my number one place. Of all restaurants I know I favor it most. I never miss an opportunity to go to visit this place. everytime I I need a good supper, this is the place that comes immediately to my mind. good and all sorts of food and a rich cuisine.well mannered staff, and pleasant ambience. Also important, the tariff is reasonable. I praise this place with no hesitation. RATING: 1 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: They are very rude & don’t answer their phone! INDEX 64491 PLACE_ID: ChIJU9-p38ECx4kRMiTVoqjbQzQ NAME: Gordon's Pizza ADDRESS: 3044 New Castle Ave, New Castle, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 87 RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Excellent Buffalo chicken cheese steak. Fast service. Reasonable prices. The guy on the phone was friendly and pleasant. I'll go back again for sure. RATING: 1 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: Do not order from this ship. I ordered a turkey hoagie and it arrived with no vegetables on it. No onions, lettuce, tomatoes or slices. I also ordered a cheese steak with lettuce and ketchup and received only a steak.m, again with nothin on it. RATING: 1 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Saddest hoagie I've ever had. Just take sandwiches off the menu if you're gonna pull this. RATING: 3 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Was with my family and family friends saw spider webs above us. Suddenly saw a huge yellow centipede. But food is delicious. Don't go if your afraid of bugs. RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: Best Pizza hands down! My fav INDEX 64682 PLACE_ID: ChIJ1Vk7yfKpx4kR4cRfAFw6mnI NAME: Nick & Joe's Pizza ADDRESS: 150 Pencader Plaza, Newark, DE 19713, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 132 RATING: 3 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Never eaten there but have heard great things about their food. Called to place an order...a woman answered saying "please hold" and immediately put me on hold without waiting for a response. Ok, I guess they're busy. When she picked back up after about a minute, I asked if they delivered. I was wanting to know if they actually do their own deliveries rather than using a third party service. But before I could finish, the woman (clearly annoyed) responded "Depends on where you live?" with the most annoyed tone in her voice. I thanked her and got off the phone quick. If you act this way before you even get my money, I don't want to see what happens after. Oh well... RATING: 5 WHEN: a month ago REVIEW: Love their Pizza it's so good especially my favorite pizza the veggie pizza spinach and ricotta cheese with mozzarella cheese topping it's so delicious I recommend this place for everyone everything freshly made in front of your face. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Rude counter staff. They do not follow the mask mandate. They need to be shut down until they can follow the rules and be courteous to their paying customers. RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 weeks ago REVIEW: I love nick and Joe's I've bin eating here since 1997 at the earliest. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: I always ordered chicken cheesesteaks from here because the dont use chunk chicken. I hate chunk chicken. Guess they changed cuz when i got home with my order it was chunk chicken. I also ordered 2 large regular cheese steaks that had so much gristle on them and no cheese. WONT BE ORDERING FROM HERE AGAIN INDEX 65083 PLACE_ID: ChIJlXKN0g3OuIkR8Ne8aktDglY NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 793 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA OVERALL RATING: 4.2 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 614 RATING: 3 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: prices keep rising ? what is a large pizza worth to you in bethany beach delaware? RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: A must everytime we're in town. RATING: 4 WHEN: in the last week REVIEW: The hostess was unpleasant which set a negative tone for the meal, but our server was friendly and good-humored, and the food was overall very good. The crust style on the pizza is a little different, but the kids enjoyed it. The appetizer portions were generous except there definitely could've been more bread included with the bruschetta. The bathrooms were clean and the gelato was fantastic. RATING: 5 WHEN: 8 months ago REVIEW: If you like cheddar cheese on your pizza, this is the place to go. RATING: 5 WHEN: 9 months ago REVIEW: Pizza made right. Ive been to other locations where Pizza was repeatedly soggy. This one has great pizza and the service to match! INDEX 65116 PLACE_ID: ChIJSSMjYKD8xokR-oiQYrnF2M0 NAME: Seasons Pizza ADDRESS: 3901 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803, USA OVERALL RATING: 4 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 378 RATING: 5 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: There food is good. Some of their places are better than others. The one on route 40 in Bear is the best. RATING: 4 WHEN: 11 months ago REVIEW: I had a quick dinner here last Monday evening (6/4/2018) while I was running some errands in the area with my brother. The new design of the building is nice and very modern and clean both inside and out. Arriving just before 6pm we were immediately seated by a very nice hostess and a few moments later our server came by and took our drink orders. Being a Monday evening we took advantage of the 2 Pizza / 2 Topping special. I ordered a Pepperoni and Mushroom and my brother ordered Pepperoni and Italian Sausage. After a short wait the pie's arrived and they were very good. The dough was fresh and the toppings were good quality. The mushrooms on my pizza were even fresh, not canned. All and all a good meal at a fair price. We were in and out in about an hour and off to finish our last errand. The menu was quite extensive and I'd definitely check them out again if I'm in the area. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: The pizza here is really good I love the cheesy breadsticks but even better is just garlic bread they're bread is so delicious and soft it is really really good my mother's favorite is a medium cheese pizza with beef and onion so if you want some pizza in Delaware you got to go to seasons Pizza it's really good on Concord Pike RATING: 5 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Great service. Fast pick up RATING: 1 WHEN: 6 months ago REVIEW: I ordered lunch for pickup Friday November 14th 2020. The boneless wings were good however the 2 extra large pizzas I ordered were horrible. You could tell they were rushed the dough was gummy and the toppings were not set....had to put them back in the oven thank good there was one available. I have eaten at other locations definately much better than thus 202 location will not order from here again. I feel like that was just wasted money. INDEX 65226 PLACE_ID: ChIJWzpPzTm2uIkR2WWjxnEYNVQ NAME: Grotto Pizza Corporate Offices ADDRESS: 20376 Coastal Hwy, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.8 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 4 RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 months ago REVIEW: Stop for drinks and food seats were open at bar we were told someone was sitting there we sat at table we were there for 40 minutes no one sat there we ordered food my husband was finished his when my came terrible I'm done with this place Camden Delaware RATING: 5 WHEN: a year ago REVIEW: you have an associate working the the gift shop (Thur night 8/15 under Cooter Browns) named Carly who was a great ambassador to your organization. 100% exceeded our expectations while we went back 3 times to get our purchase right. She was/is a superstar. RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 years ago REVIEW: I have ALWAYS Loved Grotto Pizza from the pizza and they're good from they're kitchens. Service is always top notch rather I dine in or take out. BUT.... I recently tried to place an order online and it literally have me I migraine. There are no options to add mayo or ketchup on a cheese steak. I thought there would be at least a special request box or something. Then I realized this maybe a new site for them and it just needs some adjustments. I hope that this is the case. I'm still going to order lunch a couple times a week or would just be a lot more convenient to be able to "Simply" place an order online! We love the legendary taste 😆 RATING: 5 WHEN: 4 years ago REVIEW: INDEX 65942 PLACE_ID: ChIJY8yX3jH9xokRti8nnbANt6g NAME: Pete's Pizza ADDRESS: 2625 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19802, USA OVERALL RATING: 2.9 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 397 RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: This place was very reliable 10 years ago. Sadly now the delivery drivers hardly speak English, can't find your address, and they don't give you a refund without a hassle. I gave them a second chance and they simply do not answer their phone. The pizza when it does come is sometimes cold. Very sad. I loved this place once. RATING: 3 WHEN: a week ago REVIEW: The food is excellent, but their delivery is very long. If you want to eat out for dinner, you better order 2 hours ahead of time, cause that's about how long it takes to get your food! And the food is not hot either. RATING: 1 WHEN: 2 months ago REVIEW: Awful experience. I placed a larger order that came with a soda for delivery. When the driver got here they could not find my home when I have large numbers on the door for starters. One of my bags were dropped. I had my son help me get the large order when we thought he grabbed the bag with the soda in it turns out when he opened the bag to get the soda it was a bottle.of wine instead. The accuracy of the order was horrible. They forgot my salad and I had to wait literally 45 minutes for them to bring it back out to me. The pizza didnt have the toppings I requested either. The staff made it seem like it was a problem for each of these issues I bought to their attention and was very unhelpful. My biggest issue was giving my 8 year old son what we thought to be a pepsi a bottle of yellow tail wine. RATING: 2 WHEN: 4 months ago REVIEW: This is my go to place for pizza but I’ve been finding myself going elsewhere lately. The food is normally good but the customer service is horrible. Tonight, I ordered and it took 2 hours for the food to be delivered (from a 45 min to an hour timeframe). I called to check on the status and the girl who picked up the phone was laughing while trying to say her “greeting” then she told me “the food is coming, I need you to give it a minute”. I asked her to repeat cause I just needed to make sure I heard her correctly. Yup...I did. It took the strength of Jesus for me not to say I already gave it 2 hours. When the food came it was cold and burnt. I’m not sure if I want to give Pete’s another try. RATING: 3 WHEN: 5 months ago REVIEW: Food was good but there was a long wait for take out and they weren't really that busy at the time. INDEX 66522 PLACE_ID: ChIJ2_OkKGm2uIkR47ebAHAbCLo NAME: 29 Baltimore Ave ADDRESS: 29 Baltimore Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 66522 No result INDEX 67369 PLACE_ID: EjIxNTA4IE4gRHVwb250IEh3eSwgV2lsbWluZ3RvbiBNYW5vciwgREUgMTk3MjAsIFVTQSIbEhkKFAoSCf2eJ05TAseJEQmkAaKOR0pfEOQL NAME: 1508 US-40 ADDRESS: 1508 US-40, Wilmington Manor, DE 19720, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 67369 No result INDEX 67866 PLACE_ID: ChIJwdJK1tP3uIkRRBGT4F4rTaA NAME: Laurel Pizzeria ADDRESS: 415 W Stein Hwy, Seaford, DE 19973, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 67866 No result 68250 No result 69433 No result INDEX 69454 PLACE_ID: ChIJ_WM9jF_9xokRZ1io3xK4W_I NAME: Taco House & Pizza ADDRESS: 1727 W 4th St, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA OVERALL RATING: None NUMBER OF RATINGS: None 69454 No result INDEX 69515 PLACE_ID: ChIJkYZbxgbDuIkRZ83j4_Zq0lc NAME: Grotto Pizza ADDRESS: 30201 Commerce Dr, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA OVERALL RATING: 3.6 NUMBER OF RATINGS: 23 RATING: 4 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Walked in around 8 PM last night and got sat right away! Got a Plain Pizza and a Small Cheese Fry. Pizza beat the fries out, but we know the place just opened and is trying to get it together. The place looks great, nice big Sports bar area, and a cool Backyard concept. This place is a great add to Millsboro, nice to finally have a nice sit-down/bar place in town. RATING: 1 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Ordered a pizza asked for it to be kept in longer and guess what? raw middle still.. then you walk in everyone's standing up at register, no mask being worn by customers sitting in lobby, or 6feet distance. They'll be the next hot spot. Threw the whole pizza way and ordered Chinese. RATING: 5 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Great place to eat! Enjoyed dining here, food was great and service was fast considering they recently opened. Would highly recommend! RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: We wanted to dine in here this afternoon and it was extremely busy. There is a very nice patio and fireplace that we looked at. We were put on the waitlist and when we were being walked to our table, we noticed there was absolutely no 6-feet of distance between tables. We cancelled and left. Wasted our time. RATING: 2 WHEN: 3 weeks ago REVIEW: Very nice, clean restaurant. However, no social distancing whatsoever. No COVID-19 regulations being incorporated. No mask enforcement. Very disappointed unprofessional as it is a state mandate.
# Examin the results
place_id | name | address | overall_rating | number_of_ratings | rating_1 | when_1 | review_1 | rating_2 | when_2 | review_2 | rating_3 | when_3 | review_3 | rating_4 | when_4 | review_4 | rating_5 | when_5 | review_5 | |
index | ||||||||||||||||||||
8 | ChIJdT1qxgPYuIkRh4l_TO64n4M | DeNovo's Trattoria | 11310 Manklin Creek Rd, Ocean Pines, MD 21811, USA | 4.3 | 410 | 4.0 | a month ago | Great food and large servings.\nWonderful atmosphere. Great service.\nThis place INCLUDES soup or salad with the main course. Prices on many items under $20..Their pizzas are incredible.\nFor a g... | 5.0 | a month ago | Hands down the best pizza we’ve had in 20 years!! Also, we are on vacation here and we learned they don’t normally deliver pizza to where we were staying. We weren’t aware of that, but they still ... | 5.0 | 3 weeks ago | I had their vegetarian po boy special and it was FANTASTIC!\n\nI’ve been eating at Denovos for years! The food has always been great!!As a vegetarian, I do appreciate them for having more than one... | 5.0 | 4 months ago | Great place to eat. Been here many times and always receive hot delicious food. Staff is very friendly and I always feel welcomed. We will definitely be back! | 5.0 | in the last week | I moved here from the DC area into a Seafood area. Didn't think i'd find a good Veggie Pizza restaurant. I can't believe just how amazing DeNovos Veggie Pizza have Broccoli. Artickoke, ... |
296 | ChIJ55QYEV8Ax4kRzs3UjjCAqsw | Troy Pizza & Family Restaurant | 2618 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 3.9 | 103 | 1.0 | a month ago | It’s an absolute shame because they make good food, but not one of their employees was wearing a mask when I walked in. Not in the kitchen, nor at the register.\n\nThe girl at the front desk gave... | 1.0 | 2 months ago | My order was wrong! The girl Briana claims she’s the manager when she’s not. I can’t even get the kids meal which is the same price as the chicken fingers. I wanted chicken fingers and fries no fr... | 5.0 | 6 months ago | Wow , I’ll ditch pats , seasons , dominos any day for this ! Best pizza I had in a while ! (Veggie lovers wont be disappointed) | 4.0 | 9 months ago | Has a variety of good choices, a little something for everyone. | 5.0 | 4 months ago | First time here, ordered mushroom cheese steak. Was ready in less then 10min. Price was fair cheese steak was solid Ill be back. |
805 | ChIJ1Vk7yfKpx4kR4cRfAFw6mnI | Nick & Joe's Pizza | 150 Pencader Plaza, Newark, DE 19713, USA | 4.0 | 132 | 3.0 | 3 months ago | Never eaten there but have heard great things about their food. Called to place an order...a woman answered saying "please hold" and immediately put me on hold without waiting for a response. Ok, ... | 5.0 | a month ago | Love their Pizza it's so good especially my favorite pizza the veggie pizza spinach and ricotta cheese with mozzarella cheese topping it's so delicious I recommend this place for everyone everythi... | 1.0 | 3 weeks ago | Rude counter staff. They do not follow the mask mandate. They need to be shut down until they can follow the rules and be courteous to their paying customers. | 5.0 | 2 weeks ago | I love nick and Joe's I've bin eating here since 1997 at the earliest. | 1.0 | 2 months ago | I always ordered chicken cheesesteaks from here because the dont use chunk chicken. I hate chunk chicken. Guess they changed cuz when i got home with my order it was chunk chicken. I also ordered ... |
874 | ChIJ_dbHQw3GuIkRZ3BUyFIl8ZA | Grotto Pizza | 26090 Shoppes at Long Neck Blvd #9061, Millsboro, DE 19966, USA | 4.2 | 564 | 4.0 | 2 weeks ago | The food is always consistent and tasty. But unless you are there in person, any requests are pretty much ignored. We order the same thing almost every week and this location never puts anchovi... | 5.0 | 2 months ago | Server was exceptional! Wings were fantastic. Pizza was good (but not GREAT). We will definitely return next time we are in the area. | 4.0 | 3 weeks ago | Grottos is my favorite pizza. They are expensive, and sometimes get details wrong on an order over the phone, so be very clear with them. Polite and friendly staff. | 5.0 | 2 months ago | Very good service. Friendly employees. Food was very good. This was the grandson enjoying his hot dog. | 1.0 | 3 weeks ago | Hostess and server were extremely rude and they keep changing menu and have no healthy options. Used to have vegetables to have instead of chips or fries and within 24hrs changed it. No more veg... |
1067 | ChIJYTmFUKrEuIkRSEUY3D5DUxA | Porto Pizza & Grill Restaurant | 33168 Main St, Dagsboro, DE 19939, USA | 4.4 | 677 | 4.0 | 2 weeks ago | Had the meatlovers pizza with ricotta cheese added. It was delicious and the thin crust was perfect. Will definitely stop by again. | 5.0 | 3 months ago | I frequent this superb place once a month since I like the ambiance that is unique to this restaurant. The staff is awfuly loving and experienced. The service is extraordinarily efficient. Not to ... | 5.0 | 2 months ago | This place provides great service and yummy food. The best restaurant ever. The drinks and food arrived quickly and the prices are inexpensive. Highly recommended. | 5.0 | a month ago | Fantastic as usual! Staff is great. Food is spectacular! We had lasagna and cheese ravioli. Soup and salad included and really good too. | 5.0 | a month ago | The carryout we received was great! So was the SERVICE! Usually busy during dinning hours so you may want to go earlier or later. We do. |
All right! We have our data!¶
We have 100 or so pizza joints to evaluate now.
# A simple ranking of top 10.
top10_df = pizza_place_reviews_df[["name", "address", "overall_rating", "number_of_ratings"]] \
.sort_values(by = ["overall_rating", "number_of_ratings"], ascending = False).head(10)
name | address | overall_rating | number_of_ratings | |
index | ||||
51607 | Delmar Pizza & Pasta | 38660 Sussex Hwy Unit 5, Delmar, DE 19940, USA | 4.7 | 1505 |
47655 | Mamma Gina Pizza | 100 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA | 4.7 | 293 |
19601 | Pomodoro Pizzeria | 101 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA | 4.7 | 239 |
26963 | Luigi's Cafe Pizza & Pasta | 723 Ace Memorial Dr, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA | 4.7 | 150 |
17067 | Pietro's Pizza | 2667 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.7 | 39 |
52448 | Franco's Pizza & Pasta | 1708 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901, USA | 4.6 | 628 |
22432 | Laurel Pizzeria | 417 N Central Ave, Laurel, DE 19956, USA | 4.6 | 615 |
4351 | Nic-O-Boli Pizza On the Avenue | 71 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA | 4.6 | 401 |
25780 | Andy's Pizza | 501 East Market St, Greenwood, DE 19950, USA | 4.6 | 256 |
25955 | Cacciatori Pizza & Pasta | 108 Louviers Dr, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.6 | 207 |
# Lets take a look at the actual reviews for the top 10 places.
top10_reviews_df = top10_df.merge(pizza_place_reviews_df[["review_1", "review_2", "review_3", \
"review_4", "review_5"]], how = 'inner', on = 'index')
name | address | overall_rating | number_of_ratings | review_1 | review_2 | review_3 | review_4 | review_5 | |
index | |||||||||
51607 | Delmar Pizza & Pasta | 38660 Sussex Hwy Unit 5, Delmar, DE 19940, USA | 4.7 | 1505 | The pizza is one of the best I’ve ever had. It had excellent crust and excellent sauce. The spaghetti and meatballs were very delicious and the Garlic Bread melts in your mouth. I love the Cajun s... | We love going here to enjoy the best food you can get. I love the ham and cheese sub. I also love their house salad and the dressing. I cannot be beat. Terri is the best waitress in the world. | I just tried the Balboa Sub lunch special today and IT WAS DELICIOUS!! The roast beef was very well seasoned (not overly) and the fried onions were sautéed to perfection! I will be returning. Grea... | No great | Off the charts great food, pizza don't get me started, lol I want one now!!! Great service, waitress named Terry was incredible, want her all the time. Awesome place to eat, for real. |
47655 | Mamma Gina Pizza | 100 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA | 4.7 | 293 | This place I delicious. Best pizza in town. Don't let them charge you higher with their pizzas, got charged 1.50 higher on a broccoli & ricotta pizza. It was cheaper to say " white pizza, broccol... | Great place always hot and fresh super friendly guys behind the counter same men sense I was a kid been going here 20+ years now. Reading some of these comments some people dont know what they are... | Great tomato pie love there pizza and staff is awesome never had a issue with the food 5 out of 5 | Great pizza!!! Go, You will enjoy yourself. GREAT | Good pizza, been going there for years. Nothing special, but always freshly made right in front of you. |
19601 | Pomodoro Pizzeria | 101 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA | 4.7 | 239 | Outstanding pizza. Ordered based on our host’s recommendation. Lived up to its reputation. Simple and absolutely delicious. | Delicious, fresh pizzas. They've just reopened for the 2021 season in mid-March. | Great pizza. I’m a native New Yorker and tough critic (and major pizza lover). This is the real deal! | The best pizza in delmarva! Staff is super friendly. | Excellent pizza! My husband and I stopped here after an hour-long bike ride and were famished. We each got 2 slices: he had pepperoni and sausage slices and I had tomato basil and mushroom slices... |
26963 | Luigi's Cafe Pizza & Pasta | 723 Ace Memorial Dr, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA | 4.7 | 150 | Awesome food . Just don't order any takeout around dinner on Fridays. At least 1 hr wait to pick up! Really rediculas! | Great food. Cheese Steak sandwiches filled with lots of real meat and a decent roll as the bread is just as important as the filling. First time we visited we had a calzone and a stromboli. Unless... | This place is ALWAYS packed! Lots of deliveries and the staff are awesome at being honest about wait times! THE FOOD = delicious! Variety of options, including gluten free pizza!\nLocation is anno... | Great pizza and cheesesteaks. My wife's favorite cannolis. | SO thankful to have such delicious Italian takeout close by!! The pizza, pasta, salads, apps - everything we've ordered from Luigi's has been so awesome. We are already regulars! |
17067 | Pietro's Pizza | 2667 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.7 | 39 | Ordered gander to go, had 2 of "every triangle has sides" pizza is great and beer from argilla is even better | Love Argillas at Pietro's. If you like food, good beer and fantastically friendly staff, this is the place for you. | Have Driven by this place so many times and I'm so happy we finally made it in. Great food and service. | Good pizza, tasty apps. Outdoor dining experience was great. Pete is the man! | Food was delicious and service was great |
52448 | Franco's Pizza & Pasta | 1708 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901, USA | 4.6 | 628 | To Sara (Sarah?), the one that was celebrating her Mom’s Birthday today (12 Dec), I want to thank you for buying my table’s lunch. Your appreciation didn’t go unnoticed, Marco was supposed to buy ... | Went there 3 days in a row for dinner. Owner, staff very friendly & personable. I rate them very highly on menu selections & super quality of prepared meals. Absolutely worth every penny. Nothing ... | Very good, authentic Italian food. Great server. Decent prices. Comfortable environment. On the negative side restrooms were not particularly clean and were out of paper towels. | I love this place. If you are looking for Italian food that will keep you filled for hours, not to mention hot and delicious then this is the place for you. Each meal is served with bread and and ... | Delicious local pizza place. Placed an order online and it was ready to go when I arrived. Good variety choice if you want something other then pizza. Located across from the McDonald's and shares... |
22432 | Laurel Pizzeria | 417 N Central Ave, Laurel, DE 19956, USA | 4.6 | 615 | I've been coming here for years buying cheese steaks. I came in about a week ago and the cheese steak had different seasoning than usual. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was strange. (May... | Just paid $9 for 3 meatballs, a little sauce, cheese, and bread. Was gonna split this with my adult son. Hard to tell a grown man one and a half meatballs is dinner. That's their large. Lol! | Don't like the fact that they still have social distance tables, but the service and food were great | Best pizza place in Sussex County Delaware. Best crab cakes on the Delmarva peninsula! | FOOD ALWAYS GOOD NEVER HAD BAD MEAL, AND WHAT STAFF MEMBERS I'VE HAVE DEALT WITH ALL HAVE BEEN NICE. 😎 |
4351 | Nic-O-Boli Pizza On the Avenue | 71 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA | 4.6 | 401 | Pizza is amazing | I've been going to Nicola's for years! My father grew up going to Nicola's as well. This family-owned restaurant is truly a Delaware icon. If you haven't had the opportunity to stop by for a meal,... | My family and friends went there this evening to the rehoboth Avenue restaurant. My friend got her dinner with hair in it. The drinks were horrible. They spoke to the condescending manager about... | I love the late night walk up window where you can get a slice after bar hopping before you you back to your hotel for a good night sleep. Delicious pizza that always satiates the craving. | Really good Italian and great pizza in a relaxed setting. Great for families. The bar has beer, wine and really well done cocktails. |
25780 | Andy's Pizza | 501 East Market St, Greenwood, DE 19950, USA | 4.6 | 256 | Good pizza, good service. | Really good food | Its definitely good!!! I would recommended to all. By the way 5 starts outweigh the 1 start reviews.\n\nPizza, Chicken Parmigiana Sub, and Ricotta & Mozzarella Calzone. My favorite.. | Great pizza and big! Our large pizza barely fit in the box!! | So good. Nothing wrong here. It's all good pizza and friendly service |
25955 | Cacciatori Pizza & Pasta | 108 Louviers Dr, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.6 | 207 | We just purchased a home nearby and when you find something that exceeds your expectations you stop looking. I cannot compare to other pizza places nearby but I have eaten pizza in numerus places ... | The best pizzeria in the world! My personal favorite is the pepperoni, but my family also rotates through the grandma, Buffalo chicken, and white pizzas. The Stromboli rolls are really good too an... | Absolutely phenomenal food. Everything was very rich and packed full of flavor and you get a lot as well. I have to say that even when reheated it was still amazing. And the service was incredibly... | Best pizza and lunch specials!!! We moved to AZ for 3 years and this is the first place we went to after moving back!! | It’s the best pizza around and so many other good dishes to try. The eggplant rollatini and chicken francese are family favorites as are the Italian sub and cheese steak. But you have to try the ... |
# As a further tie-breaker, let's count the number of reviews where "pizza" is mentioned for
# each of the top 10 places
# Initalize a dataframe with the column names I'll be using.
final_comparison_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['index', 'name', 'address', \
'overall_rating', 'number_of_ratings', \
pizza_mentioned = 0
for index, row in top10_reviews_df.iterrows():
for i in range(5): # 5 review columns
colname = "review_" + str(i + 1)
if "pizza" in str(row[colname]):
pizza_mentioned += 1
# Add results to final comparison dataframe
name = row['name']
address = row['address']
overall_rating = row['overall_rating']
number_of_ratings = row['number_of_ratings']
final_comparison_df = final_comparison_df.append({'index' : index, \
'name' : name, 'address' : address, \
'overall_rating' : overall_rating, \
'number_of_ratings' : number_of_ratings, \
'times_pizza_mentioned' : pizza_mentioned}, ignore_index = True)
pizza_mentioned = 0
# Convert the dataframe "index" column into an actual index
final_comparison_df.set_index("index", inplace = True)
# Lets take another look at the top 10.
name | address | overall_rating | number_of_ratings | times_pizza_mentioned | |
index | |||||
51607 | Delmar Pizza & Pasta | 38660 Sussex Hwy Unit 5, Delmar, DE 19940, USA | 4.7 | 1505 | 2 |
47655 | Mamma Gina Pizza | 100 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA | 4.7 | 293 | 5 |
19601 | Pomodoro Pizzeria | 101 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA | 4.7 | 239 | 5 |
26963 | Luigi's Cafe Pizza & Pasta | 723 Ace Memorial Dr, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA | 4.7 | 150 | 3 |
17067 | Pietro's Pizza | 2667 Kirkwood Hwy, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.7 | 39 | 2 |
52448 | Franco's Pizza & Pasta | 1708 E Lebanon Rd, Dover, DE 19901, USA | 4.6 | 628 | 1 |
22432 | Laurel Pizzeria | 417 N Central Ave, Laurel, DE 19956, USA | 4.6 | 615 | 1 |
4351 | Nic-O-Boli Pizza On the Avenue | 71 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, USA | 4.6 | 401 | 2 |
25780 | Andy's Pizza | 501 East Market St, Greenwood, DE 19950, USA | 4.6 | 256 | 3 |
25955 | Cacciatori Pizza & Pasta | 108 Louviers Dr, Newark, DE 19711, USA | 4.6 | 207 | 4 |
Mamma Gina Pizza and Pomodoro Pizzeria have the best combination of high overall rating, number of ratings and number of times pizza is mentioned in the five reviews Google provided. (I "cheated" a little here. I manually looked to see if the sentiments about pizza were positive in their reviews. Using data science to evaluate sentiment programmatically would be a topic for another project.)
It's a toss-up about which of the two I should check out first, so let's see which one is closer.
Here are the coordinates for the two locations...
tossup_df = pizza_place_id_df.loc[[47655, 19601]].merge(final_comparison_df[["name","address"]], \
how = 'inner', on = 'index')
place_id | latitude | longitude | name | address | |
index | |||||
47655 | ChIJPyrEiewDx4kRWdEayrpwmGM | 39.666232 | -75.600132 | Mamma Gina Pizza | 100 N Dupont Hwy, New Castle, DE 19720, USA |
19601 | ChIJZfUVS-HNuIkRQXYNZUksYdw | 38.538760 | -75.055385 | Pomodoro Pizzeria | 101 Garfield Pkwy, Bethany Beach, DE 19930, USA |
And my home base... 39.455671,-75.6812729 (and don't bother, it's not my real address :-)
# Calculate and display the distances from home base using the haversine function...
# Haversine takes into account the spherical shape of the Earth and the fact that the number of miles
# per degree changes continuously as you transit over the globe. That effect is not huge in this case.
homebase = (39.455671, -75.6812729)
# Loop through pizza place locations
for index, row in tossup_df.iterrows():
pizza_location = tuple([row['latitude'], row['longitude']])
print("Distance to", row['name'], ":", \
round(haversine(homebase, pizza_location, unit=Unit.MILES),1), "miles")
Distance to Mamma Gina Pizza : 15.2 miles Distance to Pomodoro Pizzeria : 71.7 miles
So there you have it! A scientifically derived conclusion about where I should plan my next lunch outing. Mamma Gina it shall be! Wish me luck!